The Life of Gideon by Ryan Render -
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The Life of Gideon

  • Joined Jun 2017
  • Published Books 1

The Jewish people have a connection to the land of Israel. Despite the lies spreading around the world today, about Israel, the Jewish connection to the land exists. It is built into Judaism. Jews pray facing the direction of Jerusalem. Jews pray about returning to Israel, on a daily basis. Jews have such a strong connection to the land, it is even written in the Talmud that merely walking in the land earns one a spot in Heaven. The connection did not begin in 1948, when modern-day Israel was established, it has existed for thousands of years. However, the connection has not been easy. It has been viciously defended throughout Jewish history. Although, one person in particular, put their life on the line to defend the land. This person, is the infamous Biblical Judge, Gideon.

The Life of Gideon by Ryan Render -

Gideon is the son of Joash. He is from the clan of Abiezrite, from the tribe of Manasseh. Gideon lived in the city of Ophrah, roughly ten kilometers south-west from the well known city, Shechem. He was born during a time of Peace, when Deborah led the Israelites into a victory over Canaan and Israel’s other enemies. The Israelites lived in peace for fourty years, and during this time of comfort they began to turn away from G-d. The comfort brought people away from G-d, like it has throughout history, and like it does in modern times. Jews typically sin the most when they are Jewish by choice. However when Jews are persecuted, and forced to be Jewish at birth, they are usually the most G-d-fearing. This comfort existed during the fourty years, and thus, the Israelites practiced idolatry. They worshiped other G-d’s and prayed to idols. In spite of this rebellious behavior, G-d chose Gideon to free the Israelites from their behavior, and to make them G-d fearing once again. He was given this huge task because of his leadership skills and military background. G-d knew that Gideon was influential in his city, and thus he could be the one to channel G-d’s energy into action, and incite change.

The Life of Gideon by Ryan Render -

The enemy of the Israelite’s were the Midianites. Their Princes were Oreb and Zeeb, and their kings were Zebah and Zalmunna. They have a complicated, poor relationship with the Jewish people. They live to the South-East of Israel, in modern day Saudi Arabia. The Midianites were responsible for numerous wars and attacks against the Israelites. The most relevant attack in Gideon’s time, was the Midianite led initiative to overtake Israel. They led their army through the Jordan river, into Israel, and encamped around the Well of Herod in the Valley of Jezreel. The Midianites gathered at the Well of Herod with the assumption that they would win. However, they did not know that G-d was on the side of the Israelities, and that the Israelites army was led by Gideon. 

The Life of Gideon by Ryan Render -

Upon arriving at the Well of Herod, Gideon was approached by G-d, in regards to the size of his army. G-d sent Gideon to lead the Israelite army against the Midianites, and he did so to show the Israelites that he still exists, they should worship him again, and that he is the reason they will win the war. G-d chose Gideon for his leadership qualities and unique personality. For starters, Gideon was a man of bravery. After G-d calls on Gideon to destroy the Midianites and free the people of Israel, Gideon decides to take the issue of idolatry into his own hands. He starts with his own community, as he first destroys all the idols his family and community worship. This shows Gideon’s natural bravery, as this was an act of rebellion which went against the societies social norms. The next leadership quality Gideon exhibits is respect for a power greater than himself. He exhibits this upon entering battle with the Midianites. Before he enters the battle, Gideon looks to G-d for the ‘O.K’. God tells Gideon that his army is too large, and institutes different tests to ‘weed out’ soldiers from this massive army. Unlike so many people, Gideon looked to G-d for reassurance and was able to succesfully wage war on the Midianites because of this unique leadership quality.


The last, but most significant, leadership quality Gideon exibhits, is humility. In spite of his great successes, and victories, which frequently saved the Israelites from the Midianites, Gideon remained humble. This is seen when the Israelites want to appoint Gideon and his family as the royal family of Israel, to appoint Gideon as King. Gideon declines, and says “the Lord will rule over you” (Judges 8:23). This passage shows Gideons true belief in G-d, as he recognizes that only G-d can rule over Israel. It also shows how he was able to keep his humilty, because even though he won all the wars, and one could argue that he deserved to be the King of Israel, Gideon himself understood that his victories came through G-d. Gideon did not want to rule the kingdom, he wants to help when Israel is in a time of need, which shows his true love for the nation, not for power.

