pedagogy assignment by Shahrazad -
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pedagogy assignment

  • Joined Jun 2022
  • Published Books 1



reflection on my training at school  ………………….. 2


picture ………………………………………………………3


Using the L 1 in classroom …………………….. …….    4


Dealing with students with difficulties ………………….5


Planning lesons ………………………………………….. .. 6


The four skills ………………………………………………..7


picture ………………………………………………………8





What I found useful in relation to my training at school is developing my personality and my voice tone through teaching.It helped me a lot to discover the weakest points that I have ,in addition it helped me overcome the fear of standing in front of an audience in general and students in particular .The first time my pedagogical lecturer came and oberved me I felt that I wa no longer afraid ,I did not even feel that she was there .I taught the lesson with all the comfort and merged with the students .The impression of the lecturer gave me more confidence and optimism that I am on the right path .

pedagogy assignment by Shahrazad -

Using the L1 in the classroom :

Teaching English for elrmentary school students is a challenge ,they used to speak in Arabic with the other teachers. The ue of L1 in the class ,especially in the English lesson is not recommended .We had  peak only in English and motivate the students to use  only English. The use of L1 is recommende to explain the new word .During my particular training at school I used English as much as possible I can .It was not easy to speak only Englih ,becaue the level of the tudent were low and sometimes I had to speak in Arabic to explain what I say .Knowong that I should have only peak tot hem in English ,but because of their level sometimes I had to explain to them in Arabic o they unserdtand or use slashcards ,pictures ,videos .


This year I found difficulties in dealing with students who have problems ,even though I tried a lot ,but in every time I faced difficulty . I would like to learn ways to deal with such students ,especially that in the next year I will teach high school students and perhaps it will be difficult for me if I do not learn the strategies that make ie easier for me to undertand and deal with them .It was not enough to me what I learned about how to deal with student with difficulties ,because what I see in class is much more from what I heard about .As a teacher it is important to focus on such students .


The first thing we learned about in Pedagogy was planning lessons ,before I start planning  my first lesson ,I had no idea how to plan a lesson .It took me time to think about the topics I want to teach and how to divide them and end the lesson .I was in a big whirlpool ,but with the passage of time it became easy to write lesson plan and divide it in the correct order .In the beginning it wa taking me at leat 15 minutes to plan a lesson ,but now it takes me at least 5 minutes to do it without finding any difficulties .


The lectures of teaching speaking ,reading ,writing and litening strategies were very helpful ,I think what I learned in these lectures is what I have been missing since the beginning of the year .I have applied all these strategies and actually succeded in teaching them to students .One of the skills I loved to teach students the most in speaking ,so I decided in one of the lessons to let them introduce themselves .I gave them the senteneces and they had to complete them and after that they made a conversation (one asks and the other  answers  ) .The skill I struggled with was teaching reading comprehension .In one of my lessons I brought a piece of text to the students and it was almost hard to understand ,so the students did not understand it easily .But when I learned the methods and the strategies that I must follow when I teach reading comprehension ,I started to apply them in my lessons and I think it helped me a lot .

pedagogy assignment by Shahrazad -
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