The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

by Mariam Khateeb

Artwork: Mark Twain

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Artwork: Mark Twain

  • Joined May 2022
  • Published Books 1

1. Title of the story:

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

2. setting:

time: in the 1800’s

place: small town
3. The plot: the boy Tom Sawyer was engaged in many troubles and he was about to be killed by a dangerous criminal but he survived because of his intelligence.

4. Characters:

Tom Sawyer: a naughty boy who doesn’t like school but likes to have adventures.

Huck: he is Tom’s friend, he doesn’t go to school and he doesn’t have a home, he is homeless.

5. main characters:

Tom , Huck, Becky, Injun joe.

minor characters:

aunt Polly, the doctor, Muff Potter, Mr. jones.

6. sequence of events:

1. aunt Polly in the house in search of Tom Sawyer. she finds him in the closet and discovers that his hands are covered with jam.

2.Tom gets punishment from aunt Polly and he needs to paint a fence. Tom manages to convince almost every boy to paint the fence for him.

3. one day, Tom and his friend Huck decide to have an adventure in the graveyard, but the adventure was horrible!

they saw the doctor and Injun joe and another man fighting, at the end Injun joe killed the doctor.

4. Tom and Huck were afraid and they didn’t tell anyone about the crime.

5. one night, Tom and Huck heard the people saying that they know the man who killed the doctor and they mentioned his name, then Tom decided to tell the truth that Injun joe is the killer.

6. by chance Injun joe heard that Tom was telling that he is the killer so he wanted to kill Tom.

7. Tom and Huck started to track Injun joe to know where he lives and to be safe from him.

8. they discovered that Injun joe had a treasure! they wanted to have it.

9. Injun joe saw the boys and wanted to kill them.

10. the next day Tom and Huck went to the cave where Injun joe hides the treasure and they found him dead.


7. Solution:

Tom and Huck were about to be killed by the criminal Injun joe because they told the people in the town that he is a killer, but by the end of the story they found him killed in the cave and they survived.

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