My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
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My Thrilling Experience In CIS


Artwork: Sion

  • Joined Oct 2016
  • Published Books 2
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -

Name: Sion Ovbiebo

Teacher: Abimbola Dosunmu

Class: 6C  

Date: 2016/2017

My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -

Table Of Contents:


Chapter 1 : My First Time In C.I.S


Chapter 2 : What A wonderful Experience In Year 6


Chapter 3 : Autograph Page


Chapter 4 :  Extraordinary Events!


Chapter 5 :  Thrilling Teachers


Chapter 6 :  Interesting Arts


Chapter 7 :  Amazing efforts


Chapter 8 : Good-bye Junior school!

My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -



                                    My First Time In C.I.S:

     My first time in C.I.S was a remarkable moment in year 5… At first I got a tour of the school with my parents and then was told to change into school uniform before the first lesson began. I hurriedly changed into the polo t-shirt and grey skirt with white long socks and black school shoes. I was told by Mrs. Isa that I would be taken to Year 5B for the day in order to get me used to the lesson s in school. As soon as I arrived I set my eyes upon a spacious and well ventilated classroom which looked great for learning in.

    My teacher was Mr. Fasanmoye in Year 5 and I loved that experience! His way of teaching children was one which no other teacher had used. I felt magical. There were some people in year 5 that I still remember now because of how greatly they helped me in Life (as some of them still do!). The girls were: Jenrola, Stacy, Anjola, Ona, Chantel, Morenike and Funmi; whereas the boys were: Unique, Micheal O.P and Lucas. These people came to my assistance whenever I needed them. They are unforgettable to me.

My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -


What A Wonderful Experience In Year 6!:

    Year 6 has been the best class to me in junior school. I am proud to be in Mrs.Dosunmu’s class as she helped me with my challenges; pushed my further than my expectations of myself and has also been very kind to me. I still can’t believe that I am in Year 6. All the hard work has finally paid off and I have just felt so happy. I have made friends with everyone in my class, some I knew before and some I met during first term of year 6. There have been so many bumps on the way but I feel that I have overcome all of them and always finished my work successfully with a smile on my face 😉  

    Of course, my family was with me all the way. Helping me figure out things, I don’t understand, helping me make important decisions etc. I appreciate everything all the teachers have taught me and will always remember them in my heart.

My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -


Autograph Page:


Ona: Sion is one of my best friends, she has the personality of a strawberry lollipop; you are highly intelligent and funny. I enjoy making you laugh.


Chantel: Sion, you are a ball of energy; you’re always happy and find the best in every situation. Never lose you sparkle! “When life gets you down, do u know you know what you gotta do? Just keep swimming, Just keep swimming” -Dory ( Finding dory)


Zara: You are a funny, clever, joyful and sweet girl. I have only known you since year five but it seems like forever. Have a nice time in senior school!

Adebare: You are a really fun and kind hearted person; your optimism is always inspiring and genuine.

Sopriala: You are a charming person who is always smiling. You are a blast to be with and you are so pretty! I can’t wait to see you in senior school!

Amal: You are a trustworthy person who cheers me up whenever I am down! I hope we meet next year.


Kevwe: You’re a funny friend who always knows what to say.  You work hard and reach for the top.  See you in Senior school! 




Chelsea: You are lively and playful. You have a beautiful handwriting which you write with very quickly. You have lots of friends which you greet it a smile everyday. You always find a way to solve problems especially with your homework!

Richmond: You are a funny, smart, trustworthy person who is truthful and determined to do what’s right you are always being spectacular and is always working hard.

Veer: You are a fun loving, smart and intelligent friend who writes really well. You are funny, you are also well balanced.

Ali: You are an intelligent, playful, helpful and trustworthy friend;you are determined to hit your goal no matter how far you are from it. Finally, you put in a lot of effort in everything you do!

Vincenzo:Sion, you have a fun personality which you show us everyday. You are kind and smart in many ways! Thank you for being my friend.

Chukwuemeka: You are e great artist and a great friend too! You are always ready to help anyone in any situation. I salute you!

