Listen to three cabin crew members, Paola, Tom and Jenny, introducing themselves to each other. The cabin crew are meeting just before the pre-flight briefing. Answer the questions. 1 Where is the flight going to? 2 What does Paola say to introduce herself to Tom? 3 What is Tom’s reply? 4 Jenny is not sure of Tom’s name. What is her question? 5 Have Jenny and Paola met before? 6 When does the briefing start?
What is the name of the purser? 2 Where will Katrin be working on the flight? 3 Where will Leila be in charge? 4 Why is this flight special for Jutta? 5 Who will Jutta be working with? 6 Where will Leila be positioned?
Published: Dec 7, 2023
Latest Revision: Dec 7, 2023
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1524239
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