Be a tourist in Belfort by Léa - Illustrated by Léa Dausse -
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Be a tourist in Belfort


Artwork: Léa Dausse

  • Joined May 2019
  • Published Books 1







First, you can visit the great Lion of Belfort. It’s a symbol of resistance and strength. It was built on 1880 by Bartholdi. There is a museum with masterpieces as paints and sculptures, and many other war objects from the 19th century.

Be a tourist in Belfort by Léa - Illustrated by Léa Dausse -







Then, there is a museum with pieces by Picasso, Chagall Masson. There is a lot of contemporary art.

Be a tourist in Belfort by Léa - Illustrated by Léa Dausse -








After theses two visits, you could just have a walk in the old town. There is a pretty square with cafés. It feels good to just sit down and enjoy the sun,if it’s here that day.

Be a tourist in Belfort by Léa - Illustrated by Léa Dausse -








If you want to enjoy nature, take a bus and go to Malsaucy. It’s a very cute place when there is a beach, green spaces, some forest, the possibility to go kayaking or canoeing and of course, children games.

Be a tourist in Belfort by Léa - Illustrated by Léa Dausse -








If we’re on July, do not forget about the Malsaucy because it’s where takes place the festival of the Eurockéennes. It starts on the 4th and ends on the 7th. It’s a great music festival with a very nice atmosphere, and summer vibes. Even if at the beginning, it was a rock festival, nowadays you will see artists from all over the world and in every genres. They can be famous artists or indie bands.

Be a tourist in Belfort by Léa - Illustrated by Léa Dausse -







After all the places you’ll have seen, I’m sure you’ll have a positive opinion on Belfort. Just remember that it’s an active city where lots of activities are organized through the year. On springs, there is a funfair for example. On winter at the winter wonderland, a skating ring is set up and there are small huts where people sell waffles, crêpes, clothes or many other things.


I hope you’ll enjoy our city, have a good time in Belfort!

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