In order to live a wonderful life must be good of our health
In order to be in good health, you have to follow the following steps:
1-Quit smoking :once and not a secret that smoking is harmful to health and the health of the smoker around it, it does not hurt just the same, but it hurts other people can be people closest to him

2-Healthy eating: eating healthy, such as fruits and vegetables and avoid Junk food
3-breakfast:Morning breakfast is very important for everyone, especially for the class with the disease anemia
4-Exercises:There is a close relationship between attendance Exercise and good health it is preventing you a lot of us for diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure and cardiovascular disease, even some of the diseases that affect the brain as they prevent your body from gaining excess weight and help you relax and good sleep after a long day of hard work for even for 10 minutes a day.
5-Drink plenty of water:The amount of water consumed each day play an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Experts recommend drinking eight to 10 glasses of water every day to maintain good health. Moreover, the Institute of Medicine has set amount that must be drinks a day to be about three liters or 13 cups for men and 2.2 liters or nine cups for women. Water helps keep the body hydrated dramatically, which is necessary because almost every cell in the body need water to function properly
Sleep more than 6 hours:
Sleep less than six hours a night expose you to cerebral strokes
The risk of stroke increases when you from sleeping for less than six hours a night .. and that’s what his grandfather, US researchers in a recent study.
The Web site, “Top News” that the researchers at the University, “Warrick” and found that the risk of strokes increases when the middle-aged who do not take adequate portion of sleep.
They also found that 9 hours of sleep a night, at least less susceptible to these strokes of those who slept less than 6 hours.
The study included five thousand, over 3 years, average age 45 years reached.
It was noted that sleeping less than six hours a night appear to have symptoms of dizziness and weakness of view and increased heart and the weakness of the body.
The researcher responsible for the study, Virginia Howard, said: “a lot of people may suffer these symptoms, do not see it as a precedent for stroke,” and may not tell their doctor.
She added that “sleep habits can aggravate these symptoms, which is the world they make people at risk of unusual stroke”
shaymaa salamah
Under the supervision of teacher: Eman Sidqi

Published: Nov 17, 2016
Latest Revision: Nov 19, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-197425
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