- The concept of rights
- The concept of human rights
- Basic rights
- Can Dundar – Human rights short film
- Koray Sogut – Awarded short film
- Social Studies – Drama Lesson Plan Template
- Rudiments
- Build-up
- Evaluation
- Sources

Right is the authority of doing something. The individual is free to do or not do this. That means he is free to use or not use his right. The violation of some rights is called to be an ethical disrespect. Meanwhile some rights are being covered by the laws.
Everyone has the right to live, protect and develop his/her material and spiritual assets. (T.R Constitution. Article: 17)

Human rights are called the ones which are possessed by all humans. In the root of all this stands the fact that humans are a valuable being.
- Humans are equal since they’re born, but they don’t carry this till the end. (Montesquieu)
- The noble human, keeps the right and justice above everything else. (Confucius)

In our constitution the basic rights and freedom are separated in 3 groups:
- Human rights and freedom
- Social and Economical rights and obligations
- Political rights and obligations

Sanal İnsan Hakları | Virtual Human Rights (Koray Söğüt | 2013) – Ödüllü Kısa Film /Awarded short film by Koray Söğüt
Lesson: Social Studies
Class: 4
Duration: 40 + 40 Minutes
Theme/Chapter Name: Knowing Myself
Field of Study: Individual and Society
Outcomes: Learning that feelings and thoughts relate to each other and expressing feeling and thoughts in different situations.
Strategies and Techniques: Drama Technique, Improvisation, Acting roles, Hot chair, Changing roles technique.
Concepts : Right, Empathy, Feeling andThought
Targeted values: Love, respect, tolerance, self-confidence
First-hand given skills: The use of body language, The use of drama techniques, Thinking independently
Tools and Supplies: chair, table, paper, pencil, paints, music, Joseph Haydn symphony no.94 surprise.
Sources: Üstündağ, T. Pegem A Yayıncılık, Yaratıcı Drama Öğretmenimin Günlüğü. (2006) Ankara.
- Students are given paper, pencil and paints.
- They are asked to draw anything they like on the papers. Food, drink, animal, toy, cloth, bicycle or anything else they would like to they can draw. They’re free to draw whatever they want.
- Meanwhile on the background a relaxing music will be played. (Joseph Haydn symphony no.94 surprise).
- After the drawing the children are split into 2 groups.
- All the children share their drawings with their friends on the same group.
- Starting from the 1st group and then to the 2nd group the kids are asked to come in front of their own groups and one by one they will interpret silently what they see on the papers.
- The children who are sitting try to find what their friends are interpreting.

The story written below will be read to the kids.
“Sevgi works as a clerk in a boutique. For a long time she hasn’t received any raise. Because she’s a shy person she has not been able to ask for a raise in her payment. Her boss has took advantage because of her shyness. Sevgi thinks because is her right to ask for a raise then she decides that the time has come to go and talk. Moreover for some days she has been working overtime and has been receiving less money. Her boss doesn’t behave equally with his personnel. Because Sevgi thinks that all rights and freedom are being restricted she decides to go to her boss’s office. Nevertheless Sevgi is one of the best workers. Sevgi goes in and starts talking to her boss.”

- All the children split in groups of 2. One of the kids is Sevgi the other her boss. They are asked to act according to what they heard from the story and to bring it into completion either positive or negative.
- Groups of 2 start acting one by one in front of the class.

- After all the groups finish acting then they’re asked to change roles and act again from the beginning. This time the goal is the kids being able to establish empathy.
- Groups of 2 start acting one by one in front of the class.
After the acting part is completely over then all those who played the role of Sevgi and her boss are asked to sit in the hot chair. They’re all asked questions based on the characters, values judgments, relationships, pleasures, positive and negative features, hobbies and attitudes. It is made sure that they discover the character themselves.

- In the end of the drama activity the children are being asked the questions below:
- Which ones were in which roles?
- What did you feel while playing the roles you were given?
- In real life if you were to be in Sevgi’s place what would you do?
- Were there any point where you think Sevgi’s boss is right? Why?
- What kind of difficulties does it bring not expressing the feelings and thoughts?
- Based on the acting what kind of rights do you think people have?
- What do you think people who are being restricted from their rights have to do?

- Üstündağ, T. Pegem A Yayıncılık, Yaratıcı Drama Öğretmenimin Günlüğü. Ankara, 2006.
- http://tr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C4%B0nsan_haklar%C4%B1
- http://www.ozalp.k12.tr/ilkokul-kazanimlar/134-sosyal-bilgiler-kazanimlar.html
- http://www.aktifdrama.com/drama-drama-teknikleri
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ucP3mYBhbB4
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqJxKQo4QA4
- http://vimeo.com/95303227
- https://www.nkfu.com/insan-haklari-ile-ilgili-resimler/7/
- http://www.kadimdostlar.com/Genel_Kultur_Konulari_ve_Genel_
Published: Feb 24, 2015
Latest Revision: Feb 25, 2015
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