Stiles falls in love with a girl he sees every day on the subway. Allison didn’t care about the guy. Several years have passed. Stiles and Allison met at work and feelings flared up between them.
Our idioms :
1. To see eye to eye
2. To be an apple of someone’s eye
3. To turn a blind eye on
4. To catch someone’s eye
5. To keep an eye on the ball
Allison and Stiles first met on the subway. She was a student; he had just started working. It was rushing hour, and they were both standing up. He looked down at her and noticed that she had beautiful eyes. But when he tried to talk to her, she didn’t seem interested. They didn’t see eye to eye on anything, but he couldn’t get her out of his head. She was the apple of his eye. He would catch sight of her on the subway from time to time, but she always turned a blind eye on him. After a while, he stopped trying to talk to her.
Several years later, he saw her again. This time, it was in a meeting at work. He was surprised that she had joined the company. She was now his boss’s boss. She was very confident and seemed to know what she was doing. She definitely knew how to keep her eye on the ball. He found himself falling in love with her all over again. One day, they were the last two people left in the office. She was sitting at her desk, looking at some papers. He took a deep breath and walked over to her. “You probably don’t remember me,” he said. “But we used to take the subway together.” She looked up at him and smiled. “Of course I remember you. You’re the guy who tried to pick me up on the subway. What do you want?” He didn’t know what to say. Then, he heard himself saying, “I want to take you out for dinner.” To his surprise, she said yes. They went out for dinner, and they talked and laughed all night. They discovered that they actually had a lot in common. A year later, they got married. Now, they’re living happily ever after.
1. How is Stiles’ meeting with Allison on the subway described?
2. Did Allison remember Stiles when they met again?
3. How can we describe their date?
4. What Stiles like the most about Allison?
5. Why did Allison avoid and not communicate with Stiles?
6. Can we say the subway was the starting point of a new romantic story?
7. How did the story end? Is that happy?

Task 1. Match the idioms to their meanings.
1. To see eye to eye
2. To be an apple of someone’s eye
3. To turn a blind eye on
4. To catch someone’s eye
5. To keep an eye on the ball
a. To get someone’s attention
b. To be loved and treasured by someone
c. To stay focused on the task at hand
d. To ignore something intentionally
c. To agree; to share the same position or opinion (as someone else)
Task 2. Fill in the missing idioms in the sentences.
We don’t always __________, but we still respect each other’s opinions.
I graduated in just three years because I was able to __________ and prioritize my studies above all else.
My daughter is __________, she makes me so proud.
The teacher __________ the student’s cheating behavior.
She _____ his _____ and smiled at him across the crowded room.

Published: Nov 20, 2023
Latest Revision: Nov 20, 2023
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1518117
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