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Exercise l – Organize the following sentences into a paragraph on “Why I Enjoy Watching Television”.

• Firstly, it is entertaining.
• Finally, I learn new and interesting things about people and places.
• I love watching television for a number of reasons.
• Secondly, it relieves boredom.


Exercise 2 – In the first exercise, the words Firstly, Secondly, Finally,
are used. Which of the following CONNECTING WORDS or CONNECTING EXPRESSIONS can be used instead?


Lastly, Moreover, First of all, Last but not least, Furthermore, For starters, In addition, To begin with, In conclusion, First and foremost, To conclude,

What do these CONNECTORS do? How are they used? Where can we find them?

They are used to connect (a) ………………… , (b)…………………. (c)……………………………

When the CONNECTOR connects one paragraph to another, it will be at …………………………… of the second paragraph. When the CONNECTOR connects one sentence to the next, it will be at the beginning of the ……………………………. When the CONNECTOR connects one clause in a sentence to another, it will be either at the beginning of the sentence (before the first clause) or in the middle of the sentence (before the second clause).

We can divide the CONNECTORS into THREE groups.


They are ONE WORD connectors and are separated by COMMAS.

Some examples are: however, furthermore, moreover, thus, therefore, hence,
consequently, nevertheless, unfortunately, firstly, secondly,
lastly, finally,


They are usually ONE WORD and are NOT separated by COMMAS.

Some examples are: and/ or/ but/ yet/ so/ although/ if/ since/ because/
whereas/ despite (in spite of)/ when/ until/ after/
before/ while/ during/


They are MORE THAN ONE WORD and are usually surrounded by COMMAS.

Some examples are: In addition, First of all, Last but not least, To conclude,
In conclusion, To begin with, To sum up, As a result,
On the one hand, On the other hand, On the contrary,
For example, For instance, That is to say, In other words,
For this reason, All in all, First and foremost,
such as/ as well as/ even though/ in order to

Exercise 3 – Complete the following sentences with one of the connectors, conjunctions or connecting expressions from the list.

1. He didn’t study for the Math quiz. ………………….. , he failed.
2. I love competitive sports …………………….football, basketball and baseball.
3. ………………………. I wasn’t feeling very well, I came to school.
4. She won the beauty contest ……………………she was the most beautiful.
5. We all have to tell a white lie once in a while. …………………, we might tell a friend that she looks great so that her feelings aren’t hurt.
6. I love teaching my grade ten class for several reasons. ……………… , they are very smart kids. ……………….. , they are cooperative and very serious students. …………………… , they are never noisy and are very easy to teach.
7. The child ate too many sweets. …………………….., he had a terrible toothache.
8. I always wanted a pet , ……………………, my parents wouldn’t agree. They said that , ……………………., having a pet is a lot of fun. …………………., pets need a lot of care, patience and time.
9. He left the party early …………………….he missed the dessert.

Exercise 4 – Complete the chart with CONNECTORS from the above lists.





Exercise 5 – Complete the following paragraph.

Dogs are wonderful pets for a number of reasons. Firstly, ………….

……………………………………. Second, …………………………..

………………………………. Moreover, ………………………………

……………….. Finally, …………………………………………………

Exercise 6 – The following sentences belong to the paragraph that we wrote in exercise l. Rewrite the paragraph to include them.

• That is to say, channel eight offers programs that are interesting as well as educational.
• For example, there are many soap operas and game shows that are especially entertaining.
• For instance, when I finish my homework and have nothing to do, I enjoy watching one of my favorite shows.


Exercise 7 – Expand the paragraph that you wrote in exercise 3. Add an example sentence for each reason that you gave. Begin each of the sentences with a connecting expression such as “That is to say, For example, For instance,”.


Exercise 8 – Suggest ways that your dictionary can help you with a writing task. Look up the words dog and pet in your dictionaries. Copy the definitions as well as other expressions, words or example sentences that you can use.

Dog – ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Pet – ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………..

Exercise 9 – The second paragraph on DOGS begins with the connecting word “However,”. What does this tell us about this paragraph?
Write the paragraph. It should include…..
• one key sentence
• three or four reasons
• two or three examples
• connecting words
• words or expressions from the dictionary (if possible)


Exercise 10 – Rewrite the following paragraph with the correct punctuation.

there are many advantages to owning a dog to begin with dogs offer protection for example a watch dog will scare off intruders furthermore dogs can be your best friend that is to say your dog will always love you whatever you do also if you train your dog well it will do things for you for instance your dog can be trained to bring you your slippers finally owning a dog teaches you responsibility in other words you will become more responsible if you feed walk and brush your dog daily




• Each paragraph has ONE main idea.
• The first sentence is usually the KEY SENTENCE.
• The sentences that follow the key sentence support, explain, give reasons and examples.
• There are usually three to six sentences in a paragraph.
• The first line of the paragraph is indented. An empty line is used to separate one paragraph from another.
• A new line is not started unless you reach the margin.
• Each sentence begins with a Capital letter and ends with a Period.
• Each sentence must have a Subject and Verb.
• Most of the sentences should begin with a connecting word or expression.
• Before writing the paragraph, you must organize it.
• Always reread the paragraph you have written. You will surely find most of your mistakes on your own!


# 1 – Write your KEY SENTENCE.

# 2 – Brainstorm and write all your ideas on a page. Do this in Hebrew!

# 3 – Choose the best ideas. Make sure that they are not similar in content. Choose
the ones that you have the vocabulary for.

# 4 – Think of connecting words and expressions to go with each sentence.

# 5 – Think of which tense/s you need to write each sentence in order to avoid
mistakes in grammar. If certain sentences can be written using advanced
grammar structures such as conditionals, passive, relative clauses, write them

# 6 – Use your organized draft to write the paragraph. If you have done a thorough
job, you will not need to make many changes. Use your dictionary to check
the spelling of words you’re not sure of.

# 7 – Reread your paragraph after you have written it. Go over the above list of
“THINGS TO REMEMBER” to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.

3) MAIN IDEAS – Here are some main ideas for paragraphs.

a) The reason for the high number of road accidents in Israel.
b) Ways to prevent road accidents.
c) The dangers of smoking.
d) Ways to prevent people from smoking.
e) Ways to protect the environment.
f) Ways to live a healthy life.
g) Ways to be a good friend.
h) Ways to be a good student.
i) Ways to be a good son or daughter.
j) Ways to prevent violence in school.
k) Ways to become rich.
l) Ways to be a good citizen.
m) Ways to be a good teacher.
n) How to make a pizza.
o) What I look for in a guy or girl.
p) ………………………………..
q) ………………………………..
r) ………………………………..


The composition or essay always has three sections: the introduction, the body and the conclusion.


The FIRST paragraph of the composition is called the INTRODUCTION. It introduces the topic. It is usually a short paragraph (two to four sentences) which begins with a general statement and ends with a specific one. The first sentence is usually a general statement on the topic. The last sentence makes a specific statement which states the main idea of the composition and is usually the KEY SENTENCE of the paragraph.
Here is an example…

Topic: Some people believe that the Internet is a blessing; others think that it is a curse. What are some of the positive and negative effects of the Internet on our lives? Give advantages and disadvantages and state your opinion.

The Internet has been part of our lives for over a decade. Without a doubt, the world’s largest computer network, has had an enormous impact on our lives. Some people think that its influence is beneficial while others believe that it does more harm than good.


The BODY of a composition is usually TWO paragraphs long. The topic usually gives instructions of what to write about in each paragraph as can be seen in the above topic about the Internet. Remember that each paragraph has its own main idea. One type of writing style, as in the above example, is “for and against” a given topic.

When presenting two sides of an issue, it is easiest to write one paragraph which expresses the ideas “for” or “in favour of” (also referred to as “advantages” or “pros”) and another paragraph which expresses the ideas “against” (also referred to as “disadvantages” or “cons”).

The steps you take to write these two paragraphs are almost the same as the steps taken to write the single paragraph.

# 1 – Write the KEY SENTENCES, one for each paragraph. You can use the
connecting expression “On the one hand, ….” to begin the first
paragraph and “On the other hand,…..” to begin the second paragraph.

