My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
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My CIS Memories


Artwork: Pradyumn Mishra

Pradyumn Mishra is a student at the school CIS.
  • Joined May 2016
  • Published Books 2
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

Table of Content


Autograph Page……………………………………..4

My time in CIS……………………………………………..6


My Academics…………………………………………13

My First International Trip……………………………16

My Best School Made Dish Antenna……………………..19

Mini Bridge……………………………………………….21

My Fantastic Birthday………………………………….23

The Amazing Science Day……………………………25

An Intriguing Project……………………………………..27

The Fascinating Heart Dissection……………………..29

The Fabulous Photography Exhibition……………..31



My Feudal Pyramid………………………………………33

My Favourite Coat of Arms………………………………..35

My Way of History………………………………………….37

The Ways of the Heart………………………………………..39

The Vital Lungs………………………………………………….43

My Most Memorable Task………………………………………47

My Best Drawing Yet……………………………………………..49

A Great Piece of Work…………………………………………….51

The Junction of Conjunctions……………………………………….55

Life of Pi………………………………………………………………57

A New Angle of Seeing Things……………………………………….59


My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

My Time in CIS



My time in CIS has come to an end; I have had lots of fun while learning new things and understanding my peers. It has been a blast at CIS since the beginning (when I joined in Year 4). My friends gave me quite a number of challenges throughout my 4-years stay. I’ve had lots of fact-finding trips to various places; those trips really increased my understanding of the ongoing topic.


It all began in Year 4 when I first joined CIS; my first day wasn’t quite happy since I was new and didn’t have the foggiest idea


about what was going on. Eventually, I learnt all the regulations and routines I needed to know. I started to move along with my class mates and got a little comfortable with them. After one term, it felt as if I was never new to this school. By the end of the year, I was well mixed with CIS; however, I looked forward to the holidays (and I still do).


Year 5 was a breeze, I barely remember doing anything! My second year in CIS was fun-filled  and fast moving. I can still recall the arguements the class had on a daily basis (similar to Year 6) during break-time. There was an assignment where we were told to create a working model of your own invention (I made a glow-in-the-dark bookmark) within 3 weeks time. Year 5 was a great period of time. I made new friends, learnt new things and most important of all, I increased my limits of creativity.


Finally, Year 6 was not quite a good year since there were steep descends and slow rises in almost all subjects. This was one tough year; I have had major competition with myself and my classmates. There have been harsh assignments since the very beginning of Year 6; it took a lot of hard work and dedication to overcome these obstacles in life. It was later that I realized that these harsh assignments were there to help me prepare for the tests of life.


In the final analysis, CIS has been a great support for my learning; I “upgraded” my ability to thinking and expanded my vast knowledge. I’ve had lots of fun here, but now it’s time for me to go. I’ll be settling in Muscat, Oman for my Secondary School. I think that moving there will be quite exciting, but I shall miss all my friends here.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -




Friends are there through thick and thin; that’s what my friends did, not only in CIS, but also family friends. They are always there when there is a problem and try to find a solution (but not really good at following them!). My friends help me console myself and sacrifice their happiness for mine because they find happiness in my happiness. That is a true friend.


There have been countless times a friend has helped me out; below are few:



-There was a time when I was supposed to bring something for a big plan; when I forgot to do it, I fell crying because I caused them sadness! They consoled me and then we continued on with something else.

-Another incident was when I fell off my bicycle on the top of a hill and came rolling down. My friends carried me home for treatment of my wounds.


In summary, friends were always there for me and vice versa. There was a person who once said: A good friend isn’t a person whom you’ve known the longest, it is the one who came and never left your side. I think it is true since I have seen it myself.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

 My Academics



My education has always pushed me forward and helped me in my social life. Without academics, I’d just be the guy in the corner who can’t understand a thing going on! Quite a lot of people separate their social and academical life, but I love to bind them. My reasoning helps me understand new jokes; however, it also helps create them!


There have been infinite situations where I relied on my academics out of school. Many of them were just for fun; whereas some were really serious issues. I used my science to hang upside down on the stairs of the house our family had in


Belgium; I used my estimation to find find 6 ft away from my X-Box 360 Kinect to play (and I still do) and countless other purposes.


To conclude, academics is truly something we use on a regular basis without realizing much of its importance. Terrible, right? What we use everyday is barely recognized in children! I think children should see why academics is important as I’ve seen lots of children complaining about learning academics.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

My First International Trip



I had my first international school trip in Year 6 during the Spring Break. It was a complete blast. I loved all the locations (especially the theme parks) that our group visited; however, there was one place that stood out of the rest, The Astronaut Training Experience (ATX)!


The ATX was fantastic, I got to be the commander of the simulator of a space shuttle (unfortunately, it was a hard* landing, a flat one); we also experienced micro-gravity! That wasn’t it, our group went to Universal Studios, the all-famous


team that created Jurassic Park, The Lost World, Jurassic Park III and Jurassic World. Depressingly, their rides were closed. Then there was a once in a lifetime opportunity to go time to a world-famous water-park: Wet ‘n’ Wild. This water-park is THE best water-park I’ve been to (and probably going to as well); it has rides that allow you to free fall for 20 metres without getting a scratch (or internal bleeding) on your body!


In a nutshell, this trip is unforgettable and… Oh! I almost forgot to tell you, I got a DIY model of the space craft (not the launching system, which is quite disappointing) that will take the first Homo sapiens (people) to Mars (the planet, not the chocolate!)!!! Needless to say, this trip was out of this world, literally.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

My Best School-made Dish Antenna!



