The Meaning and Purpose of the Tree in the Web of Ecology (Life)
Introduction and Background
Human uses of trees- Science, Discovery and Dispersion
Animal uses of trees- Diversity and Camouflage
Insect uses of trees- Hunting and Trapping
Earth uses of trees- Renewal and Restoration
History of Trees
Origins- The Garden; DNA mutation to elevate; The dominion; The diversity
Cycles- Long-lived; season recognition
Diseases, Parasites and Healing- All associated with this life form;
Disruptions, Extinctions and Dispersions- Fire and Ice; Climate change; the coming of animals; the coming of man;
Future Significance
Mythology- Fables, Folktales, and Fantasy
Resurrection and Intelligence- Spiritual roots
Advanced Citations and References:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9fDChTZ59s (Preview)
(Show link)
The Origin of Species (New – Tree of life)
Turgay Kizilkoca
Charles Darwin (1859) also produced one of the first illustrations and crucially popularized the notion of an evolutionary “tree” in his seminal book The Origin of Species. Over a century later, evolutionary biologists still use tree diagrams to depict evolution because such diagrams effectively convey the concept that speciation occurs through the adaptive and random splitting of lineages. Over time, species classification has become less static and more dynamic.
Australia ghost gum trees in Alice Springs ‘arson attack’
Two ghost gum trees made famous by the work of Australian aboriginal artist Albert Namatjira have been found burnt.
Officials in the town of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory say they believe the fire was started deliberately.
The trees had been due to be added to a national heritage register.
The trees are regarded as living spirits in indigenous culture and feature in many of Namatjira’s watercolour paintings.
Officials say that work had recently been carried out to protect the trees from fire and to allow moisture to get to their roots.
The Northern Territory’s Minister for Indigenous Advancement Alison Anderson called the discovery “really, really sad”.
“It’s the two trees that brought this man to prominence and brought the Northern Territory and Central Australia to prominence and put us on the world map,” Ms Anderson said.
Art writer Susan McCulloch told the Sydney Morning Herald that the destruction of the trees was “appalling and a tragic act of cultural vandalism”.
Namatjira died in 1959 having earned widespread acclaim for his vivid landscape paintings of the central Australian desert.
Namatjira was a traditional custodian of the lands of the Arrernte people around Alice Springs.
This book series is written for young adults (ages 12-20). It has particular resonance for a small Hebrew Israelite community living in Israel today, but the intended audience is global. A question presented by educators today is: “How do I capture the imagination of children”. As such, this draft of a series includes interactive multimedia (dvds, jigsaw puzzles, cds, graphic artwork, and photos) for each book. Web pages cited may be used as reference support material to encourage deeper research for advanced student projects. The idea is to create a total experience for the reader as an immersion in ecology, botany, cross-cultural meanings, environmental sciences, history, archeology and anthropology…a vision of the whole of life.
The Prequel to “The Origin and Meaning of Trees”
Yo…I am the son of a very smart father who works for the Smithsonian Museum as an archaeologist, married to my very smart mother who is a biologist at NIH and…yeah, they’re real bourgie. But my grandfather, now he’s the real deal. I mean he’s gone places and done some stuff when black folks were up against it, know what I mean? Look, he was an officer in the military during Korea and went all over Asia. Then he went college to get his masters in Education! No body did that in those days. He studies everything and speaks three languages. He’s the one teaching me chess, and it’s not just a game, man…it’s about life, the way he teaches it. He even gave me a hand carved set he made out of wood from two different trees. He knows his wood. He can make almost anything out of wood. I’m going to school now but I got plans to travel like my dad. He goes all over the world and he knows these old men, like “Pops”, my grandfather (but only we can call him that).
The teachers are ok, I guess, all except for Miss Bergdorf. She teaches history and man, is she mean. My partners and me are in the same class together ‘cept for Russell and Freddy. She made them “go back” because they couldn’t keep up. I mean, what are teachers for if they don’t help with the hard stuff, you know what I mean? After I helped Russell learn to read, he became real close and Freddy came too. Anyway, my dad told me I gotta do better in history to become any thing professional, like him and travel. I learn more history from the stories “Pops” tells at the dinner table than I ever learn from Bergdorf. He tells how things really were back in the day. Ol’ Bergdorf was runnin’ game about the “Founding Fathers” and how slave owners weren’t all bad, treating their slaves like family. I raised my hand and said: “You mean like Thomas Jefferson?” She shut up after that.
“Pops” taught me the truth about all them guys. Sometimes “Pops” lets me go with him on walks and he tells me what to look for in healthy trees, old trees, and even how to plant trees in the best ground and feed it “good soil”… dirt, I call it. When he’s with his buddies I just shut up and listen, cause those old guys know lots and lots of stuff they don’t teach anywhere in any school. Same thing at the dinner table. That’s when I can ask any question I want. Somebody will know. We laugh, crack jokes and talk about everything and everybody. But when “Pops” gets to telling stories, I just sit and listen. I tell some of the stuff to my partners, but I got plans I tell only them about what I want to do after school.
A Series of Seven (7) Graphic Tales
Book One: “In the Beginning…”
Book Two: The Trip
Book Three: The Return to Hell
Book Four: Africa and Destiny
Book Five: Destruction and Creation
Book Six: Chaos and Order
Book Seven: Purpose and Direction
Published: Jul 5, 2015
Latest Revision: Sep 9, 2015
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