# 2 – Brainstorm and write all your ideas on a CHART. Do this in Hebrew!
Your chart (for the above example) should look like this…

• Entertainment
• Convenience, comfort
• Source of information
• Form of communication • Sometimes information is inaccurate
• There’s no control over what is written and anyone can say anything
• Bad influence on children, parents aren’t aware of children’s exposure to sex, violence and criminal acts

# 3 – Choose the best ideas. Make sure that they are not similar in content. Choose
the ones that you have the vocabulary for.

# 4 – Think of connecting words and expressions to go with each sentence.
Don’t use the same connecting words and expressions in both paragraphs.
For example, if you use “First of all,” in the first paragraph, you should use
“To begin with,” in the second paragraph.

# 5 – Think of which tense/s you need to write each sentence in order to avoid
mistakes in grammar. If certain sentences can be written using advanced
grammar structures such as conditionals, passive, relative clauses, write them

# 6 – Use your organized draft to write the paragraphs. If you have done a thorough
job, you will not need to make many changes. Use your dictionary to check
the spelling of words you’re not sure of.

# 7 – Reread your paragraphs after you have written them. Go over the above list of
“THINGS TO REMEMBER” to make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.


The LAST paragraph of the composition is called the CONCLUSION because it summarizes the topic. New information should not be given in the conclusion. If you were asked to give your opinion, you should offer it here. This paragraph is usually short, similar to the introduction. The first sentence is usually the key sentence and restates the main idea. The last sentence ends on a general note, sometimes with a punch line which leaves the reader with a smile on his/her face. (This depends, of course, on the topic of the task). This paragraph is like a reflection of the introduction which begins with a general statement and ends with a specific one.
Here is an example……….

In conclusion, although the Internet has the potential to greatly enrich our lives, we must use it wisely. If we don’t, it may ultimately rule us!

Here are some controversial topics to write about……

l. The Internet: A blessing or a curse?
2. For or Against lengthening the school day in order to have Fridays off.
3. For or Against the new law which bans smoking in public places.
4. For or Against raising teachers’ pay.
5. The Pros and Cons of riding your bicycle to work.
6. For and Against studying from home.
7. For and Against school uniforms.
8. The Pros and Cons of bagrut exams.


In a descriptive essay, we might be asked to describe – a person, an event, a feeling or opinion on a certain subject or issue.


• Approximately 2 – 3 sentences long.
• It starts with a general statement.
• It ends with a specific statement or KEY SENTENCE.
• Part of the topic may be used, but not copied word for word.
• 2 – 3 paragraphs, depending on the instructions.
• Each paragraph has ONE main idea.
• Each paragraph begins with a KEY SENTENCE.
• Each paragraph should be 4 – 6 sentences long.
• The supporting sentences should begin with connecting words or expressions.
• Advanced grammatical structures should be used.
• Organization of these paragraphs before writing is essential.
• Approximately 2 – 3 sentences long.
• It starts with a specific statement expressing the main idea.
• It ends with a general statement (such as a punch line or proverb)
• New information should not be introduced in this paragraph.
• Ideas presented in the BODY should NOT be repeated here.


• Read the TOPIC several times and make sure you understand what you have to do and what is optional.
• Decide whether the task needs to be written in the present, the past or the future and which tenses you need to use.
• Organize prior to writing. This organization serves as a “map” or “recipe” which will ensure a well written task. If your organization is well done, you will be able to concentrate on HOW to write because WHAT to write has already been dealt with. Your organization can be done in Hebrew and should include:
o main ideas for each paragraph
o key sentences for each paragraph
o connectors to be used
o sentences that are grammatically advanced (passive, conditions, relative clauses, inversions, wish clauses, gerunds, etc)
o useful vocabulary that you found in the dictionary etc.
• Always REREAD your work. Look for misspelled words and grammatical errors (most often in the present simple).
• NEVER EVER recopy a composition. This is a complete waste of time. Your draft copy should be your detailed organization. If you follow it, you will never have to recopy.
• Try not to use Hebrew-English dictionaries to translate words that you do not know. If you don’t know a word in English, try to say the same thing using other words or synonyms. Remember that whatever you want to say can be expressed in several ways. This will prevent embarrassing mistakes such as “I helped a beard cross the street.”, “I love fungus on my pizza.” or “I love saliva music best.”


When writing a descriptive essay, the following grammatical structures should be used.
• Adjectives
• Adverbs
• Comparisons with adjectives and adverbs
• Relative clauses
• Indirect questions


How can a dictionary help you write your composition? The most obvious answer is “In order to help look up the spelling of words”. However, the dictionary can also provide you with vocabulary.

Let’s take the topic from Summer 2006 as an example.

In your opinion, what are the most important qualities in a friend? Write a composition for the competition. Choose 2-3 qualities and explain why you think they are so important.

In this topic, you are asked to write about “qualities”. When you look up this word in the dictionary, you will find the following definition and example “something that is special in, or that distinguishes a person or thing – One quality of leadership is that one must be trusted.”
You see from this definition that “trust” is a “quality” that you can use. If you look up “trust” in the dictionary, you will find the following words and expressions that can be used in your task and can be copied into a bank of words to be used when organizing your ideas.
• Have trust in someone or something
• A feeling of confidence, strong belief in the goodness, strength, reliability of a person.
• Responsibility
• To believe in the honesty and reliability
• Trustful, trustfully
• Trustworthy, dependable ( opposite of untrustworthy)

While doing this “word search”, you may discover more qualities that can be used such as “honest” ,”reliable” or “responsible”. If you look up the word “honest” in the dictionary, you will find the following words and expressions, which can be added to your bank of words.
• not telling lies
• not cheating or stealing
• behave honestly
• an honest person
• opposite of dishonest

If you perform this “Dictionary search” for words, you will find not only words, but ideas too. Your mark for use of fancy vocabulary and spelling will be much higher when you make use of your dictionary!!

I am going to apply all of the above in order to write a descriptive essay on the topic from Summer 2006.

“The Quality of Friendship”

It is important to have good friends. However, what makes a good friend? What should one look for when choosing a friend? I think that the most important qualities to look for in a friend are honesty and trust.

Honesty is an important quality in a friend for a number of reasons. To begin with, an honest friend will never tell you lies. If you ask him for advice, he will give it to you truthfully. In addition, an honest friend will never cheat or steal from you or others.

There are several reasons why it is important that a friend be trustworthy. First of all, you will be able to share your deepest secrets with this friend and know that they will never be revealed. Moreover, a trustworthy friend is reliable and dependable and will always be willing to help you if you are in trouble. Finally, when you have trust in your friend, you will always feel confidence and strength when you are with him.

In conclusion, as the saying goes “Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are”, we are a reflection of the friends we choose. As a result, friends should be chosen carefully. If we are lucky to find honest and trustworthy friends, they should be cherished.

(208 words)

Now, for some practice………….

Exercise #1: Write the descriptive essay from Winter 2009.

How have inventions influenced our lives? Write a passage for the magazine. Choose one or two inventions and describe their influence on your life and / or the lives of others.

First follow all of the above steps. Do a dictionary search for the word “invention” as well as for the two inventions you choose. Organize well before you write. Underline all the special vocabulary, connecting words and expressions as well as the advanced grammatical structures that you made special use of. Some of the task has been done for you

” ……………………………. “

If you looked at the way your grandparents lived their lives, you would probably think they lived in prehistoric times. Thanks to the inventions of the past few years, our lives have changed completely. Without doubt, the inventions that have had the greatest influence on our lives are the ………………. …..and the ………………….

The ……………………..has influenced our lives in a number of ways. To begin with,………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…

There are several ways that the ……………………………….has had a great effect on our lives. First of all,………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

In conclusion, it is needless to say that without the …………………………and the ……………………………… , our lives would not be the same. …………………….

Exercise #2: Complete the following descriptive essay from Winter 2005.

A teen magazine has asked readers to describe their
ideal summer job. Write a passage for the magazine describing one or two summer jobs that are ideal for you and their special advantages. You may relate to your own experience or that of others.