The Life of Gideon by Ryan Render -

The story of Gideon is rather unique to the Tanach, because there were no direct miracles. There was divine intervention, on multiple occasions, but never were their outright miracles. However, G-d led the Israelites into war with an extremely small army, and let them win. This was to show them that G-d still existed, and that it was because of Him, they won the war. Gideon channeled G-ds energy into war. He brought a G-dly spirit into the small army, and led them to victory with G-d’s will. Even though he was partially responsible for the Israelites victories, Gideon distanced himself from the fame and fortune of victory, as he wanted to show that G-d was behind the Israelites victory.

The Life of Gideon by Ryan Render -

There are multiple themes prevalent throughout the story of Gideon. First off is power and corruption. Unlike so many Judges who fell victim to power, Gideon always maintained an immaculate balance between humility and power. Gideon did this by putting G-d first. He understood that even though he was the leader, he was appointed by G-d to save the Israelites and that the victorious outcome was due to G-d’s intervention. This allowed Gideon to stay humble, and it shows the reader that Gideon was truly committed to G-d and did not lead the people for his own benefit. The next theme which erupts in Gideon’s time, is intermarriage. Like the lives of other Judges, Gideon was appointed in a time of darkness, a time of assimilation. G-d sent Gideon because the Israelites were sinning. They bowed down to idols. They worshiped multiple G-ds. They even married outside the tribe. This was leading the Israelites into a downward spiral, thus it was vital that G-d intervened. This theme is common in the Bible, and it is even prevalent in modern times. Assimilation begins like this, and grows as follows: When times are good for the Jews, and they are given the choice to practice Judaism or not, they always tend to assimilate. However, when times are bad for the Jews, they stick together and Judaism grows. This phenomenon happened in Gideon’s times. Deborah freed the Israelites, and for forty years they lived in peace, Thus, times were good and assimilation began. Gideon was sent by G-d, to ultimately stop this trend, and bring the Israelites back to him.

The Life of Gideon by Ryan Render -

The book of Judges is fascinating as all Judges are different, but yet they are so similar. Gideon can be compared and contrasted to other Judges, as the themes prevalent in his times are not unique, and because of his leadership traits. In particular, Gideon and Samson are excellent Judges to compare. For starters, they both have rather similar leadership traits. Gideon is brave and exhibits strength throughout his life. He leads the Israelites to an amazing victory over the Midianites, and brings them back to G-d once again. Samson is also strong and brave. Even though he sometimes falls weakness to unG-dly behaviors and desires, he ultimately prevails and does what is right. Samson, on the other hand, likes power and leadership positions. Even though he, like Gideon, was appointed by G-d, he valued power. Samson loved being the leader of the Israelites, as it brought him fortune. Meanwhile, Gideon was not phased by power, and he even turns down the opportunity to become King, as he understands that the nation is truly in G-d’s hand. Next off, is the stark differences between Gideon and Samson’s personalities. Even though they were both fantastic leaders, they got to that position in completely different ways, from different backgrounds. Before being appointed by G-d, Gideon was a wine maker who sat under the shade all day. He was clearly weak and unimportant. However, Samson was a Nazir, who was great and powerful from his hair. Samson could not even drink alcohol, as he was so important. Gideon was a man who came from sin, but became G-dly. While Samson, being a Nazir, came from a position of G-dliness at birth, but fell for unG-dly desires. Samson was intrueged by women. He let this get the best of him when he went with a Philistine woman, and let her betray him by letting his guard down. All in all, readers of the Tanach can agree that the book of Judges is complex, and portrays vast themes, but yet all Judges are people of G-d who significantly altered the fabric of Jewish civilization today.

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