# 378 – In the Heat of the Day by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Flo Nordhoff - Ourboox.com
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# 378 – In the Heat of the Day


Artwork: Flo Nordhoff

Helping others to understand Israel - and Israelis to understand others...
  • Joined Sep 2016
  • Published Books 481

In the Heat of Today

It is 30C. Hazy. Not a day to go out.

It is Election Day – Ditto.


That’ll teach those criminal politicians a lesson.

Imagine: O% turnout. Nobody shows up…except of course, the parties’ workers, the election officials, the monitors, the police, the photo-journalists, the poster-stickers and the ’begele’ salesman, who really does succeed in interesting some of the attendees.


Today will be the protest vote of all protest votes. All eligible voters have decided to enter a protest vote of ‘No’. They were planning to do this at the polling station. But when they saw the conditions outside, they went back in and made another cup of coffee.

Impossible, you may say. Well, yes, impossible. For there are some exceptions:


Blind voters – these are the 30% who vote blindly. Their leaders are the rabbis, Bibi and his American pit bull terriers, people whose partners are over 150 kg and the failed Ninja contestants, who think that having their pictures taken at a polling station will get them a second go on the programme.


This is Democracy Day here in Israel. (‘Democracy’ – the word in the English language with by far the most definitions, some of which are, literally, opposites – a bit like the modern definition of ’truth’, the source of most conspiracy theories).

So who will come out on top? Looks like most of them will be able to make that claim. A bit like a Warholian orgy with only one blanket.


Will it make any difference to Israel. Well, yes. The temperature is forecast to go down to 19C tomorrow with 80% likelihood of rain.

Election Day will be washed away

BB will cc the light of day

And hopefully be handcuffed

And lead away


I’ve just printed the eagerly-awaited first draft of my book ‘Flo’s World’. The cover image says it all about Israel’s Election Day…

# 378 – In the Heat of the Day by Stephen Pohlmann - Illustrated by Flo Nordhoff - Ourboox.com
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