Let’s Write a Letter by Keiren Pross - Ourboox.com
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Let’s Write a Letter

  • Joined Feb 2022
  • Published Books 1

Thank you for taking a look at “Let’s Write a Letter”! This little eBook will help students and teachers learn the writing process and how that can help students write a letter (and learn to write a letter if they do not yet know).


Learning objective: After reading this book, students will write a letter following the six steps of the writing process and using the correct format of a letter

Let’s Write a Letter by Keiren Pross - Ourboox.com

There are a couple things you need to do before you write a letter. Do you know what they are?

Let’s Write a Letter by Keiren Pross - Ourboox.com

Before doing any writing, you have to plan what you want to write. After you have a plan, you can start writing your draft. Then, you can start writing your letter. Once your letter is written, it should be revised (looked over) by yourself or others to check for any spelling, grammar, or other mistakes. If you have any mistakes, they should be edited (fixed) to make your letter perfect. Lastly, you rewrite or print your letter and give it to the person you wrote the letter to.

Let’s Write a Letter by Keiren Pross - Ourboox.com

Now that you know how to do the body of the letter, how do you start and end them? A good way to start is normally to say, “Dear ____,”, then comes the body of your letter. When you have all of that, you end the letter by saying love, sincerely, from, then your name. You can say one of those words, or if you have another term, you can ask and see if that’ll work! Normally, you’d say “love” if it is someone you love or are really close to!


Did you know you can mail a letter?


Do you know how to write a letter?



1.What are the six steps in the writing process?

2.What does a letter’s format look like?

3.What word should you end with if you do not really know the person being written to, or are not close with them?


For your assignment, you will write a letter to a friend, explaining a memory that made you laugh. If you need any help, just ask!

Let’s Write a Letter by Keiren Pross - Ourboox.com
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