Nowadays breast cancer is the most common cancer among women in the world and in Israel.
Most people don’t know but men can also suffer from breast cancer at a lower percentage than women but it is possible.
This is a story about a strong woman Natalie who accidentally found out that something is wrong.
It all started on Monday, October 2020, Natalie went as usual to the gym and after the gym, she took a shower before she got home.

In the shower, while Natalie washed her body she felt something strange at the side of her breast. She got panicked and went to ‘doctor google’ to try to understand what she has.
Natalie start reading and all the symptoms showed she has cancer.
The next morning she went to a real doctor and they sent her to do mammography – the second check you do after you feel something.
Unfortunately, the mammography showed that something is wrong.

The next step for Natalie was to do a biopsy.
After 2 weeks the results of the biopsy came back and the doctor called her to come to his clinic.
Natalie went to the doctor and when she entered the doctor’s office he told her ‘you have cancer’ even before he said hello.
She was in shock!
How someone can be such heartless when you tell a person probably the worst thing he can hear in his life.
Natalie started to cry but the doctor kept talking like nothing happened. He told her the second worst thing she heard, the treatment she need to do is chemotherapy.
All the women are afraid of chemo because of hair loss.
Hair is a symbol of femininity and when a woman is bald everyone understands that she has cancer.
The doctor told her that her tumor is very small about 2.5 cm and Natalie decided that she want to hear another opinion.
On Friday she called Asuta hospital and a secretary of a breast surgeon answered her and gave her number to the doctor. After 3 hours the doctor called Natalie and asked her to send all the documents. He said to her that she can do surgery to get out the tumor and maybe avoid chemotherapy.

In two weeks Natalie was after the surgery and the doctor send the tumor to the USA to determine the kind of tumor.
Natalie was sure that it is behind her but after one month when the results came, the doctor told Natalie that her cancer is hormonal and she has a 40% chance that the cancer will be back in 5 years and it can be anywhere in her body.
He also recommended her to do chemotherapy.
Natalie was very sad but her family has supported her and her older daughter took her to the treatments and also thought about leaving her study just to be with her.
I forgot to tell you, but Natalie is my MOTHER.
Now, after all the treatments she is healthy but cancer is always can knock on our door.
All women need to check their breasts because cancer is not waiting for you to turn 50 years old.

Published: Apr 2, 2022
Latest Revision: Apr 2, 2022
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