Beauty and the beast by Naama sela - Illustrated by Naama sela -
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Beauty and the beast


Artwork: Naama sela

  • Joined Feb 2021
  • Published Books 1

Once upon a time, there was a girl.

her name was bell, bell was known for her special beauty,

her hair was brown and so as her eyes.

she lived with her she lived with her father in a small hut in a village.

her father was an old man and he would travle often to the city to sell things for money.

bell got a lot of proposals and one of them was from a prince, and even to him she said no.

one day , bells father traveld to the city, as always . but this time , he promissed to bell he will bring her a rose for her birthday , and that he would try to come as fast as he can.

three days past by and her dad still hasent come, bell decided to go look for him.

bell arrived a castle and she saw her fathers jacket, she hurry up to the inside of the castle.  she enterd the castle  and saw something big,brown and scary it was a beast , a very big and scary one. the beast showed bell her father and told her “if you want your father free, you need to stay trapped in here instead of him”.and bell agreed.  after a month , the beast has started to fall in love with bell , and so as bell. they kissed , and the beast became a handsome prince. and they had a happy ever ending.


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