Part of it has been done for you. Suggestions have been made as part of the organization in Hebrew.

” ………………………”

As soon as the school year ends and final exams are over, most teenagers start the search for the “ultimate summer job”. The lucky ones may get a well-paying office job, whereas the unlucky ones may have to clean streets for minimum wage. If I could choose my summer job, I would work either as a life guard at a pool or as a librarian.

Working as a life guard has many special advantages.

• עבודה קלה
• אפשר להשתזף
• אפשר לפגוש חתיכות
• אפשר להציל חיים
• אפשר לשחות ולהתעמל
• לא צריך להשקיע בביגוד

A job in a library would be an ideal job for me.

• עבודה קלה
• שקט
• אפשר לקרוא
• זאת לא עבודה פיזית

In conclusion, having one of these jobs would be like a dream come true. As they say, “if you like what you do, you won’t have to work a day in your life.”

Exercise #3: Read the following descriptive essay from Winter 2003

You have just been given the opportunity to build the house of your dreams. What kind of house would you build? Write a passage for the magazine, describing the house – where you would build it, what it would look like, and /or what you would like (or not like) to have in it.

• In this writing task, it is advisable to use RELATIVE CLAUSES in order to describe your dream house. Look at the following pairs of sentences that can be used to describe this house. Turn each pair into one sentence by changing the second sentence into a relative clause.

a) My dream house would be located by a stream. The stream would have fish of all kinds.
b) My guests would have a whole storey to themselves. They would come visit often.
c) There would be rooms for my two siblings. Their families would be regular guests.
d) My dream house would be in Jerusalem. Its walls would be made of stone.
e) In every room there would be two windows and a balcony. From the balcony there would be a beautiful view of the garden below.
f) The house would have a library and a gym. I would be able to read in the library. My husband would be able to work out.
g) The kitchen would be on the ground floor. It would have all the latest appliances.

• It is also advisable to use a saying or proverb as the last sentence in the Conclusion or even as the Title of the task. Choose from the following list of English proverbs.

” Be it ever so humble, there’s no place like home.”
” Home sweet home.”
” Home is where your heart is.”
” Home is where you hang your hat.”

• Use the following Introduction and two key sentences from the paragraphs in the Body along with the above suggestions to write your descriptive essay.

o “Building one’s dream house is a dream that is shared by many people. If I were given this opportunity, I would know where I would build it, what it would look like and what it would have in it.”

o “My dream house would be located in a special place.”

o “Anyone who visited this house would never forget the experience.”

Exercise #4: Read the following descriptive essay from Summer 99.

Think of a famous person you’d like to meet (a public figure, a performer, etc.) State who the person is, and explain why you want to meet him or her. Describe the setting, what you would like to talk about, and what you imagine the meeting would be like.

• In this topic there is no choice of “and/ or”. This means that …

o You have to state who the person is. This should be done in the last sentence of the Introduction. “If I were able to meet a famous person, I would choose ………………”

o You have to explain why you want to meet him or her. This will be a “reason paragraph” in the Body. “I would like to meet ………………..for a number of reasons.”

o You have to describe the setting, what you want to talk about and what you imagine the meeting would be like. This can make up one paragraph in the Body which could begin with the key sentence. “It would be a meeting that would never be forgotten.” Since the task demands that you describe what you would like to talk about, you may want to use “Indirect Questions” such as the following. Remember! An indirect question is no longer a question. Therefore, it does not have the structure of a question.

“I would ask him which of his plays he liked best and what messages he wanted to convey to his audience.”
“I would ask him some personal questions such as how he felt about Israel and what it meant to him to be a Jew.”

Change the following direct questions that you may want to ask this figure into indirect questions. Begin with “I would ask…..” “I would want to know…” “I would be interested in finding out….”

a) Where were you born?
b) When did you begin your career?
c) Are you satisfied with your choices?
d) How did you become famous?
e) How much money do you make?
f) Do you have any regrets?
g) When will you retire?
h) How many movies have you made so far?
i) Which creation are you most proud of?
j) Can you give me your autograph?

Now you are ready to write the entire task.

Exercise #5: Read the following descriptive essay from Winter 2012. Underline the fancy structures and vocabulary. Identify the tenses that were used to write the essay. Then, write your own essay on this same topic.

Write a passage for the newspaper, describing a disagreement you had (for example, in school, with a family member or a friend) and its consequences or how the problem was solved.

My Disagreement

Everyone of us has a disagreement with someone close at one time or another. Even the most easygoing person may find himself in a situation in which his opinions are different than someone else’s. I found myself in such a situation last year.

Last year, my parents and I had a terrible disagreement about buying a motorcycle. I had saved up enough money to pay for lessons as well as the bike but my parents refused to allow it. I said that I was old enough to decide for myself but they claimed it was too dangerous.

The consequences of this disagreement made my life miserable. To begin with, my mother wandered around the house sniffling, sobbing and sighing under her breath “Where did I go wrong?” Also, my father was cold and barely spoke to me. Even my grandmother begged me to reconsider. Only my younger brother, who knew I was paving the way for him, supported me.

A solution was finally found which comforted us all. My parents and grandparents got together and decided to buy me a car instead. My parents were happy because I would drive a safer vehicle. I was satisfied to get this upgrade. Even my brother was pleased and started dreaming of which car he would choose when his time came.

In conclusion, although we should try to avoid arguments, they are inevitable. However, if you are smart, you can turn a disagreement into a wonderful compromise

Exercise #6: After reading the Topic, it is advisable to decide which tense you should use in order to write the essay. In the above essay, you identified that Past Tenses such as Past Simple, Past Perfect, Future Past were necessary. In the following topic, you will see how it is necessary to use Future Tenses (even Future Perfect!). Complete the essay from Summer of 2008 (Moed Beit) by filling in the correct form of the verb in brackets.

If you could be any age at all – older, younger, or the age you are now – what would you choose? Write a passage for the newspaper, describing some of the things you like about the age you chose.

“Fifty Is Nifty”

People are never satisfied with their age. While some people wish to be older, others wish to be younger. If I could choose to be any age at all, I ……………….(want) to be fifty!

I am sure that when I am fifty, I …………………..(have) a wonderful family life. First of all, I …………………………..(already meet) the man of my dreams and …………………………..(marry) by the time I ………………………(be) fifty. Also, I …………………………(have) at least three wonderful children by then, who ………………………..(be) grown up and independent.

By the time I …………………(turn) fifty, I probably………………………(establish) a good career. To begin with, not only will I have finished college or university, but I will have gained years of experience by then as well. In addition, I probably ……………………..(work) as a successful lawyer and making a nice salary.

In conclusion, fifty is a great age and I …………………….(look forward to) reaching it. In the meantime, in order to meet all these expectations, I had better go get some work done!

(over 160 words)


Here are a number of composition topics dealing with descriptions. Enjoy!

