Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com
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Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World


Artwork: Public Domain

  • Joined Jan 2017
  • Published Books 1

This is the story of a little hawk named Harry, who was unlike other kids in the strangest way. Harry the Hawk was very scared of the the wide open world outside, unlike most other young animals. “Eek!” Harry thought. “The world outside is so strange and different! Who knows what will happen to me out there!” So, Harry simply stayed in his parent’s little nest, shying away from the outside world.

Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com

However, while most of the animals living in the forest simply went about their daily lives, one animal in particular noticed that noise was always coming from a small little nest high up in the trees, even though there was no one to be seen. This animals name was Ellie the Emu, and she was always very curious. So one day, after she saw Harry’s family of Hawks leave to go explore the forest, Ellie climbed up the tree by jumping from branch to branch, until she was right above the nest.

Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com

“Ello Love!” said Ellie with a smile.

“AHHHHHHHH!” Said Harry, clearly startled.

“Oh, sorry there love! I didn’t mean to scare ya!” Says Ellie, giggling slightly as she does so.

“W-Who…Who are y-you…? Said Harry frightened.

“Why I’m Ellie! Ellie the Emu! Replied Ellie. “But enough about me love, what’re ya doin in yer nest all alone? Yer parents have already left to explore you know?! Asked Ellie.

“I…I don’t want to go outside…its big…and scary…” Replied Harry.

“Scary? Aw, rubbish I say! said Ellie. There’s a ton of amazin things out there to see and do!”

“L-like what?” Harry replied, still a little frightened.

“Well come with me and I’ll show ya love! Said Ellie. Ill show ya a few of my friends that oughta teach you a thing or two!”

After thinking about it for a little bit, Harry decided to trust this new rather large bird and get on her back.

“Alrighty then, here we go!” said Ellie as she began climbing down the trees to the forest floor again.



Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com

Ellie’s first stop was with her best friend, Andy Aardvark, who was a curious little creature with a passion for painting and drawing.


“Ere we are!” Shouted Ellie, excited as usual to see her best friend.

“W-Where is “here”?” replied Harry timidly.

“This ere is me best friend Andy’s shop! He sells paintings and the like to the other animals to decorate their homes! Ellie Screamed.

“P-Paintings?” replied Harry.

“Ya don’t know what paintings are love? Boy, you REALLY needed some time out of that nest huh? said Ellie astonished.

and so, Harry was introduced to his first in a long line of new friends, Andy Aardvark.

“Hiya Andy, I brought someone with me today!” Screamed Ellie in excitement.

“Ah, Ellie. I somehow expected you to show up today. replied Andy. now, what is this gift you have brought me Ellie?” Andy asked.

“I didn’t bring any gifts, but I did meet a new friend! Ellie replied while showing Harry off to Andy.

“Oh my, he is a small little thing isn’t he?” replied Andy. “But why did you bring him here?” Andy asked.

“Well, he’s been cooped up in his nest for a while, and he doesn’t really know much about anything outside his nest, so I was hoping you could teach him about art!”

“Very well, Ill teach the little one about my craft.”

“Thanks a lot Andy!” replied Ellie happily. “Now, are you ready to learn love?” Ellie asked Harry.

“I…I guess…” Harry said nervously.

“Don’t worry, little one. I shall teach you the glorious gift of the world known as…Art!” Exclaimed Andy.

So it was that Andy taught little Harry all about the exciting world of art, from all sorts of different types of painting and drawing styles, to other famous artists that Andy himself looked up to, and different types of writing styles and famous books that many authors wrote and published as well. He only did this for a short while of coarse. Andy was very busy after all.

“Did you enjoy my lessons, little one?” Andy asked Harry.

“Y-Yeah… it was pretty fun…” replied Andy.

“Thanks a lot Andy!” Exclaimed Ellie. See ya again tomorrow!

And so Harry and Ellie left to go off to the next part of their adventure together.


Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com


“S-so…where are we going now?” Harry asked.

