Death On The Circuit by ali31  - Illustrated by ALI MROWAT :) -
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Death On The Circuit


Artwork: ALI MROWAT :)

  • Joined Feb 2021
  • Published Books 2

Name of project:: Death On The Circuit.


Presented by:: ALI MROWAT.


Presented to:: T. NASREN MAGHAMSY.


School:: Marah Elghozlan.


Class:: 9th grade Mofet Class.


Year:: 2021.



Author:: Christine Barcly..



  1. Time:: 2010..

  2. Place:: In London. .            



  1. Bob Marsh..

  2. Susan Marsh..

  3. Jack Marsh..

  4. William..

  5. DR. Robinson..

  6. Tommy..


The Plot::

Bob marsh was a drug addict , and he loves the motorbikes and motor racing , william is a gang head and his gang is sell drugs , he sell to bob marsh some og drugs every day.


One day bob doesn’t buy drugs , william has asked about him why bob doesn’t buy some of drugs , next day william has send a man to search about bob and the man’s name is (“Tommy”) , tommy find bob in the garage and told his boss , the boss came to the garage to ask him why he isn’t visit to buy drugs , the answer was that he refuse to take drugs and he wanted to tell the police.


william decided to kill bob in the garage , and he do it..!

Death On The Circuit by ali31  - Illustrated by ALI MROWAT :) -

After few years susan and jack marsh (Bob’s Children) wanted to solve the mystery of their father’s death , they work hard to know the true and on day they met DR.Robinson he is a scientist and he knows who kills their father , but he knows if he told to anyone the gang will kill him and his family , in the first when he met susan and jack he doesn’t till him the truth , but after few years when his son is dead he knows the heartbreak to lose someone of his family , he decided to told bob’s children that william’s gang is killed their father , when does jack knows that william was the cause of his father dead he goes to gang’s seat when he wanted to shoots into william the ganghead one of williams men shoots jack and he dead.


When susan knows that the gang killed his brother he feel so sad and wanted to suicided but DR.Robinson helped him in his problem and he wanted punish the gang , and the judge doesn’t accept their complaint because the judge was on of the gangsters.

Death On The Circuit by ali31  - Illustrated by ALI MROWAT :) -

in the end the court decided to appointed a new judge , and he decided that all the gang and william the gang head will stay in the jail for the rest of their life’s and when william was left susan say: (“THE TRUTH WILL WON IN THE  END”). 

Death On The Circuit by ali31  - Illustrated by ALI MROWAT :) -

My Opinion::


This is a beautiful story and i liked the drama in the story when the problem become a disaster in susan’s face and she fight for the end to punish the criminals and she succeded  🙂









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