1. WINTER 2012- Your school newspaper has asked readers to write about a disagreement they had with someone. Write a passage for the newspaper, describing a disagreement you had (for example, in school, with a family member or a friend) and its consequences or how the problem was solved.
2. WINTER 2011 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: If you could take a course in a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Write a passage for the newspaper describing what you would like to learn and how you think it would affect your life.
3. WINTER 2010 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Which object or activity is especially important to you? Write a passage for the newspaper. Choose an object or activity that is very important to you, and describe the role it plays in your life. You may also describe how your life would change if you gave it up.
4. WINTER 2009 – An international teen magazine is holding a writing competition for high-school students. It has asked them to write on the following topic: How have inventions influenced our lives? Write a passage for the magazine. Choose one or two inventions and describe their influence on your life and / or the lives of others.
5. MOED BEIT 2008 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: If you could be any age at all – older, younger, or the age you are now – what would you choose? Write a passage for the newspaper, describing some of the things you like about the age you chose.
6. SUMMER 2008 – An international teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: Describe something you did that was hard for you to do. Write a passage for the magazine, describing what you did, what the difficulty was, and how you coped with it.
7. WINTER 2008 – An international youth magazine has asked students to write on the following topic: It is generally believed that people of the same generation have certain ideas, beliefs and/or characteristics in common. What do you think is typical of your generation? Write a passage for the magazine, describing some ideas, beliefs and /or characteristics of your own generation. You may also compare your generation to previous generations.
8. MOED BEIT 2006 – An international writing competition has invited teenagers to submit compositions on the following topic: What are the most important values children should be taught? Write a composition for the competition, expressing your opinion. Choose l-3 values and explain their importance.
9. MOED BEIT 2006 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Which of your possessions means the most to you? Write a passage for the newspaper, describing one or two objects and how you got them. In addition, explain why they are so important to you.
10. SUMMER 2006 – An international writing competition has asked teenagers to submit compositions on the following topic: In your opinion, what are the most important qualities in a friend? Write a composition for the competition. Choose 2-3 qualities and explain why you think they are so important.
11. SUMMER 2006 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Describe some volunteer work you did (real or imaginary). Write a passage for the newspaper about the work you did, such as cleaning up beaches, helping a child with schoolwork, working for a volunteer organization. You may also describe your reasons for doing the work, and how you felt about it.
12. WINTER 2005 – A teen magazine has asked readers to describe their
ideal summer job. Write a passage for the magazine describing one or two summer jobs that are ideal for you and their special advantages. You may relate to your own experience or that of others.
13. WINTER 2003 – An American teen magazine is holding an international competition and has asked its readers to write on the following topic: You have just been given the opportunity to build the house of your dreams. What kind of house would you build? Write a passage for the magazine, describing the house – where you would build it, what it would look like, and /or what you would like (or not like) to have in it.
14. WINTER 2002 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write how cellular phones affect daily life. Write a passage for the paper, describing one or two situations or events, real or imaginary, in which a cellular phone was helpful, annoying or dangerous.
15. MOED BEIT 2001 – Describe a real or imaginary field trip you have taken, or a visit to a national park or nature reserve. Describe any or all of the following:
a. some sights you’ve seen
b. some recreation activities
c. an unusual experience you had there
16. SUMMER 2001 – Suppose you have just completed a difficult task- for example, you have finally finished taking you Bagrut exams. Describe how you feel, how you think your life will change, and/or how you plan to celebrate.
17. WINTER 2000 – Most people set goals for themselves at different stages of life. Describe one goal of your own (real or imaginary), and what you did, are doing or will do in order to achieve it.
18. SUMMER 2000 – Imagine yourself going off to the island of your dreams for two weeks. What would you take with you, and/or like to find there? Describe three to five items (these may be objects, places and/or people), and explain why you chose them.
19. SUMMER 1999 – Think of a famous person you’d like to meet (a public figure, a performer, etc.) State who the person is, and explain why you want to meet him or her. Describe the setting, what you would like to talk about, and what you imagine the meeting would be like.
20. WINTER 1998 – Describe how you chose – or choose – a gift for someone close to you. Describe the considerations and efforts involved in finding the gift (buying or making, originality, your own taste, the other person’s taste, etc.)
21. WINTER 1996 – Write an article for a popular American magazine “Favorite Pastimes”, in which you describe a popular pastime in Israel.
22. SUMMER 1994 – Describe how a certain person has influenced your life.
23. WINTER 1990 – Write an article for a newspaper abroad, describing the problems facing a typical family in Israel living in a small town or an outer suburb of a large town.
24. WINTER 1989 – Imagine you were present at a world famous sporting event, or at a performance in Israel of some world famous entertainer. Describe the experience.
25. SUMMER 1988 – The State of Israel was established 40 years ago. Describe the main achievements of the State during the past forty years and the main problems still facing us.
26. WINTER 1988 – Write an article for your school newspaper describing an interesting trip abroad that you have just returned from.
27. SUMMER 1987 – Fashions are always changing; sometimes dresses are long, sometimes they are short; sometimes men’s hair is long, sometimes it is short; sometimes bright colors are being worn; sometimes everyone must be in gray of another dark color. Write a description of the changes in fashion that you have noticed in the past few years.
28. WINTER 1987 – Describe what you think your town or village will be like in 50 years’ time. Describe the architecture, the means of employment, the education offered and the cultural activities that will be available.
29. WINTER 1986 – Write an article for the magazine “Holiday”, published in England. Describe the holiday attractions that Israel has to offer to holiday-makers from that country.
30. WINTER 1983 – Write an article for a magazine on “How to Plan a Birthday Dinner”. Describe the preparations to be made for the occasion, such as the shopping that is necessary, the cooking of the meal, and the program for the evening.
31. SUMMER 1981 – Write a prospectus describing the school you went to, for the benefit of parents who might want to send their children there.
32. WINTER 1981 – Write a description of an exciting event in which you participated. The event may be taken from school, your neighborhood, your youth movement or from work.
33. SUMMER 1979 – A small fire broke out recently in your friend’s home. Describe what happened.
34. SUMMER 1978 – Describe a visit you have recently paid to a museum or an art exhibition.



One type of “Opinion Essay” is one which asks for reasons for and against, advantages and disadvantages, pros and cons on a certain subject as well as your own opinion. The structure of this type of essay is as follows:



• Approximately 2 – 3 sentences long.
• It starts with a general statement.
• Part of the topic may be used, but not copied word for word.
• It ends with a specific statement or KEY SENTENCE.
• The last or key sentence introduces the conflict. “Whereas some people are in favor of this suggestion, others think differently.”
“While some people believe that ……………………. , others think otherwise.”
“Some people agree that …………………… while others disagree.”


• The body consists of TWO paragraphs.
• The main idea of one paragraph supports the suggestion and the other opposes it.
• The key sentence of the first paragraph can begin “On the one hand, …..”
• The key sentence of the second paragraph can begin “On the other hand, …….”
• Each paragraph should be 4 – 6 sentences long.
• The supporting sentences should begin with connecting words or expressions.
• Fancy grammatical structures should be used (passive, conditionals, inversions, relative clauses, gerunds etc.)
• Organization of these paragraphs before writing is essential.

• Approximately 2 – 3 sentences long.
• Your opinion is expressed in the first sentence. The sentence begins “In my opinion, ………….”
• The final sentence is a general statement (such as a punch line or proverb)

Exercise #1 – Look at how the topic from Summer 77 can be written. The Introduction, Organization of the Body and the Conclusion have been done for you. Complete the Body.

It has recently been suggested that the Bagrut examination should be abolished. What are some of the reasons for and against this suggestion? What is your opinion?

Title: “Goodbye Bagrut??”


In Israel, a student who wants to graduate from high school with a diploma and continue studying at university must pass Bagrut exams in a number of subjects. It has been suggested, though, that the Bagrut exams should be abolished. Whereas this suggestion is supported by some people, others are against it.



• Students will be more motivated if they are tested on the material.
(condition I) (passive)
• Universities won’t have an objective measure of students’ achievements.
• Without standardized tests, schools may not teach according to the requirements.
• It is a good way to check what students know and a good way to check if teachers are doing a good job.

• Bagrut exams are not given in other countries.(passive)
• Too much pressure is put on the students. (passive)
• One exam shouldn’t be given so much weight. (passive)
• There are alternative ways to test students’ knowledge such as projects and presentations. (example)
• One exam cannot reflect how well a student knows the material.

On the one hand, there are a number of reasons why Bagrut exams should be abolished. To begin with, ……………………………………………………….
In addition, ……………………………………………………………………….
Moreover, ………………………………………………………………………..
……………………………… Finally, …………………………………………

On the other hand, Bagrut exams are necessary for several reasons. First of all,
Secondly, …………………………………………………………………………
…………………….. Furthermore, ………………………………………………
Last but not least, …………………………………………………………………


In my opinion, I wish the situation would remain as it is today. The Bagrut exam may be a “necessary evil” which we cannot be without.


In my opinion, everyone would benefit if Bagrut exams were abolished. The sooner this happens, the better!

Exercise #2 – Let’s take a look at the controversial issue posed in the topic from Winter 93.

Some say that experiments on animals are vital, while others claim they can and should be avoided. Express your opinion.

As mentioned many times, the need to organize before writing is essential. One step in a good organization is the “Dictionary Search” which will give us a supply of useful words on the given subject. Take a look at the wealth of words waiting to be discovered! Underline the words that would be useful in writing this essay.