“To meet me friends Mindy and Danny of coarse! Replied Ellie.

“W-Who? asked Harry.”

“You’ll see soon enough, love!”

And so they arrived at Mindy and Danny’s studio, where they found the two working on something.

“W-who are those two?” asked Harry.

‘This here are me two good friends Mindy and Danny, and they like to work with music and the like.” Whispered Ellie.

“Why are we whispering?” Harry asked.

“Cause their working on something right now!” Ellie whispered back.

It was only then that Harry noticed the beautiful symphony of musicians and dancers on the stage, their performance shining with a beauty that he couldn’t describe, and he watched through the entire performance.

“That was…beautiful” Harry said tearfully.

“I know, right?” replied Ellie. Its a true thing of beauty it is.” Ellie said.

“Hello Ellie!” said Mindy and Danny, whose sudden appearance startled Ellie and Harry.

“Oh my, I’m terribly sorry for startling you!” replied Mindy embarrassed.

“So who’s the little bird on your back there?” asked Danny.

“This here is Harry, and I was hoping that ya could teach him about what you two do! replied Ellie.

“Hmm.. well, I suppose the performers could use some rest. Very well, we will teach him about the joys of music and dance!” Exclaimed Mindy.

So Mindy did just that. She taught Harry all about music, while Danny showed him a few basic dance moves to some of the songs they commonly played for audiences.

“Have a safe trip!” Exclaimed Mindy.

“Yeah, be safe out there!” Exclaimed Danny.

“Thanks loves! We will!” Replied Ellie.

And so Ellie and Harry went off on the next part of their adventure.

Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com


“So…where to next Ellie? asked Harry.

“Were gonna go see another two of me friends. There really smart, and they’re always tryna invent new things to help make other animals lives easier! replied Ellie

“Make others lives easier? How?” asked Harry.

“Well ya can ask them when we get there love!” replied Ellie smugly.

And so they arrived at the laboratory of Sallie Snake and Timmy Tiger.

“Ok love, were going to need to be real quiet again, alright? Ellie whispered.

“Alright.” Harry whispered back.

They walked in to find Sally Snake working with strange liquids in glass vials.

“Ah Ellie, what are you doing here?” Sally said. “And Whosss thisss?”

“This here’s me friend Harry! I was hoping that you could teach him a bit about science!” said Ellie.

“Teach him, hmm? I sssuppossse I have a bit of time to show him the basssicsss…” said Sally.

“Ya really need to get someone to take a look at that lisp, love.” Ellie said concerned.

“I know…” Sally sighed. “But firssst, let me teach you about ssscience, Harry.

It was then that Harry was taught all about science, from the physical properties of the earth and its creatures, to chemistry, biology, and everything in between.

“Thanks a lot love! I’m sure Harry had fun.”

He did indeed, and he wasss a pleasssure to have as a ssstudent as well. If you have time, you might also want to ssspeak with Timmy in the technology area.

“Oh right, I almost forgot about him!” exclaimed Ellie. “Thanks again love!”

“Sssafe travelsss! said Sally.

Harry and Ellie then traveled to the technology section of the lab to find Timmy Tiger.

Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com

Ellie and Harry walked down the narrow corridor until they found the technology area that Sally had previously described, where they found Timmy Tiger, typing away on his keyboard.

“Hiya Timmy!” Exclaimed Ellie.

“Hello” said Timmy, who did not even look away from the computer screen.

“Oh, seems he’s really focusing right now, love.” said Ellie. “I think we should come back later”.

“No, its fine.” said Timmy. “Just a simple problem that I had to deal with.” “But more importantly, who is this?” asked Timmy.

“This here’s me new friend Harry, we were hoping that ya could teach him all about these fancy computers ya work with! said Ellie.

“Well…” Timmy said, looking at the computer screen carefully. “I suppose I do have some free time. Sure, i can teach him a thing or two.”

Timmy then had Harry sit down at a computer, and teach him about important and useful applications, coding, and of coarse, the internet. Harry became quite excited after learning about the internet.

