2015: Europe lacks e-skills

eTwinning, the most important community of teachers in Europe is 10, it is free and works like a charm
The European programme for education aims to improve the learning process by introducing ICT into the school and vocational systems

Teachers from all over Europe can
1. register on the eTwinning platform, here www.etwinning.net
2. look for partners and activate a project with their students
3. achieve professional skills suitable to the 21st century

eTwinners can also partecipate in some groups of interest
There are 10 groups at the moment
Some more will be activated in autumn
One of them is the eSafety group

Our objectives are:
to provide teachers with guidance on the subject concerning keeping pupils eSafe while using digital media in education, especially in the context of carrying out eTwinning projects
to develop teachers’ skills in scope of preparing their own didactic material regarding eSafety issues that can be used in their teaching practice
to share and exchange knowledge on the topic with other teachers

join the eSafety group!
new skills for teachers in the 21st Century
Published: Jul 20, 2015
Latest Revision: Oct 24, 2015
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