• Under the word “experiment”
o a scientific test that is done in order to get proof of something or new knowledge
o to carry out an experiment
o to perform an experiment
o to conduct an experiment
o to do an experiment
o to experiment on something
o We need to prove this theory by experiment
o Experimentally
o To do tests to see if something works or to try to improve it
o Is it really necessary to experiment on animals?
• Under the word “animal”
o A living creature that can feel
o Humans are social animals
• Under the word “vital”
o Very important or necessary

Another step in organizing is making a chart for the pros and cons.

• It is a necessary scientific test in order to save people’s lives, get new knowledge
• Experiments are only performed until improvements are made.
• Helps science develop and find cures to diseases and medicines
• You can’t conduct experiments on people
• Humans have always made use of animals in order to survive when they eat them, use their skin, fur – this is another example.

• Animals are living creatures that can feel
• There are other ways to perform experiments
• Humans are animals as well. Cruelty to animals will lead to cruelty to one another.

The next step in organizing is deciding on the KEY SENTENCE for each paragraph.
One should begin with “On the one hand,” and the other should begin “On the other hand,” What will your key sentences be?

Another step is deciding which of the above ideas can be expressed in the passive, conditional, relative clause.

Which of the above ideas can be followed by examples using “For example,” “For instance,” or “such as….”? Write the example sentences.


Which CONNECTORS will you use to join the sentences together? Remember, do not repeat the same one!

The Introduction is one of the easiest paragraphs to write. It begins with a general statement and ends with a statement of the conflict.

Every year, thousands of animals are killed (passive) in the name of science (from the dictionary). Some people believe that conducting (from the dictionary) experiments on animals is important and even necessary (from the dictionary) while others think it can and should be avoided. (You can use the topic sentence in your Introduction, but it should be changed slightly and not copied word for word.)

In the Conclusion, we need to express our opinion on the subject. It is advisable to begin it with expressions such as “In my opinion,….” “As I see it, ……..” “Personally, I think/ believe……..”

In my opinion, even though experimenting is important, it does not mean it has to be done on innocent creatures. All living creatures have the same right to exist.

Use the above suggestions and examples to write the essay. Don’t forget to give it a Title after you have completed it!

Exercise #3 – Follow the same process as in exercise #2 to write an essay on the topic from Winter 95.

Lotteries like Lotto, Mifal Hapayis, etc. are very popular in Israel. Give reasons for and against having them.

Dictionary Search – ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

For & Against Chart –


Key Sentences –

Fancy & Grammatically Advanced Sentences –

Examples –

Connecting words & Expressions –

Now you are ready to write the entire essay!

Exercise #4 – Read the following essay written on the topic of Winter 2003. Underline the fancy grammatical structures, connectors, impressive vocabulary.

Your high school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: In your opinion, should physical education be compulsory for all high school students, or should it be optional like other subjects such as music or economics? Give reasons for your position.


Nowadays high schools offer a large variety of subjects some of which are optional while others are compulsory. Physical Education is one subject that is obligatory in most schools. Whereas some people are in favor of keeping it compulsory, others would like it to be an optional subject.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why Physical Education should be an optional subject. First of all, getting into shape and keeping fit is not really a school subject such as Math or English. Since it is enrichment, students should not be forced to study it. In addition, because it can be done anywhere and at any time, valuable class time should not be wasted. Finally, not everyone can cope with the demands of this subject, so it is not fair to demand it of him.

On the other hand, Physical Education should remain compulsory for a number of reasons. First and foremost, if a student is not forced to get into shape, he will not do it on his own. Also, in Physical Education lessons, students are taught by experienced teachers about health issues as well as how to work out properly. Moreover, students who don’t have enough money to join health clubs will be able to use the school’s facilities during gym class. Lastly, if students are in good physical shape, they will be better prepared for their army service.

In my opinion, school would be more boring if students had to sit in class all day. Physical Education is just as important as the other compulsory subjects. To quote the sages “A healthy mind can only exist in a healthy body”.

Exercise #5 – Read the following essay on the topic from Summer 2011.
Underline the fancy grammatical structures, connectors, impressive vocabulary.

Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that public transportation should be free of charge. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion? Write a passage for your newspaper, expressing your opinion and explaining the advantages and /or disadvantages of the idea.


Public transportation offers people different ways of getting around, whether by bus, train or subway. It has recently been suggested that public transportation should be free of charge. Whereas some people are in favor of this suggestion, others are against it.

On the one hand, there are several reasons why this is a good suggestion. First and foremost, this move would make transportation accessible to the rich and poor alike. Those people, who could not afford to travel because of the high cost of transportation, would have more opportunities open up to them. In addition, there would be fewer vehicles on the road since many people would take advantage of cutting their expenses. As a result, not only would there be fewer traffic jams and car accidents, but there would be less air pollution as well.

On the other hand, making public transportation free of charge has its disadvantages. To begin with, the car industry would suffer because fewer cars would be bought. Also, people would probably take the bus instead of walking or biking which would make them less healthy. Moreover, buses and trains would become even more crowded than they are today, making the ride very uncomfortable. Finally, the need to invest in infrastructure and more vehicles would cost the taxpayers a lot more money.

In my opinion, public transportation should not be made free for everyone. As I see it, if this suggestion were implemented, there would be a decline in the quality of public transportation and everyone would suffer. So far my motto “You pay cheap, you get cheap” has, sadly, always proven true.

Exercise #6 – Write an essay for the topic from Summer 2002.

In the future, schools may allow pupils to study from home and communicate with their teachers by computer instead of coming to class. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, discussing some advantages and / or disadvantages of the idea. You may consider personal, social, economic and/or educational aspects

You can use the following ideas:


• Students can work at their own speed
• No strict framework, no rules such as…
• Students can study in comfort and can stay in their pyjamas
• Personal attention from the online teacher
• Save money on books, transportation to school, uniform

• No socializing with friends
• No help from peers
• No framework, less motivation
• No discipline
• Need for self discipline, not everyone has that
• Not everyone has a computer
• Not everyone can afford internet connection

Exercise #7 – Write an essay for the topic from Summer 2003.

Overcrowding in the classroom is a problem in many schools today. One solution that has been suggested is that classes be split and taught in two shifts, half the class in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. What is your opinion of this suggested change? Write a passage for the newspaper, giving your opinion of the suggestion and discussing some of its possible advantages and/or disadvantages.

You can use the following ideas:


• Students can study in smaller classes
• Each student gets more attention
• Students have time to sleep late
• More material will be covered
• Students can’t be with all friends
• Students can’t get an afternoon job
• Students will have less time with family in the afternoon and evening
• Students won’t be able to take courses outside school
• Students will miss morning activities

Exercise #8 – Write an essay for the topic from Summer 2003.

Your school newspaper has asked pupils to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that entrance to the university should be open to all high school graduates, regardless of their grades on Bagrut or university entrance exams. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, discussing some possible advantages and/or disadvantages of such a policy.

You can use the following ideas:


• Equal opportunity for all
• Sometimes the true abilities of high school graduates are not reflected in one entrance exam
• Society will benefit if more people go to university
• The level of studies will be lowered by weak students
• Not everyone is suitable for university
• The entrance exams help direct the applicants to what they are good at

Exercise #9 – Use the above structure of “Writing on a Controversial Subject” to write the following essays – 2, 3, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 33, 45


Another type of “Opinion Essay” is one which asks you to state your opinion on a given subject and explain by giving reasons and /or examples. The structure of this type of essay is as follows:



• Approximately 2 – 3 sentences long.
• It starts with a general statement.
• Following this general statement, the conflict is raised “Whereas some people believe that ……………………. , others think that ………………………”
• Part of the topic may be used, but not copied word for word.
• In the last or KEY SENTENCE, you express your OPINION. “In my opinion, ……………………….”