My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -

Extraordinary Events:


    Some events took place during my time in year 6 and they were all very enjoyable and attractive! One I can vividly remember was crazy hair day, in which we designed our hair to be as crazy as the craziest thing ever. It was so much fun discussing our hair ideas the day before, I just could’t wait… When the day had finally arrived excitement buzzed through our bodies as Mrs.Dosunmu dismissed us from our Numeracy class. We couldn’t wait as we had our snacks; lined up; and then went all around the hallway (according to our classes) so that we could watch the people down below. My baby sisters class went first and I think her best friend – Paris- had the craziest hair.

      I thought so because her was tied up in so many different color and ribbons. It just looked wild! It was very nice getting free time, hanging out and talking with my friends; but unfortunately that time had to end. 

My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -

Thrilling Teachers:

  Although there have been so many teachers throughout my experience in C.I.S junior school, I will only talk about some that have had the most impact in my life. First would be Mr.Fasanmoye who has helped me through some tough times in Year 5. He has shown to me the power of the word “YET”; he has greatly improved my literacy skills and last but not least he has helped me out with the struggles I have in life. He has been a tremendous teacher to work with!

   Next Is Mrs.Dosunmu. Even though she has scolded me a few times, I have found out that she did it because she cares about me and wants the best from me. If words that were said could be put into a box, I would have loads of them from Mrs.Dosunmu. She is the only teacher I have ever met that relates to kids the most. Yes, she can sometimes be strict but she only does it to get the best out of each and every one of us. Her daughter Monjola has also been a great friend of mine and although she is younger than me we have both exchanged some ideas and thoughts about numerous things. Like Mrs.Dosunmu always says: “You can learn new things everyday if you listen.” I have had lots of fun (and pizza!) while learning with her. It was wonderful!

   Last but not least is Mrs.Luxmoore. Yes she wasn’t in any of my classes, but she has taught me a thing of great value: being content with what I have. This might not sound like such a big thing but to me it really is. Every-time I got a poor level (4C or 4B even 3A) I would always tell one or two of my friends. Once she overheard and taught me that getting the best things in life isn’t and shouldn’t be everything to me, the fact that I  even got a level should be appealing to me. I heard this and since then it has always occurred to me before I made a decision.

  I would like to say  huge thank you to all the teachers that have ever taught me even once! 🙂

My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -

Interesting Arts:


Arts has always been one of my favorite subjects, therefore the interesting arts of year 6 have been dynamic to me! In my opinion the best experience was the senior school taster day; in which we had arts with Mr.Jay. It was absolutely fun. We had a nice time testing different materials to make anything we want on an A3 piece of paper. The best thing was that we could do anything we want! 

   That Experience was amazing! I couldn’t withstand using paints. I used red here and there, yellow, orange and all the other colors of the rainbow. My time there was lovely and I am sure st of my friends enjoyed it too! 🙂


My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -

 Amazing Efforts:


 During my time in Year 6 I have done various works that include: arts, literacy, numeracy, topic, science and even P.E. Although I have gotten levels like 5C, 4A and 5B, I have tried my very best and in some got a stamp or a sticker. I am very proud of all of my works even though some had major flaws. 

  My best level in year 6 was when I got a 5A in science… I was so happy and I couldn’t wait to get home and tell my parents about everything that had happened that day.In that work I was told to write a recount of what had happened in the lesson about how blood work in the body. Due too the fact that I linked it to the heart and the blood vessels, I was awarded I 5A. I have also once gotten a 5A in numeracy when I was told to do sum algebra sums. In addition to that, I got a stamp and to stickers!



My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -

Good-bye Junior School!:

    I don’t know about every other person, but to me it has been an eccentric feeling to have friends beside me at every point; a good understanding of numerous things and the best teachers ever to help me out with my work. I don’t wanna leave primary school but unfortunately life goes on….

   Senior school is a hug step forward and I know I would still have so many of the things I had in junior school. Yet, the things in my consciousness and memories are that things no one can even dare to take away from me.

My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
My Thrilling Experience In CIS by Sion Ovbiebo - Illustrated by Sion -
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