Faithful Friends by Gabriella Gomes -
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Faithful Friends

  • Joined Oct 2023
  • Published Books 1

Learning Objectives

  • The children will be able to recognize and identify common farm animals
  • The children will know the sounds made by common farm animals
  • The children will know the mother, father, and baby names for common farm animal families
  • The children will learn about true friendship






This book is for students to explore farm animals, learn the sounds they make, and match mommy to baby animal.

This book is dedicated to preschoolers learning their animals.



Richards parents had owned a dairy farm near their home, which kept them busy all hours of the day. Because of this, Richard had a lot of free time to spear. His bought a farm which become his favorite place to visit. The farm was thankfully on his land.



One sunny morning, Richard made his way over to the farm, she spotted all the animals gathered together near the barn. There was a cow named Anna, a goat named Bailey, a chicken named Charlie, and a pig named Hammy. They were all different, but one thing they shared in common was Richards company.

Faithful Friends by Gabriella Gomes -

Richard and all the animals would sit together under a tree, read to them, talk to them about what is going on in life and school. In return, the animals would tell Richard about their life on a farm, seasons changing, and things in life they have seen.


As the seasons changed, so did Richards adventures with his farmyard friends. In the spring, they would all gather to watch the newborn cows being born. Summer brought picnics and talks under the tree and long walks through the village. In the fall, Richard and the animals would help his parents harvest pumpkins, apples, and corn.


Years passed, and Richard grew older, but his bond with the farm animals remained unbreakable. He continued to visit them every day, even after he went away for college. His friends, now old, welcomed him with open arms each time he came back.


One day, Richards family decided it was time to sell the farm because they were getting old. Richard was heartbroken by this news. He ran out to the barn, and told his farmyard friends the news.

Faithful Friends by Gabriella Gomes -

Thankfully, the parents sold the farm to a nearby friendly neighbor, so that Richard can still have his farmyard friends.


As Richard grew into a young adult, he often looked back on those childhood days at the farm, grateful for the friendship and wisdom of his farmyard friends. And in his heart, he knew that no matter where life took him, the memories of those special moments with Anna, Bailey, Charlie, and Hammy would always be with him, guiding him on his journey of life.





Homework Assignment


Discussion Questions

  1. What sounds do each of the animals make that we learned about?
  2. What are the names of the animals in the book?
  3. Would you want to have animals as your friends?
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