Are you Happy to Write (and read)? by Tuval  - Illustrated by Galia Armeland, Netta Canfi -
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Are you Happy to Write (and read)?


Artwork: Galia Armeland, Netta Canfi

  • Joined Feb 2014
  • Published Books 1
Are you Happy to Write (and read)? by Tuval  - Illustrated by Galia Armeland, Netta Canfi -

It all began on a day when Iris came in from a study trip to Jerusalem.


Why don’t we teach kids to write using tablets she asked?


Iris is an Occupational Therapist, and as such, cares very much about the process kids go through when starting to learn.


Back then, I was luckily fired from my job. As a farewell present, I bought myself an iPad. So, when Iris came in with the idea I was right away ready to check it out.



We started to think it out loud, and fortunately met Izhar.


Izhar is a neighbour. Like his name in Hebrew means – he is shining and very helpful. His surname also means a Present – and meeting with him was a real gift.


Izhar told us – Push it up, don’t give up and never let it down.

Are you Happy to Write (and read)? by Tuval  - Illustrated by Galia Armeland, Netta Canfi -

To get even more courage in our adventure, we went to meet Israel.


Israel is one of the best technologists in Israel. Anything you may think of developing, Israel can do for you. 


Luckily, Israel was my first development manager back in the 90’s…and so meeting him was also providing us a strong push towards fulfilling our goals


We thought it should be something amazing. something kids will like


to play with, as they do with any other app on their iPad (yes…my


iPad was quickly become theirs…)



Are you Happy to Write (and read)? by Tuval  - Illustrated by Galia Armeland, Netta Canfi -

So as we moved forward, we met Galia. Galia is so talented!!!


She is an illustrator, who felt the idea is a good thing to work on. 


We felt so fortunate to have Galia with us, and indeed – she did an excellent art for the little piece of software. Some samples are in this book, with her permission.


As the time ran, we were targeting a local competition and made it to the semi-final, just presenting our idea and screenshots. 


This was our first experience as a couple – working it out together was an exciting achievement!!!


Entrepreneurship is like a long distance running. You need a long breath and endurance to try it out, and maybe succeed.


No one can prepare you better than Izhar and Israel, who both have an impressive experience as entrepreneurs.



At some point in time, exactly like in the long run, you need to accelerate.


It sometimes happens when you feel very desperate and frustrated. 


Down the road you meet people that can be very helpful and supportive – one like that is Ori – a real friend, who came from the ruins and spent 5 months with me at Mindcet accelerator


So as the time goes on, the Demo Day approached us. 

We were not ready for investment but…


Luckily enough Boaz came in, was ‘blown away’ by the idea and the entrepreneurship and joined as our Chief Technology Officer.


Nowadays, we are working on our Minimum Viable Product (MVP), which will help Arabic kids to acquire the very basic skills of their mother tongue.


We are excited by the opportunities our platform can bring to young kids around the world and are willing to do our best to make a real change in the way kids are building the required skills for bright future.

Are you Happy to Write (and read)? by Tuval  - Illustrated by Galia Armeland, Netta Canfi -
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