Two questions were identified regarding the October event of our project, “Digital Rules, Rights, Our Responsibilities”; What does netiquette mean? and Name 2 security rules that we should follow in social environments on the internet? Each team asked 3 people around them and received answers. An attempt was made to raise awareness on the subject with the answers given by the people.You can watch the videos prepared by our teams in the project by following the pages. Enjoy
İlknur KURNAZ/Batıkent Şevket Evliyagil Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School/Ankara
Nigar Memmedova/Sheki, Bash Zayzid kand tam orta mekteb/Azerbaijjan
Romina Marchesani/IIS”Acciaiuoli-Einaudi” di Ortona/ İtaly
Ina Barbalat/Centrul de Excelenta in Transporturi/Republic of Moldova
Alina Ileana Traian/Technical College Costin D. Nenitescu Piteşti/Romania
Maria Carmen Matulescu/Liceul Teoretic Virgil Ierunca/Romania
Teresa Moita/Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. Ginestal Machado, Santarem/Portugal
Levent YÜKSEL/Kurttepe Şehit Ali Öztaş Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School/Adana
Solmaz ÇAKMAK GÖKHAN/Başöğretmen Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School/İzmit
Şadiye Esra Anaz /Şehit Karayılan Vocational and Technical High School Gaziantep
Bengisu SERİN/Muş Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School/Muş
Seçil YOZGAT/İbn-i Sina Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School/Aydın
Aslı KEKİLLİ \ Ceyhan Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School/Adana

As our secure digital traces project team, we would like to thank you for reviewing our book and watching the videos prepared by our students….
Published: Oct 14, 2023
Latest Revision: Oct 30, 2023
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1504543
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