Towards the end of the first term, my facilitator handed me a set of magnets for me to tamper around and find its limits; this was one of the thoughts I had: to make an parabolic antenna! I explained how to build it with some support using triangles, the strongest shape. After that, the hexagonal parabola was created through tension since the structure would try to move itself together to loosen itself. That was about it; we finished that mini-project in a matter of minutes (I know, it sounds very complicated with all the technical vocabulary)!

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

The Mini-Bridge



The mini-bridge is another of the magnet assignments, but this time, we made a miniature bridge with an attempt of a suspension at the top. A change made here was that instead of triangles, we mainly used squares but reinforced with square shapes. I understand that this kind of bridge will never really be used in real life because humans cannot walk on vertical surfaces.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

My Fantastic Birthday!



In case you didn’t know, my birthday is on the 23rd of February; this year, my birthday was quite interesting. To celebrate in my class, I brought some cupcakes for every one to enjoy. Well, that didn’t go well: my class raided the boxes filled with cupcakes and took one for themselves and left me to pick last, on MY birthday!!! Fortunately, at home I got a few presents from my family friends to enjoy in addition to the fact that there was very little homework, so I could enjoy my day (the best part).

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

The Amazing Science Day



This was the best memory of Science Day: The Steady Hand Game. The objective of the game is to move a copper loop through a copper wire (which has been bent) without touching the wire. If the loop touches the wire, it will complete a circuit and a light will glow (don’t worry, there is a rubber handle to the loop to protect you).

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

An Intriguing Project 



There was one time where there was a task given to our class (in groups) to create a 3-D habitat. The group I was was making a Savannah; the hard part was making the animals out of clay, the rest could be crumpled paper or paint. Well, the final product was really beautiful and well, a good project!

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

The Fascinating Heart Dissection



During Numeracy and Science week, there was a Heart-Dissection competition; I was representing Jacaranda (my house) for the competition. Unfortunately, when I started cutting, I felt dizzy and needed some rest; for this act, I was disqualified from the competition. I felt pretty bad letting my house down; well, what can I say? There are always ups and downs in life.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

The Fabulous Photography Exhibition



This year, there was a photography exhibition sponsored by the VOLT Club. In this exhibition, students from other schools painted pictures of their surroundings and CIS students came to see their performances (of art, not movement). Their were a variety of art visible to the skilled eye, but just a beautiful picture to an untrained ones.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

My Feudal Pyramid



This homework was very interesting; it was given during the first term when the class was learning about how the feudal system works. Thus, we were given this assignment to see if we understood it accurately and I nailed it! I increased my presentation work by colouring it with vibrant colours and printing it out was a great option.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

My Favourite Coat Of Arms



I simply loved this task because I can really express myself and tell my class who I really am. I drew my coat of arms, wrote my motto and explained everything. This was one thing that really got me interested.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

My Way of History



This assignment was also very intriguing: I made an acronym to remember the history of England. Well, it wasn’t completely me, yes, I thought up most of it, but it was a group work. I can still remember the acronym after 5-6 months!

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

The Ways of The Heart



Here, I made a diagram of the heart (I know, the Inferior Vena Cava is placed incorrectly, but it isn’t my fault, that was how the printout was). Although I was just supposed to label the basics, I labelled everything I knew about the heart (the advanced stuff)

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -




(Same assignment As Last Page)

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

The Vital Lungs



This is a similar assignment to the heart, but there were no errors here (at least none I noticed). The only difference I noticed was that instead of a looses flap, there was difficulty opening it up. Still, I really like this piece of work and I can’t wait to do something like this again.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -







(Same assignment as Last Page)

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

 My Most Memorable Task



I simply loved this task since I could show my class my feelings on homework: it isn’t good news to those who favour it! I have written five or six assignments similar to the one on the right (it most definitely expresses how much I hate homework), yet I don’t feel satisfied! If you are reading this and you are not my classmates or my facilitator, this is a note to you: voice your thought (not necessarily on homework, though I’d like you to), even if you’re an adult.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

My Best Drawing Yet



First of all, I am no artist, I saw this on a step-by-step drawing website, so not much credit to me. This drawing was associated with some homework regarding the introduction of Rudolph to Christmas; the extension was to draw Rudolph with an annotation. That is what it is. I really liked the final product of the drawing so I added it to my memories. That was the only reason that the drawing is in this book.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

A Great Piece of Work



This assignment was also homework; it was based on a comprehension task completed in school. The task was to write the story in your perspective and add a few changes to it. I did that remembering another school I previously went to (but made it look a whole lot worse). I really tried to input varied vocabulary and punctuation (the class hadn’t learnt the uses of semicolons yet), but without much luck.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -







(Continuation of Previous Image)

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

The Junction of Conjunctions



Another piece of homework. This time around, I made a table of the similarities and differences of the coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. This time, I used my varied vocabulary to express myself. I kept changing the colours to make it look intriguing.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

Life of Pi



In Numeracy, we were experimenting with circles when we stumbled across pi (3.14156). We discussed the formulas that involved pi (only with circles) and then wrote it out on a piece of paper. I discovered new ways to find the area of a circles (with different measurements of course). The most fascinating part was that I finally used a compass in school!

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

A New Angle of Seeing Things



Before this task, the class was looking at shortcuts to creating exact angles. We all saw a video on creating 60 and 120 degrees (I went the extra mile and found 90 and 45 degrees). We practised and practised till the entire class got it right (I was one of the first). It was extremely fun using a compass and a ruler instead of a protractor.

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -




Well, it’s been a great time here in Lagos, but it’s time for me to move. Year 6, my friends and CIS, will all be remembered forever by me (including U.S.A.). I will always have this book to remind me of this wonderful place: Lagos.


And now, enjoy some quotes!!!

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -

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It really is something with a meaning, isn’t it?

My CIS Memories by Pradyumn Mishra - Illustrated by Pradyumn Mishra -
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