London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
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London Time


Artwork: Shulamit Sapir-Nevo

I am a poet, writer fiction, photographer and organizational consultant. I am proud to be part of the team leading Read More
  • Joined Jul 2016
  • Published Books 43

My London is…

The aroma of autumn in Hyde Park, while the falling leaves fly around

like hundreds of colorful butterflies, descending, and turn into a huge mosaic.

The smell and the flavor of the roasted chestnuts coming out of the  stalls.

The Christmas lights that decorate the streets and the shopping windows,

looking like scenes of fantasy stories.

I love London especially during the days of November and December.

The cold air of winter that fills your lungs and tickles your heart,

even if it is covered with a buttoned coat.


Here are my favorite places to walk, to feel, to experience.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

Oxford Street – life and craving

To wander around bustling Oxford Street.

To pass by the shop windows that look like fairy tales, asking you to be tempted for a while, even if only to look at the world’s largest selection of merchandise.

Everything here is art.

To watch the double decker red buses, the red phones booths, people that are buttoned with suits walking in a hurry, young women and men in jeans and hands full of branded bags laughing and talking.

This is so London!

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

Hyde Park – The green beauty

To take a morning walk in Hyde Park, over the huge grass spaces,

the high trees loaded with branches and green leaves.

To reach the beautiful Serpentine where ducks sail at leisure

and to take a coffee break at the tip of the lake.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

Covent Garden  – Art and Tricks

Covent market is a beautiful and elegant spot .

It contains original works of ceramics, glass, jewelry and more – hand made art.

You can find there painted silk ties and scarves, special jewelry, leather bags and such, all are organized in nice decorated booths.

Walk around the market and you’ll find there talented musicians and amazing jugglers that attract the eye and your applause.


London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

The Magic World of Camden Town

Camden Market is full of mysterious atmosphere with intoxicating scents of the East.

It is a noisy and crowded place that attracts many people.

You will find there all sorts of goods, ethnic merchandise and colorful products,

as well as a variety of foods.

Once you’re fed up with the hustle of the market and its colors, and you want to see some quiet beautiful nature, then go for a fantastic walk along the bank

of the nearby canal.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

The South Bank of the River Thames – Surprises

What is there that there isn’t here?

From art and culture to the dark corners full of colorful graffiti on their walls and  staircases that were adopted by skating kids, who are doing amazing stunts

on their skateboards.

Stroll along the Thames in South West London. It will expose you to a colorful old and new ‘cocktail’ mix. Current exhibitions, antique books fairs, street performances,

hidden coffee.

Admire the scenery from the Big Ben along the Thames, that flows slowly

under the bridges.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

Theater District, Shaftesbury – The theaters’ beautiful time 

There is something special about the London theaters, that is unlike anywhere else.

Red velvet chairs, raised structure, narrow and intimate halls.

The boxes and loges, gold painted woods, crystal chandeliers, and ice cream cones that are sold during the break.

The plays and the musicals are amazing, and the setting is an art.

Once you go there for the first timel, you’ll  find it is as a wonderful experience,

and you ‘ll become addicted to it each time you are in London.

Leicester Square in Central Square sells tickets almost half price, for performances, plays and musicals that take place on the same day.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

The black magic bars

Visit few of them.

Enjoy the beer and the atmosphere.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

The Wallace Collection – enjoy art

And hosted with a cup of tea


Pass between the rooms to see the rich art collection of the Wallace family

which was contributed to the British government by the widow of Sir Richard Wallace. The museum is located in Hartford in Manchester Square, Marylebone

and the entrance is free.

Then enjoy the inner garden of the house and have a cup of fine traditional English tea with milk, with a scone with butter and jam.


London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

Pret A Manger

Fresh sandwiches, salads and soups.

Sip a hot soup and especially the mushroom one – it is wonderful.

Have a seat near the window Look at the rain outside and warm yourself

with a hot drink.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

The Soho-another country

Walk around the Soho , in its corners, it’s just like being in another country.

Retailers, people, restaurants, sights, tastes and smells.

Find a nice coffee house with a pianist. When almost all the diners engaged in conversations, listen to the singer, and very soon you’ll see that he will sing for you.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

The Royal Park St. James- to be close to the Queen

To follow a squirrel in the Royal Park, St. James.

To meet the pelicans and the swans, to admire the noble plants and the flowers

that are decorating the Park, and to feel her Majesty’s spirit.


London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -

Berkeley Square – Place of Love

Berkeley Square is in Mayfair London’s West End.

The Square has benches that were donated and there are various dedications

and declarations of love for a wife, a mother and even for a dog

that was a loyal companion.

Read the love stories of each bench and bench.

London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
London Time by Shuli Sapir-Nevo Photo and Motto - Illustrated by Shulamit Sapir-Nevo -
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