Ice Skating by Taylor Henschel - Illustrated by Taylor Henschel  -
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Ice Skating


Artwork: Taylor Henschel

  • Joined Oct 2015
  • Published Books 1

When I was in the 5th grade every Friday I went Ice Skating and one night I was causally ice skating when… a girl with a batman sweatshirt and brown hair tripped me I grabbed the railing on side wall as fast as i could but i missed and i fell to the Ice on my ankle i grabbed the railing and got up limped to the nearest help which was the DJ.



The DJ told me to the to the front but it was on the other side of the whole Ice Rink they had no crutches so they put me in a wheelchair they said everything so dramatic


“MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!” They hollard


everyone moved and stared at me they took me to the room like a nurses office that’s what it looked like to me they asked me questions

“Are you ok?”


   ”Does this hurt you?”


Then one man came into the room and said

 “You sprained your ankle.”




“Do you want to go back to the Ice Skating to sit?”

     “O.K” I said

   “We Will give you a ice pack so it will numb your ankle,”

“Ok” I mumbled
I wasn’t sure if i wanted my ankle to me numb I just said ok because i was frightened to say no.



They brought me to the Ice rink to sit, my friends Ava Sam and Alexa kept checking on me watched them ice skate

for a bit when… My grandmother was here i limped over to her, Sam and Ava came over I had to take them home, I said my goodbyes to them and they were gone my grandmother questioned  “What Happened?”  

      “I got tripped by somebody.”

   “Are you O.K?” she mumbled

“Yeah just my ankle is a little sore”



*Drove into my driveway*

   “I’ll help you out”

            “Ok” I exclaimed

my grandmother helped me out and supported my leg with pillows

“Thank you”

“Your welcome”

     *Falls Asleep*


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