Study the unexpected. Take the weird courses.
Be the one who has ‘the special skill’.
Most Brazilians didn’t know English in the sixties. Astrud knew some English and made it big.
Don’t be afraid of ridicule. They all laughed at Christopher Columbus…
Don’t be afraid to bark.
My friend Steve Greenberg did, big time.
It’s not enough to identify your demons, your worries, your inadequacies. It’s not enough to acknowledge their existence. You need to Recruit your demons. Get them to work for you.
What Django did with two fingers, we can’t do with twenty.
Create your own fate. From Wikipedia on Perry Como:
Carlone invited anyone who thought he might have talent to come up and sing with his band. Young Como was terrified, but his friends urged him and pushed him onto the stage. Carlone was so impressed with Como’s performance that he immediately offered him a job.[32]
The young man was not certain if he should accept the offer Freddy Carlone had made, so he returned to Canonsburg to talk the matter over with his father. Perry expected his father would tell him to stay in the barber business, but to his surprise, the senior Como told him if he did not take the opportunity, he might never know whether or not he could be a professional singer.
Innovation means doing things the same, but different.
Sometimes all you need to do is add a little ‘twist’.
But being first doesn’t mean you’ll get the credit. But you’ll still have the satisfaction.
Chubby didn’t write the song. Hank Ballard did.
Be ready when the opportunity comes knocking.
Little Eva was Carole King’s household helper. But boy, could she sing.
Being ready, though, may not be enough. Sometimes you have to chase luck and make opportunity happen. Or be what I call a ‘luck burglar’.
Al Kooper went over to the organ uninvited and riffed his way into Dylan’s career.
A little humor can go a long way in life.
Tiny Tim made a top hit by singing a classical popular tune in a non-classical manner.
George Martin agreed to take on the Beatles mainly because of their humour, rather than their music.
Nonsense works too.
Songs with nonsense and gibberish are also very popular.
Have you ever wondered why we still love Alice in Wonderland after over 160 years!
Never give up.
You never know when and where you’re gonna make it big. Sugar Man didn’t.
Keep it Simple, S…..
Simple songs can also work.
Tell a good story that touches people’s hearts. It works in life, as it does in music.
Believe. Believe in something. Be an optimist today and a pessimist tomorrow. Don’t give up.
Cynicism is contagious.
So is smiling.
Your choice.
You know mine!
Published: Dec 16, 2021
Latest Revision: Mar 5, 2024
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