• The body will consist of one, two or even three paragraphs, depending on the instructions given.
• Each paragraph begins with a KEY SENTENCE.
• Each paragraph should be 4 – 6 sentences long. When the BODY is two or three paragraphs, each paragraph should be approximately 4 sentences long. If the BODY is only one paragraph, there should be at least six sentences.
• The supporting sentences should begin with connecting words or expressions.
• Fancy grammatical structures should be used (passive, conditionals, inversions, relative clauses, gerunds etc.)
• Organization of the BODY before writing is essential.

• Approximately 2 – 3 sentences long.
• Your opinion is expressed AGAIN in the first sentence. If the expression “In my opinion, ………….” was used in the Introduction, then use “As I see it, …………………” here in the Conclusion.
• The final sentence is a general statement (such as a punch line or proverb)

Exercise #1 – The following topics require that we state our opinion, give reasons for believing as we do and ask us to make suggestions. The structure will be as follows:

• In the INTRODUCTION, we will do as stated above and express our opinion in the last sentence.

• The BODY will have TWO paragraphs.

o The main idea of the first will provide reasons why I believe as I do. “There are a number of reasons why I believe that ……………………….”

o The second paragraph will provide suggestions. “There are several ways to solve this problem.”

• In the CONCLUSION, we will restate our opinion in the first sentence “As I see it,……………………” as is stated above.

Read the following essays written on the topic from Summer 2005 Moed Beit. Complete the charts that follow each essay.

Summer 2005 (Moed Beit) – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Some people believe that students should be more involved in determining school policy regarding issues such as school subjects, school hours and school uniforms. Do you agree or disagree? Are there any aspects of school life in which you think students should or should not be involved? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating your opinion and explaining it with the help of one or two examples.


Students spend most of their day at school from a young age until they are almost adults. There are those that believe that students should be more involved in determining school policy regarding different issues. In my opinion, this suggestion should be implemented.

There are a number of reasons why I think students should be involved. First of all, the school should be a place where students are happy. For example, if students have a say in determining their schedule, they will be more satisfied with the system. In addition, students should be given the opportunity to make important decisions and think like adults. Only by letting them make mature decisions while at school, will they become mature and responsible adults in the real world.

I think that there are several issues that students should be involved in at school. To begin with, they should have the right to choose what they wear to school in order to be pleased with their appearance. Moreover, they should be able to decide which subjects they want to study. For instance, if someone does not like studying Literature, he should not be forced to do so. Last but not least, students should have the option of organizing their time as they wish and they should be able to stay home whenever they feel tired or depressed without being punished.

As I see it, not only should students’ opinions and desires be taken into consideration and respected, but they should be implemented as well. There’s no better place to do this than at their “second home” – their school.


BODY: paragraph I

BODY: paragraph II



In today’s world, too many of the young generation believe that life revolves around them and their desires. As a result, many believe that they should be involved in determining their school’s policy. In my opinion, this is a bad idea.

There are several reasons why students should not be involved in determining school policy. First and foremost, not only is it the role of the school to educate youngsters, but the school is expected to teach the students to be well disciplined, well behaved and law abiding citizens as well. As a result, having school uniforms is necessary even though most students would do away with them if they were given the chance. Furthermore, most youngsters are self-centered and would not be responsible enough to determine their own subjects or time tables. If they were given the opportunity, most students would prefer to sleep in late or choose subjects according to their difficulty instead of their importance.

However, there are certain aspects of school life which students should be encouraged to take part in. To begin with, students should be involved in the student council. In addition, students should be allowed to decorate their classrooms as well as the corridors. Also, students should take part in organizing social events. Lastly, they should be involved in putting out the school newspaper.

As I see it, school is not a democracy and so students should not expect to be involved in determining policy. There are other ways students can make a difference!


BODY: paragraph I

BODY: paragraph II


Exercise #2 – What KEY SENTENCE would you write for each of the following topics?

Summer 91 – Some people complain that Israelis do not know English well enough. Give your opinion.
Why should Israelis have to know English well?
Suggest some ways of improving people’s English.


BODY: paragraph I

BODY: paragraph II


Winter 2005 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that in order to raise the academic level in high schools, school time should be spent only on studies and not on social activities such as school trips, sports competitions, etc. Do you think such a policy can achieve its purpose? Why or why not? Write a passage for the paper stating and explaining your opinion. In addition, you may make your own suggestions for raising the academic level in high schools.


BODY: paragraph I

BODY: paragraph II


Summer 2007 Moed Beit – Your high school wants to start a Big Brother/ Big Sister program. Every new student will be paired with a student from a higher grade, who will help him or her adjust to the school. Write a passage for the school newspaper giving your opinion of the idea and/ or suggestions for the program.


BODY: paragraph I

BODY: paragraph II


Summer 2009 – An international teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: “Drunk drivers should automatically lose their driving license for ten years.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a passage for the magazine, stating and explaining your opinion. You may also suggest other ways to fight drunk driving.


BODY: paragraph I

BODY: paragraph II


Summer 2011 Moed Beit – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Some people feel there are too many rules in schools today. Others think there aren’t enough. What do you think? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion. Relate to your own experience and/or give examples of rules you would add, change or cancel.


BODY: paragraph I

BODY: paragraph II


Exercise #3 – Write the following composition. Some of it has been done for you.

Summer 86 – During the last few years, there have been numerous cases of violence in sports (for example, the Brussels football disaster or the international match between the Liverpool and Juventus teams). What are the causes of this violence, in your opinion? What can be done to take violence out of sport?

TITLE: “……………………………..”

Our world has become a violent place. It has become dangerous to drive on the roads, to walk the streets at night. During the last few years, it has even become dangerous when participating in sports. In my opinion, there are several causes of the violence in sports and there are also a number of solutions.



• Competition
• Hatred of the opposing team
• Drinking alcohol before the games
• People come to let off steam

• First of all, secondly, moreover

• More police
• Severe punishment
• Education
• Number of fans should be limited
• Fans of opposing teams should be seated far apart
• Cameras should be used to watch the fans
• to begin with, also, furthermore, last but not least

• If the punishment were more severe, people would think twice before acting violently.

• For example, when Liverpool fans caused the deaths of Juventus fans at an international match, they were punished and were not allowed to attend European Cup games for five years.


There are several causes of violence in sports………………………………………

This problem can be solved in a number of ways……………………………………………….


As I see it, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

Exercise #4 – Look at the following topics. What do they have in common?

Summer 2000 – Suppose the Ministry of Education is considering the possibility of starting school an hour later than at present (which also means ending an hour later). What do you think about such a change? Express your opinion and give two or three reasons for that opinion.
Summer (Moed Beit) 200l – In your opinion, what makes a person choose a certain profession? Who or what may influence the choice (family, fields of interest, etc)? You may discuss the issue in general, or explain how you would choose your profession.
Summer (Moed Beit) 2002 – Your school newspaper has asked pupils to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that the minimum age for getting a driver’s licence should be raised to 21. Are you for or against the suggested change, or undecided? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your position.
Summer 2004 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that voting should be not only a right but an obligation as well, and that there should be some sort of penalty for not voting. Do you agree or disagree that voting in national and local elections should be made obligatory? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your position.
Summer (Moed Beit) 2004 – Life today is very dependent on the products of modern technology such as cars, computers and mobile phones. Some people think there are products we can or should use less frequently or do without. Do you agree or disagree? State your position and explain it with the help of 2-3 examples.
Summer 2005 – Your school’s English newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Knowledge of English is widely regarded as the key to success in today’s world. It has therefore been suggested that students should be taught some school subjects in English rather than in their mother tongue. What do you think of this suggestion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
Winter 2006 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Some people think that the family has the greatest influence on young people. Others think that friends are more influential. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion and giving one or two examples. You may relate to situations in daily life, beliefs and values, plans for the future, etc.
Summer 2007 – A teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: Some people believe that money should be one of the most important reasons for choosing a job or a career. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion
Summer 2008 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Many famous people complain that the media does not respect their privacy. Do you think their complaint is legitimate, or does the media have a right to report on their private lives? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
Summer 2008 Moed Beit – An international teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that in order to increase road safety, everyone with a driver’s license should be required to take another driving test every five years. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion? Write a passage for the newspaper stating and explaining your opinion.
Winter 2009 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Many people believe that peer pressure – the influence that friends and classmates have on one another – has negative effects. Do you agree with this view, or do you think peer pressure can also be a positive influence? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
Summer 2009 Moed Beit – An international teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following subject: Which do you think is the most important role of schools: to teach students skills for their future life, to teach them values, or to increase their knowledge in academic subjects? Write a passage for the magazine stating and explaining your opinion. You may use examples from your own experience or that of others.
Winter 2010 – An international teen magazine is holding a writing competition on the following topic: It is often said that people who are famous have a responsibility to the public to set a good example. Do you agree with this view? Write a passage for the magazine stating and explaining your opinion. You may give examples to support your position.
Summer 2010 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Do you think the government should limit the advertising and sale of junk food in the same way that it limits the advertising and sale of cigarettes and alcohol? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
Summer 2010 Moed Beit – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Which is more important for success in life: a person’s natural abilities or hard work? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion. You may support your position with examples from your own experience and/or that of others.
Winter 2011 – A teen magazine has asked its readers to write about the following topic: It is often said that people’s opinions and attitudes are greatly influenced by the media (TV, newspapers, Internet). Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a passage for the magazine stating and explaining your opinion. You may use examples to support your position.

