The Arena Of Spies by Alina Chistyakov - Illustrated by Pinterest  -
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The Arena Of Spies


Artwork: Pinterest

  • Joined Jan 2022
  • Published Books 3


Every month 50-16 year olds from prestigious families are elected for a competition to pick the best spies, they are given difficult missions, if they don’t pass them they get eleminated.

At the end of the year there are 12 spies in total who are now considered as part of the Spies Comunity.


Two souls who are in love, meet after a long time but find themselves in a difficult situation…

The Arena Of Spies by Alina Chistyakov - Illustrated by Pinterest  -

Chapter 1: The Start

Our story begins in a small town called Stormwell at the Solace house.

“EMILY!!!!” shouted Miranda running up the stairs to Emily’s room.

“What mom? Can I get another 5 minutes?”

“NO, you need to get up this very minute, today is the election day and you need to look your best!!”


30 minutes later:


Emily came down the stairs looking her best but sad, knowing that she doesn’t want to be part of the competition.


The same thing was happening out of town in a city called Hillwood to a boy named Ron Adams.

The Arena Of Spies by Alina Chistyakov - Illustrated by Pinterest  -

Chapter 2: The Meeting

As no one was surprised Ron and Emily got elected to the competition.

One week later, all of the competitors had to get together at the Spies Campus in the deep end of The Red Forest.

As Emily and her family got there she caught her eyes on a particular boy.

As suddenly she started to sweat, it was RON her childhood best friend and the boy she’s been in love with her entire life.

6 years ago:

“Do you really have to move out”? cried Emily.

“I am so sorry E, but yes my parents got an offer to a new job in a city called Hillwood they can’t decline it” saddly said Ron.

“Promise me that you will write me every day!”said Emily

“I promise”


The Arena Of Spies by Alina Chistyakov - Illustrated by Pinterest  -

Present Day:

Emily was trying to avoid Ron but it was a fail.

“Emily?” surprisingly askes Ron.

“Sorry do I know you” she pretended to not remember him.

“It’ Ron” he said.

“Oh my gosh,Ron you grew so much!”

“You too”

“I guess nether of us keeped our promises” said saddly Emily.

As they stood there akwardly in silent looking at each other, Emily suddenly heard someome shouting her name.

“EMILY” shouted Micheal.

“Coming Dad” answered Emily.

“Well it seems that you have to go” said Ron.

“Yeah” akwardly answered Emily.

They hugged and Emily ran to her parents.

The Arena Of Spies by Alina Chistyakov - Illustrated by Pinterest  -

Chapter 3: Training

For the last week Ron and Emily showed perfect results in their training but the only thing that was on their minds is that they are going to compete against each other.

Not being able to look and talk to each out of akwardness  they continued with training.


Chapter 4: The Day Everyone Has Been Waiting For

Well the day that everyone been waiting for has FINALLY arrived.

The Competiton Day.

People all around the world have gathered near their TV’s just to watch the competition.

The competitiors were all nervous, some even regreted coming to the competition, but there was no way back.


Chapter 5: The competiton

The competiton has started.

As the first round started 10 competitiors were already eliminated but Ron and Emily were really confident.

The competiton continued, every round 10 competitiors were eliminated.

Only 4 competitors got to the fourth round and 2 of them were Ron and Emily.

Surprisingly 2 of the competitiors were eliminated, Ron and Emily were the only ones left!!!

The Arena Of Spies by Alina Chistyakov - Illustrated by Pinterest  -

Chapter 6: The End

Emily and Ron were asked to stand facing each other.

Both of then could see the fear in their eyes but Emily found it somehow comforting to look in the eyes of a person she loves but can’t admit.

At last the mission was decided, everyone gasped.

“NO,NO,NO I am not going to do this” shouted Emily with tears in her eyes.

The mission was to check if one of them are willing to sacrifice each other at any time.


Ron was given a gun with one bullet, but he couldn’t do it.

He gave the gun to Emily.

“I can’t see you suffer beacuse of me and that stupid competition” said Ron with tears in his eyes.



“Do it” he said.

“NO” shouted Emily


“NO, I can’t kill someone I LOVE!” she cried.

They stared into each other’s eyes in shock as she held the gun over his head not knowing what to do…


The Arena Of Spies by Alina Chistyakov - Illustrated by Pinterest  -


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