The colors of the rainbow By:Renana Keren Tzvi by Noam Banot Pisgat Zeev - Illustrated by By:Renana Keren Tzvi -
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The colors of the rainbow By:Renana Keren Tzvi


Artwork: By:Renana Keren Tzvi

  • Joined Dec 2015
  • Published Books 493

This book is about the  colors of the rainbow.

                                                                                           תמונה קשורה

תוצאת תמונה עבור לבבות נוצציםThe color red is one of the  color of the rainbow. It  symbolizes something good in the world, for example, like love.


Orange is also a color of the rainbow.It symbolizes happiness and warmth.

תוצאת תמונה עבור תפוז מחייך



The color yellow is also one of  the color of the rainbow .It symbolizes something good in the world, for example, cheerful.תוצאת תמונה עבור שמש


תמונה קשורהRainbow has two colors of green. We are now talking about a bright green color .It symbolizes growth and maturation.



The dark green color  in the rainbow  symbolizes  something good in the world, for example as a tablet.תוצאת תמונה עבור לוח ירוק





The blue color symbolizes  is a good thing in the world,it helps us to see. 


 תמונה קשורה

And last but not least the color  purple  in the rainbow, symbolizes something good for the world, for example, like royalty.



תוצאת תמונה עבור מלך ומלכה


This are  all the colors are best in the world. Now I will tell you about the bad colors in the world.THey are not found in the rainbow.


The color pink in the  rainbow does not signify anything good in  the world. For example, as a school bag, pink and liver.


תוצאת תמונה עבור תיק ורוד


The black color is not found in rainbow .It  also symbolizes something good for the world, for example, as a cell phone, the cell phone can be black .




תוצאת תמונה עבור פלאפון שחור


Brown color  is not found in the  rainbow . Therefore is not a good thing in the world represents for example is land, soil is not good for us and we in not want the body we we’ll enter the body earth.


תוצאת תמונה עבור אדמה



The white color is not in a rainbow of colors so is symbolizes nothing better world for example like clouds that they can to overboard with rain.


תוצאת תמונה עבור ענן מוריד גשם



It is this God……
Continued on next page


                   The end of our story.

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