In all of the above bagrut topics, you are requested to “state and explain your opinion and give some examples to support your position”. What will the STRUCTURE of such a composition be?



• Approximately 2 – 3 sentences long.
• It starts with a general statement.
• Following this general statement, the conflict is raised “Whereas some people believe that ……………………. , others think that ………………………”
• Part of the topic may be used, but not copied word for word.
• In the last or KEY SENTENCE, you express your OPINION. “In my opinion, ……………………….”


• The body will consist of ONE PARAGRAPH!
• The paragraph will begin with a KEY SENTENCE. “There are several reasons why I believe that ……………..” or “I believe that ………………..for several reasons.”
• This paragraph should be at least 6 sentences long (one key sentence, three reasons and two examples).
• The supporting sentences should begin with connecting words or expressions.
• Fancy grammatical structures should be used (passive, conditionals, inversions, relative clauses, gerunds etc.)
• Organization of the BODY before writing is essential.

• Approximately 2 – 3 sentences long.
• Your opinion is expressed AGAIN in the first sentence. If the expression “In my opinion, ………….” was used in the Introduction, then use “As I see it, …………………” here in the Conclusion.
• The final sentence is a general statement (such as a punch line or proverb)

Take a look at how the following topic was written.

Summer (Moed Beit) 2002 – Your school newspaper has asked pupils to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that the minimum age for getting a driver’s license should be raised to 21. Are you for or against the suggested change, or undecided? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your position.


Today, many of us are taking our driving lessons and are hoping to get our license. I has recently been suggested that in order to reduce the number of car accidents the minimum age of getting a license should be raised to twenty-one. In my opinion, this is a bad suggestion and the minimum age should remain as it is today.

I disagree with this suggestion for a number of reasons. First and foremost, our society has many expectations from us at the age of eighteen such as voting in elections and serving in the army. If we are considered mature and responsible to do that, we should be trusted with a car as well. In addition, getting a license at an earlier age can make everyone’s lives easier. For example, we can help our parents with the chauffeuring and we will not need lifts from them anymore. Lastly, not only will we be more independent if we can drive at an earlier age, but we won’t have to hitch-hike or take buses which is sometimes dangerous.

As I see it, the suggestion of raising the minimum age for getting a license is unfair and should be rejected. The sooner that is done, the better!

(approximately 217 words!)

Exercise #5 – Write INTRODUCTIONS for the following essay topics.

Summer 2005 – Your school’s English newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Knowledge of English is widely regarded as the key to success in today’s world. It has therefore been suggested that students should be taught some school subjects in English rather than in their mother tongue. What do you think of this suggestion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.


Summer 2005 – Your school’s English newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Knowledge of English is widely regarded as the key to success in today’s world. It has therefore been suggested that students should be taught some school subjects in English rather than in their mother tongue. What do you think of this suggestion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.


Summer (Moed Beit) 200l – In your opinion, what makes a person choose a certain profession? Who or what may influence the choice (family, fields of interest, etc)? You may discuss the issue in general, or explain how you would choose your profession.


Exercise #6 – Write the ORGANIZATION FOR THE BODY for the following topics.

Summer 2000 – Suppose the Ministry of Education is considering the possibility of starting school an hour later than at present (which also means ending an hour later). What do you think about such a change? Express your opinion and give two or three reasons for that opinion.




Winter 2006 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Some people think that the family has the greatest influence on young people. Others think that friends are more influential. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion and giving one or two examples. You may relate to situations in daily life, beliefs and values, plans for the future, etc.




Summer 2007 – A teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: Some people believe that money should be one of the most important reasons for choosing a job or a career. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.




Exercise #7 – What do the following essay topics have in common?

Summer 2006 – An international writing competition has asked teenagers to submit compositions on the following topic: In your opinion, what are the most important qualities in a person? Write a composition for the competition. Choose 2 – 3 qualities and explain why you think they are so important and/or how they affect a person’s life and relationships.
Summer 2006 Moed Beit – An international writing competition has invited teenagers to submit compositions on the following topic: What are the most important values children should be taught? Write a composition for the competition, expressing your opinion. Choose l – 3 values and explain their importance.
Winter 2012 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write about the skills and/ or abilities they think it is important for a person to develop. Choose ONE or TWO skills and/or abilities (for example, computer skills and/or the ability to get along with people), and write a passage for the newspaper explaining your choice. You may relate to your own experience and/or that of others.

These topics are “Descriptive Opinions” and are written using the same structure as used above. Namely, in the last sentence of the INTRODUCTION, you state your opinion. The BODY consists of a number of paragraphs depending on the instructions given. In the CONCLSION, your opinion is repeated in the first sentence.

Complete the essay fromWinter 2012. Part of it has been done for you.

“Opening Doors”

In order to live a comfortable and successful life, it is worthwhile developing certain “life skills”. In my opinion, the most important skills for a person to develop are technological skills and “people” skills.

Developing technological skills is necessary for several reasons ………………….

It is important to develop “people skills” for a number of reasons. …………………

As I see it, not only should people who want to live a better life learn to get along with others, but they should acquire technological skills as well. These skills are certain to open all sorts of doors!