“It seems my free time is over. I’ll have to get back to work now, so I’m afraid you’ll have to go now.

“Ok…” said Harry, sounding disappointed.

“Whats the matter love? You didn’t enjoy Timmy and Sally’s lectures? asked Ellie.

“No, its just that I didn’t want it to end…” replied Harry.

Ellie laughed. “Ya sure have changed since this morning, haven’t ya love?” said Ellie with a smile.

“Yeah” replied Harry. “I guess I have.

Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com

“So what are we going to learn about now Ellie?” Harry replied, excitedly.

“Well, were going to learn about other animals!” Ellie replied.

“Didn’t we just learn about animals though?” asked Harry.

” Well, yeah, but…it’ll make sense soon enough love.” responded Ellie.

They approached a rather large building, with many different flags hung all around the building.

“Whoa…” Harry said in wonder. “What is this place?”

“This here is the next place were going to visit, love!” Ellie said sarcastically. “But really love, this here’s a cultural center, and its also where me friend Cecilia works!” said Ellie.

They walked in to find Cecilia working at the front desk.

“Hiya Cecilia!” exclaimed Ellie.

“Hi Ellie! exclaimed Cecilia, about just as loudly as Ellie. “Did you see the new eastern exhibit yet?!” Cecilia exclaimed.

“Nah, but I do have someone that hasn’t seen ANY of your exhibits!” Ellie said while showing her Harry, fully aware of what would happen once she said this.

Upon hearing this, Cecilia immediately grabbed Harry and whisked him off to see the museum faster then a cheetah in a Grand Prix Race. Meanwhile, Ellie simply sat in the lobby and took a nap. A short while later, she woke up to find Harry next to her, asleep. Ellie decided to simply let him sleep while taking him to the last stop of the day.

Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com

“Wake up, love! We’ve still got one last stop to get to” screamed Ellie.

“AHHHH!” Harry screamed as he woke with a jump. “Oh, its just you Ellie” said Harry. “Your friend Cecilia is really…wait…where are we?” Harry asked, as he noticed they were on a boat just off shore.

“Were meetin the last of me friends of coarse! Say hello, Nathan!”

A sudden splash in the water made Harry jump, until he realized it was another of Ellie’s friends, Nathan Narwhal.

“Ellie, who is this, and why did you bring him to work with you?” asked Nathan.

“This here’s a new friend I made, and he wants to learn about nature from us!”

“Alright…” said Nathan. “But you still have to take care of your half of the plants today, ok? said Nathan.

“I gotcha Nathan! replied Ellie. “I’ll be sure to give those flowers everything they need!”

“Alright then.” Nathan said. “I suppose we can teach him a few things since we have the time”

So Nathan taught him all about the fish and plants that live in the ocean, and Ellie taught Harry all sorts of things about the plants, birds, and animals that lived on land and in the sky.

“Well would you look at that, its already sunset!” exclaimed Ellie. “Looks like its about time for you to go home, love!”

“Already?” said Harry. “But I wanted to learn some more…” Harry said sad.

“Don’t worry love! said Ellie. “We can learn a whole lot more tomorrow, love!”

“Ok!” Harry said as he looked up with a smile.

Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com

“Here we are!” Ellie said. “This is the nest where I found you, right?” asked Ellie.

“Yep! This is the place! replied Harry as he jumped into the nest.

“Goodnight, love! See ya tomorrow!” Ellie said as she waved goodbye.

“Goodbye!” Harry said back as he watched Ellie disappear into the forest below.

Harry then decided it would be best to go to bed before his family got back from their own exploring, but he was also extremely excited. He couldn’t wait to tell his parents all about the adventure he had, from the animals he met, to the things he learned, and he really couldn’t wait to tell them about Ellie, his new best friend, as well as the other adventures they would have together. That, however, is a story for another time.


The End.

Harry the Hawk Learns to Love the World by Matthew Cordell - Illustrated by Public Domain - Ourboox.com
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