The Project aims to develop a course of education centred on the improvement of basic skills and training, aimed at the knowledge, study in depth and enhancement, in Europe, of a specific local food product, a traditional one with reference to the territory of individual schools.
The project activities will be aimed at:
– Improving the basic skills of students in the Language skills, in Science, Mathematics and digital skills
– Self-directing the students with little motivation to study and with some difficulty in recognizing their skills from which to draw then a right choice for the future; helping them overcome the discomfort in not understanding the reason why they study.
– Developing themes present in school curricula with interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approaches, integrating teaching with practical workshops based on specific contexts and real problems
– Improving the knowledge of one’s own territory through collaboration with external stakeholders
– Directing their attention to know the work in the context of local food chains in the EU;
– Strengthening the awareness of the role that environmental, scientific and cultural components can have in the enhancement and competitiveness of food products;
– Contributing to the creation and strengthening of European networks based on greater mutual knowledge of the different identities , agricultural traditions and local food.
The route will be structured through specific action steps:
1) identification and knowledge of local food product;
2) research and analysis of the components of cultural, scientific, environmental and economic issues related to the food product chosen;
3) creation of a promotional campaign that will find its conclusion in the event of European quality food “I eat a masterpiece”, where individual schools present and promote their local food products.
Interview with Associate Professor Mihov, Dean of the Faculty of Viticulture, Agrarian University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Associate Professor Mihov says that such projects create a higher and lasting interest in the agricultural professions.
In fact, he shares the increased admissions of students at the faculty he leads.
Commentary by Emil Terziyski, Headmaster of Zemedelska Profesionalna Gimnazia, Sandanski, Bulgaria:
The project “Green Skills for Social Agriculture” we are working on together with several European countries, is helping us to form green culture awareness among young people, including us as a vocational agricultural school, which I think makes us most helpful in this part of the project. By the time the final project meeting in May will take place in Bulgaria, I think the students will have already acquired some significant skills to use in the sphere of agriculture.
This particular project has already shown its impact in our region. People who are involved in the process, speaking about wine-growing branches, managers, wine cellar managers, have really supported us during the whole project. And as the result of our mutual work we are going to begin dual training in the profession “Wine-making”. I find that very useful, up-to-date and I think we going to make it.
I want to thank that all parts concerned about it as well as to all participants in the project.
Commentary by Dina Kirilova, the project coordinator :
The students and teachers have been working on the project together for two years and I am sure everyone is impressed and very happy.
Each partner researched one local and traditional food production. We learned more about the partners’ selected food.
This increases the identity values of our own countries and impacted the building of a strong European family.
The activities created in the project were directed to increase the knowledge of agriculture, different kinds of food and professions in that connection.
This is important for the European strategy of sustainable growth, because of the reference to the Future and career development of young people.
I will never forget the wonderful moments of our partnership and the people who I’ve been working with for all these years.
Manager and Chief Enologist at Medi Valley Winery, father of Lili Stoeva:
By the participation of students and teachers in the project “Green Skills for Social Agriculture”,the school can change the attitude of young people towards the agricultural work and create a lasting interest in it In addition, the work in the project can reduce the aggression among students,can motivate them to learn, and prepare them for the future.
Definitely. similar projects are exactly what teaches young people to love the Earth and its fruits. They develop skills or at least inform about the professions in a certain sphere. (I have already introduced to you the job descriptions of the workers in our sphere, haven’t I?) The first step to succeeding in each profession is to create not only positive but most of all special attitude towards it. Students will understand better the benefit of natural food when they gain more direct experience with grape and wine.
The project includes students and teachers from other countries – Italy, Hungary, Spain, Greece, and Romania. This is more than exciting and gives the opportunity to meet other cultures, customs, habits, and encourage to learn a foreign language.
Hristina Galabova – Deputy Director of Vocational Education in Zemedelska gimnazia, Sandanski, Bulgaria
The project has helped students’ motivation to start loving the earth, to have care of it and to show some real interest not only on theory but also on a practical level. They have started enjoying to look after the vineyard – pruning, picking, making wine.
The activities of the project have attracted and motivated them, and due to this, after a few gap years for the school discipline – “Wine-making”, we are going to have it back on a school schedule for our students as a dual form of training, where we are going to focus more on building practical skills. Something which is a really good thing to do.
Ivelina Vladimirova – young English teacher talked about the project 🙂
Hello, I am a young English teacher and I am glad that at the very beginning of my pedagogical practice I was able to participate in an Erasmus project. The fact that the main theme of the project is about natural foods, the way how they are cultivated, and the social policy has proved me with a great opportunity to integrate it in my English lamguage clases. Meeting with colleagues from other schools has made me to adapt more quickly to the profession. I shared the experience with teachers from Spain, Italy, Hungary, Romania and do not forget the teachers from our neighbour – Greece. I believe that these contacts created during our joint work will continue in the future. I have a lot to learn and this is important for me. It is one thing to know how important language learning is, and another is to show it to your students by giving them the opportunity to communicate with peers face to face.
Mr. Popovchev, Ioana’s father:
Hello, I am very pleased to be part of the project Green skills for socially agriculture as a parent of Joana. I’m happy with the fact that she is an active participant in this project and she develops and enriches her knowledge of green farming. She works together with children from other countries. This is more than wonderful!
This provokes not only her curiosity, but also our. We live in a village, we grow fruits and vegetables for our own consumption. I think it is important for the children of the town to know more about farming, to know the animals. It is funny a child can’t make difference between donkey and sheep and not only that. It is good for young people to know where the “bread” comes from, what is healthy and unhealthy foods. This project allows this.
.My daughter is glad that she had the possibility to pick up oranges of tree, she was in a natural reserve of rich natural diversity. She felt the hospitality, emotion and temperament of the Spanish people. And I am really happy that I will be able to show our hospitality to one of the participants during his staying in Bulgaria, in May.
And I’ll finish with the words “Welcome to Bulgaria” where the food is natural and delicious.
Radi’s mother talked about the project:
Hello, I am Radi’s mother and I am very pleased that my daughter had the chance to participate in this project, to travel and to comunicate with other students from different countries. I wanted to participate when I was a student, but then there was no such opportunity.
On the other hand, I am glad that I will be able to be a host parent / even for a week / of Spanish child. I am excited about how we will overcome the language barrier.
Language is important, but I realize how important it is for our children to know better the qualities of food, to be able to eat in a balanced way, to know the food market and to pay attention to how they are produced.
This project enables all this to happen..
About that I consider that participation in such projects has a great impact for young people – they are more motivates professionally, they develops their language competences and enriches them . I finish by saying “Thanks” to the project team and I wish many more similar ones.
Diana Dikova, Teacher of Food Technology and Tourism talked about the project:
Hello, For me and for the students involved, it was a great pleasure and a challenge to work on a project, where all the participants had the opportunity to explore food and beverages, which was both interesting and educational for them. Working on projects that include travel to other countries gives us the chance to connect with and better understand different cultures, improve language competence and create new friendships. Thank you!
The owner of Villa Melnik, Nikola Zikatanov, talks about the project:
And other – The winery is accessible to people in wheelchairs or who walk with difficulty!!!

Militsa Zikatanova – Marketing / Sales in Villa Melnik
Nicola Zikatanov and Emil Terziyski talk about the project
Published: Feb 8, 2018
Latest Revision: Dec 30, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-427111
Copyright © 2018
Hi Dina! We’re so delighted that you’re using the Ourboox platform!! Great project!!
Thank you, Mr Mel Rosenberg! Your platform is wonderful!!! I will promote its in Bulgaria 🙂