the fariy princess
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the legend of the fariy princess


Artwork: agam and maud

  • Joined Mar 2021
  • Published Books 3

The Legend of the Fairy Princess

Once upon a time there was a princess, one day she woke up in the morning, and that day was her birthday. So she was very very excited. After she got organized the servants brought her food and a lot of presents to her bed. She was so happy that day and her favorite part of the day was the party, with all the presents and the people. When the party started her servants brought the cake and they asked her to blow the candles and make a wish. The wish the of the Princess was that she could fly like a fairy. After the party the servants organized the wonderful family feast like royalty. The concept of the meal was fairies, the Princesses favorite thing is fairies and that is why they arranged the feast for her like this. The folowing day the Princess got up in the morning and felt something strange. The princess took off the blanket and suddenly screamed and panicked because she saw she had no legs !. Trying to get out of bed to see in the mirror what had happened to her, she suddenly saw that she was flying and then saw in the mirror that she is a fairy. She tried to open all the doors, windows, drawers and failed. But there was one window she had not yet tried to open. Suddenly the princess pushed and pushed until she managed to open the window she had not yet tried and it opened. The strong wind blew the princess to the magical garden in the palace where the princess lived. She went in the doorway and saw many other fairies there and was surprised, the princess went to one of the fairies and asked her what is going on here, why are there so many fairies here?
The other fairy answered her
We all live here, all the fairies. Where are you from?
The princess answered I’m not really a fairy the second fairy was in complete shock, the princess spoke and said, I had a birthday yesterday and asked that If I could fly like a fairy and this morning I got up and saw that I was a Real Fairy!
The other fairy answered I do not believe it can not happen it has never happened here The princess has never responded Yes I also do not understand how it happened Well the princess said so I could go back to my house so I could tell my parents. When the fairy returned home then she saw her parents and then flied, to tell them but, unfortunately her parents did not see her, she shouted and screamed and she did not understand why they do not hear her. Once the princess realized they did not hear what she was saying so she straight away started giving them small blows and then they noticed her, after they noticed her, she told them about what happened, they responded in the shock,and started asking her questions and she answered them all, after that they took her to the doctor and checked what can be done with to her, the doctor answered the princess wake up from the dream, the princess got up straight For her birthday.

the end!

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