Don’t worry about your camel having a temperature (remind me to teach you how to take it, though). Their body temperature can fluctuate from the low thirties (Celsius) to over forty degrees.

Camels pee syrup and poo very dry dung. This is also normal. You can burn the poo in your fireplace or as a conversation fece at a marshmallow bonfire. How’s that for conservation?

Get along with your camel. They live for up to fifty years, have stronger legs than you, and a great memory to boot.

If your camel has one hump, don’t worry. It’s a dromedary. Two humps? That’s ok. More than two humps? Perhaps it’s another animal.

If your camel is a male and it has a sit down with a female, they are not talking politics. Expect a baby. But be patient. It takes 15 months. Oh, and baby camels are called calves, not camelias.

Contrary to public opinion, camels do not smoke cigarettes.

If your camel is fed up with the life in the Middle East and is talking about emigrating to Canada, perhaps it hasn’t heard of snow.

Do not feed sugar cubes to your camel. It may start to neigh.

If your camel has insomnia, read it a book by George Mikes.

The mouth of your camel has a thick leathery lining. Do not worry. The mouths of most politicans are like that.

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Published: Mar 11, 2018
Latest Revision: Mar 12, 2018
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