1. Summer 77 – It has recently been suggested that the Bagrut examination should be abolished. What are some of the reasons for and against this suggestion? What is your opinion?
2. Summer 82 – Some people say that the high rate of road accidents is due to poor roads, to old cars and to badly-trained drivers. Others claim that it is simply due to the temperament of our people and their bad manners. They believe that the problem will be solved when secondary schools begin to teach pupils good manners and the skills of driving. What is your opinion?
3. Summer 85 – We are now living in the computer age, with computers helping humans both at work and in the home, making life easier and more pleasant. However, some people believe that this is only the beginning of an age that will end with robots taking over the world and people becoming their slaves. What is you opinion?
4. Winter 85 – In your opinion, what will life be like in the 21st century? Will it be better or worse than today? Give your reasons.
5. Summer 86 – The Ministry of Education has decided that this year’s school project is “Education for Democracy”. In your opinion, what are some of the points such a project should emphasize and in which way do you think schools could apply democratic ideas in the day-to-day running of the school?
6. Summer 86 – During the last few years, there have been numerous cases of violence in sports (for example, the Brussels football disaster or the international match between the Liverpool and Juventus teams). What are the causes of this violence, in your opinion? What can be done to take violence out of sport?
7. Summer 91 – Some people complain that Israelis do not know English well enough. Give your opinion.
Why should Israelis have to know English well?
Suggest some ways of improving people’s English.
8. Summer 92 – Your community has enough money to build either a home for old people or a sports center. Compare the advantages of each project and state which one you believe the community should choose and why.
9. Winter 93 – Some say that experiments on animals are vital, while others claim they can and should be avoided. Express your opinion.
10. Summer 93 – Give arguments for and against raising the minimum age for a driving licence.
11. Winter 95 – Lotteries like Lotto, Mifal Hapayis, etc. are very popular in Israel. Give reasons for and against having them.
12. Winter 96 – In your opinion, should the education system spend more money on special programs for gifted children, or on ones for weak learners? Give reasons for your answer.
13. Summer 97 – Many highschool students hold graduation parties, often at a very high cost. Do you think this cost is justified? Give reasons for your answer.
14. Winter 98 – The passage “TV for Toddlers” deals with a TV program which is meant specifically for one-year-old children. What is your opinion about a TV program for such young children? Are you for it or against it? Give 2-3 reasons for your answer.
15. Summer 99 – The ad you have read on page l0 offers a course for writers. Do you think a course can help a person become a writer? If you think it can, explain in what way(s). If you think it cannot, explain why not.
16. Winter 99 – In Israel, as in other democratic countries, the right to strike is a basic right. However, some people believe that this right should be limited for providers of vital services (doctors, firemen, etc). Others disagree.
Present both sides of the issue, giving one argument for each side and stating your position.
17. Summer 2000 – Suppose the Ministry of Education is considering the possibility of starting school an hour later than at present (which also means ending an hour later). What do you think about such a change? Express your opinion and give two or three reasons for that opinion.
18. Summer (Moed Beit) 200l – In your opinion, what makes a person choose a certain profession? Who or what may influence the choice (family, fields of interest, etc)? You may discuss the issue in general, or explain how you would choose your profession.
19. Summer 2002 – Your school newspaper has asked pupils to write on the following topic: In the future, schools may allow pupils to study from home and communicate with their teachers by computer instead of coming to class. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, discussing some advantages and / or disadvantages of the idea. You may consider personal, social, economic and/or educational aspects.
20. Summer (Moed Beit) 2002 – Your school newspaper has asked pupils to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that the minimum age for getting a driver’s licence should be raised to 21. Are you for or against the suggested change, or undecided? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your position.
21. Winter 2003 – Your high school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: In your opinion, should physical education be compulsory for all high school students, or should it be optional like other subjects such as music or economics? Give reasons for your position.
22. Summer 2003 – Your school newspaper has asked pupils to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that entrance to the university should be open to all high school graduates, regardless of their grades on Bagrut or university entrance exams. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, discussing some possible advantages and/or disadvantages of such a policy.
23. Summer (Moed Beit) 2003 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Overcrowding in the classroom is a problem in many schools today. One solution that has been suggested is that classes be split and taught in two shifts, half the class in the morning and the other half in the afternoon. What is your opinion of this suggested change? Write a passage for the newspaper, giving your opinion of the suggestion and discussing some of its possible advantages and/or disadvantages.
24. Summer 2004 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that voting should be not only a right but an obligation as well, and that there should be some sort of penalty for not voting. Do you agree or disagree that voting in national and local elections should be made obligatory? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your position.
25. Summer (Moed Beit) 2004 – Life today is very dependent on the products of modern technology such as cars, computers and mobile phones. Some people think there are products we can or should use less frequently or do without. Do you agree or disagree? State your position and explain it with the help of 2-3 examples.
26. Winter 2005 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that in order to raise the academic level in high schools, school time should be spent only on studies and not on social activities such as school trips, sports competitions, etc. Do you think such a policy can achieve its purpose? Why or why not? Write a passage for the paper stating and explaining your opinion. In addition, you may make your own suggestions for raising the academic level in high schools.
27. Summer 2005 – Your school’s English newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Knowledge of English is widely regarded as the key to success in today’s world. It has therefore been suggested that students should be taught some school subjects in English rather than in their mother tongue. What do you think of this suggestion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
28. Summer 2005 (Moed Beit) – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Some people believe that students should be more involved in determining school policy regarding issues such as school subjects, school hours and school uniforms. Do you agree or disagree? Are there any aspects of school life in which you think students should or should not be involved? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating your opinion and explaining it with the help of one or two examples.
29. Winter 2006 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Some people think that the family has the greatest influence on young people. Others think that friends are more influential. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion and giving one or two examples. You may relate to situations in daily life, beliefs and values, plans for the future, etc.
30. Summer 2006 – An international writing competition has asked teenagers to submit compositions on the following topic: In your opinion, what are the most important qualities in a person? Write a composition for the competition. Choose 2 – 3 qualities and explain why you think they are so important and/or how they affect a person’s life and relationships.
31. Summer 2006 Moed Beit – An international writing competition has invited teenagers to submit compositions on the following topic: What are the most important values children should be taught? Write a composition for the competition, expressing your opinion. Choose l – 3 values and explain their importance.
32. Winter 2007 – A teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: Some people prefer to work or study in teams; others prefer to do son on their own. In your opinion, which is preferable, and why? Write a passage for the magazine, stating and explaining your opinion. Present advantages and/or disadvantages of one or both ways of working or studying. You may support your arguments with examples from your own experience and/or that of others.
33. Summer 2007 – A teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: Some people believe that money should be one of the most important reasons for choosing a job or a career. What is your opinion? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
34. Summer 2007 Moed Beit – Your high school wants to start a Big Brother/ Big Sister program. Every new student will be paired with a student from a higher grade, who will help him or her adjust to the school. Write a passage for the school newspaper giving your opinion of the idea and/ or suggestions for the program.
35. Winter 2008 – An international youth magazine has asked students to write on the following topic: It is generally believed that people of the same generation have certain ideas, beliefs and/or characteristics in common. What do you think is typical of your generation? Write a passage for the magazine, describing some ideas, beliefs and/or characteristics of your own generation. You may also compare your generation to previous generations.
36. Summer 2008 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Many famous people complain that the media does not respect their privacy. Do you think their complaint is legitimate, or does the media have a right to report on their private lives? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
37. Summer 2008 Moed Beit – An international teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that in order to increase road safety, everyone with a driver’s license should be required to take another driving test every five years. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion? Write a passage for the newspaper stating and explaining your opinion.
38. Winter 2009 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Many people believe that peer pressure – the influence that friends and classmates have on one another – has negative effects. Do you agree with this view, or do you think peer pressure can also be a positive influence? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
39. Summer 2009 – An international teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following topic: “Drunk drivers should automatically lose their driving licence for ten years.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a passage for the magazine, stating and explaining your opinion. You may also suggest other ways to fight drunk driving.
40. Summer 2009 Moed Beit – An international teen magazine has asked readers to write on the following subject: Which do you think is the most important role of schools: to teach students skills for their future life, to teach them values, or to increase their knowledge in academic subjects? Write a passage for the magazine stating and explaining your opinion. You may use examples from your own experience or that of others.
41. Winter 2010 – An international teen magazine is holding a writing competition on the following topic: It is often said that people who are famous have a responsibility to the public to set a good example. Do you agree with this view? Write a passage for the magazine stating and explaining your opinion. You may give examples to support your position.
42. Summer 2010 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Do you think the government should limit the advertising and sale of junk food in the same way that it limits the advertising and sale of cigarettes and alcohol? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion.
43. Summer 2010 Moed Beit – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write on the following topic: Which is more important for success in life: a person’s natural abilities or hard work? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion. You may support your position with examples from your own experience and/or that of others.
44. Winter 2011 – A teen magazine has asked its readers to write about the following topic: It is often said that people’s opinions and attitudes are greatly influenced by the media (TV, newspapers, Internet). Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Write a passage for the magazine stating and explaining your opinion. You may use examples to support your position.
45. Summer 2011 – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: It has been suggested that public transportation should be free of charge. Do you agree or disagree with this suggestion? Write a passage for your newspaper, expressing your opinion and explaining the advantages and /or disadvantages of the idea.
46. Summer 2011 Moed Beit – Your school newspaper has asked students to write on the following topic: Some people feel there are too many rules in schools today. Others think there aren’t enough. What do you think? Write a passage for the newspaper, stating and explaining your opinion. Relate to your own experience and/or give examples of rules you would add, change or cancel.
47. Winter 2012 – Your school newspaper has asked readers to write about the skills and/ or abilities they think it is important for a person to develop. Choose ONE or TWO skills and/or abilities (for example, computer skills and/or the ability to get along with people), and write a passage for the newspaper explaining your choice. You may relate to your own experience and/or that of others.

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