School for knights. by MAYA VELNER AND SHAY SHEMESH:) -
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School for knights.

  • Joined Mar 2021
  • Published Books 2








The Story of Sofia

By Maya Velner & Shay Shemesh




School for knights. by MAYA VELNER AND SHAY SHEMESH:) -

Part 1:

Once upon a time there was a girl and her name was Sofia.

From a very young age she wanted to be a knight.

The day came and Sofia celebrated her 12th birthday and her big dream from such a young age can come true.

In the afternoon  her parents took her with her eyes closed, without knowing where  she’s going, to audition for the Knights’ School.

When  they arrived and Sofia took off her blindfolds, she was very excited!!!

School for knights. by MAYA VELNER AND SHAY SHEMESH:) -

Part 2: 

When they opened the school doors, 

two guards stood on either side of door and saw that it was not a boy but a girl and said: “You can’t study here, it is a school  for knights, a girl can’t be a knight”.  Sofia  told her parents “I will not leave here until I will study in this school!!!” 

Mom looked at the guards and said: “ I would like to talk to the principal.


Part 3: 

Hello, I’m Chan the principal, I understand that you want to be accepted to this school no matter what, I like its resourcefulness and thanks to that I can try to get you experience in the school. But I have a task for you to accept: in a week from now you have to tell me everything you know about knights, and Sofia said: OK I can do it.


Part 4: 

After a week, Sofia and her parents had just arrived at school, and Chan examined Sofia. Chan understood that Sofia knows a lot about knights, more then her self. 

After the exam, Chan informed Sofia that she had been accepted to school, and Sofia was very very happy and so were her parents.


Part 5:

After she was accepted to the school, she had many questions that she wants to ask Chan about the school: how long is the program?, what do we need to do?, When do you get the degree to be a knight?, and more…

The next day Sofia came to school and realized that it was not all so simple to be in this school, but she told herself: “I would not give up on my dream and would do everything to be a first female knight”.


Part 6:

When Sofia went home she told her mother a lot of things that she did today, and she told her that school is hard, but she doesn’t want to give up.

Her mother was proud of her, and she told her that she is a champion.

Sofia was so happy and she almost cried with joy.






A few years later…

Sofia finished her school and became a knight.


School for knights. by MAYA VELNER AND SHAY SHEMESH:) -









The End

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