OpenCart PWA App Builder
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Common Issues Everyone Experiences With OpenCart PWA App Builder


Artwork: Knowband

Knowband is a leading software development company specializing in e-commerce solutions. With a focus on creating innovative and user-friendly modules, Read More
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In the last few years, we have seen that the e-commerce industry has undergone a tremendous transformation. These changes are specially made in the adaptation of mobile devices. Many customers are getting adopted according to the new technological changes rapidly. Moreover, online visitors have started using mobile phones to their advantage.


The OpenCart PWA App Builder by Knowband makes it easier for customers to purchase their preferred products with a single click. Additionally, the user can connect to the store merchant regarding any queries and Issues. Furthermore, the OpenCart PWA App Maker has some outstanding features that make it easier for customers to purchase the products.


In this blog post, we are going to talk about some common issues most customers experience with the OpenCart PWA App.

Concerns About OpenCart PWA App Creator


The Knowband OpenCart PWA App Creator allows the store admin to easily develop the PWA mobile apps. The module is open-source and gives benefits to eCommerce businesses with the help of several outstanding features. But the PWA App Maker has some common issues that most eCommerce businesses face. The OpenCart Progressive Web App comes up with the solution to make sure your eCommerce business runs more smoothly and efficiently.


People Can Pay More Securely.


Customers using the PWA mobile app must have confidence while performing any type of transaction. Furthermore, they need a variety of payment options in the mobile app, which enhances the importance of having reliable and secure payment gateways. The Knowband OpenCart Progressive Web App includes an SSL certificate, which allows for simple and secure online transactions. The module increases the dependability and credibility of the customers towards the mobile app and allows them to place an order with confidence.


Load More Quickly


The store admin needs to develop an app that is faster and quicker to load. If your online store doesn’t have a fast-loading app, you are more likely to lose your potential customers. The OpenCart eCommerce PWA App allows the store merchant to offer the best possible user experience to customers without sacrificing the speed of the shopping app. Additionally, the module includes an offline mode feature that stores the cache and displays it on the customers’ screens. When they face slow or sluggish internet connections.  The offline mode feature has been seen to improve the value of the online store in front of customers.


Give customers more information about the brand.


An online merchant needs to increase brand awareness in front of customers. The reason is that if the online store doesn’t have a positive brand image, then the users can shift to different shopping apps. Furthermore, it will also help the store merchant with customer acquisition and gain their trust or loyalty.


The Knowband OpenCart Progressive Web App will help your shopping app reach the green zone by increasing brand awareness. The module offers plenty of benefits, such as a superior shopping experience, secure payment methods, quick page load times, and so on. These features increase the probability that customers will spend more time on your progressive web app.




The Knowband PWA for OpenCart comes with all the appropriate features and technology to attract more customers. It is essential to connect the right person with the right information, especially when it comes to improving your online store performance. If you also want to create a mobile app that works for your customers, then connect with us at [email protected].


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