Me and ABA heart
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Carona-cation with Aba


Artwork: Aviv and Ima

  • Joined Dec 2020
  • Published Books 1

On March 4, 2020, Governor Newson of California released the state of emergency regarding coronavirus (COVID-19). The start of this pandemic was a tragedy for the whole country, a big shock, really.  Businesses had to close their doors so that people wouldn’t gather in small places.  Schools closed their doors too. In trying to keep the virus spread under control, people were not allowed to be socialising within 6ft of one another.  All students started independent study online and stayed home.  Plane flights were canceled, and masks had to be worn if anyone were to go into an essential business (typically, a grocery store). Over the months, COVID-19’s curve began to flatten in some countries and states, but there was still a lot of COVID-19 cases around the world. Some people began to panic and the shelves in the stores began to be empty and it was not so easy to get basic items, like toilet paper. Early in the morning every day, people would grab as much as they could to the point where the stocks in the stores were emptied by noon. Businesses were worried about their stocks being emptied so fast, and they wanted to keep within the 6ft distancing guide lines set by the CDC (Center for Disease Control), so they limited the amount of people that could go into the store.  This resulted in people waiting in long lines outside the stores, even in the rain.  And they also limited the amount of items that people could buy.

Waiting in line

Meanwhile, at the laboratories, scientists were looking for a vaccine for COVID-19. While this was happening, my Aba began working from home. At first, it was hard for us that he took up some of the space and we were not used to it, but now we are very used to it and we actually like it!

Before this time, which people call the quarantine, Aba was out all day long; busy with his work.  Now, during this “lock down,” while Aba works from home, we’re able to have lunch together!  And sometimes, he’s able to take a short break from his meetings and go hiking with us or we go out to the park to play frisbee!  For me, the best thing that could happen from this lockdown is that I get to spend more time with my Aba.  

Playing frisbee

Aba still does his work from home, and businesses are still closed, but now, the curve has flattened more, and we now have a 100% efficient vaccine.  I will never forget this part of my life.  Years from now, I will not remember that it was a bummer for me to have to quit swimming or not see my friends as much.  What I will remember is all the extra time I got to spend with Aba.

Me and ABA heart
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