fatih’s blooming poetry book

by fatih baskaya

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fatih’s blooming poetry book

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 1

table of contents

Creature Alliteration Poem

All About Me Poem

Haiku Poem

Acrostic Poem

Limerick Poem

Color Poem



This is cobian.


A Cobian lives in California Canada Chicago Cave.


A cobain’s  favorite food are cans cabbage corn carrot crayfish cake candy chicken coconut cookie cola coral cowberry Coffee.


A cobian  likes calculator cars caves cone case concrete his friend are coby cody codian


A cobian is very careful course conscious and cable


A cobian cuts cannons cake cable


Bio Poem


Funny energetic nice and strong

Sibling of his fish

Loves his fish

Who fears dogs

Who needs to go to karate

Who gives a lot of of attention

Would like to see a movie in real life

Is the resident of nj and garfield.



Caring for their owners

Artistic in the moves they do

Talented in standing up on two feet


Caring for their owners

Artistic in the moves they do

Talented in standing up on two feet

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