The Secret Wisdom Of The NEW Jewish People by Galorian  -
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The Secret Wisdom Of The NEW Jewish People

The author with the Banana Smile. Stories, such as moral stories have the power to shape mankind’s destiny. Some stories Read More
  • Joined Aug 2015
  • Published Books 79


External freedom, liberation from external frames of culture, tradition and ethnic society could lead to emptiness and complete chaos, or to a new personal creation of your life and the life of your relatives. However, it is all in your hands – in your inner strengths and your ability to act. In that manner the “I” is a potential alone, in every possible minute you can realize it and master and create your own fate; or vice versa: be a slave to destiny, circumstances, extremity.


The Ten Commandments are the lows that according to the bible were given to the people of Israel in the revelation of Sinai, and they are considered to be the prime constitution of Judaism, that all of many mitzvahs are their meaning and explanation.

Moses, our Raba, descended the Ten Commandments to the people of Israel, engraved on the tables of the Covenant with the goal that they will learn morality and elevate themselves and above others.

This guide was written with the goal to hand you with the power to surpass yourselves and above others, helping you climb the mountain holding those heavy stones so you could reach and touch the divine part in you.

The Ten Commandments become in a modern language a metaphor that means important rules to be considered and followed, and in this guide you can find them so you could reach and touch the divine part in you, with the goal to insert in you the courage to be yourself, whoever you may be, with the belief that men’s origin is from good.


This guide aims to emphasize the power of collective positive thinking, the subject of being ‘light unto the nations’, and of course the daily practice of prayer.

This guide doesn’t necessarily assume to innovate, but it presents before you what you already know in a sharp, clear and tersely way with the goal to help you realize yourselves and your dreams for best. This guide doesn’t even pretend to explain the religious meaning of the mitzvahs but, of how those are used as a moral code. It was written with the goal to bring you to see with new eyes the reality where whom you live emphasizing the basic moral values, and also to ask the questions – whether and how the society which you live follows those values? And how you yourself follow that ladder? and finally to give you the power to deal with this everyday personal conflict between instinct and moral code.


Remember! Ideas can change our life perception and our lives in general. It is enough to have one good idea to reach the top. Whereas, on the contrary a head filled with the wrong ideas can lead you into a trap that would prevent you from success. If you really truly wish to change your lives and to yield the best in you then this is the beginning and this is the time to start and make the incredible change, as this guide was written especially for you.








Exodus 20, 1’ And G-d spoke all these words, saying:


Are you suffering by seeing so many bad things happening in the world?

Did you ever dream about changing the world as it is right now?

Did you ever wonder why some global leaders have a very strong power and make a really huge impact to the world while others don’t?

Are you stuck in a situation where you don’t know how to act the right way to help both society and yourself?


I totally understand. I know that you are not alone with these thoughts which is why I decided to publish this brand new 4-part video series for free… where I reveal the 3 simple wisdoms how you can make a change in the world by following these rules.

These wisdoms have worked for generations and it should be an absolute ‘no-brainer’ to implement them into your life. So please click on the link below and learn what I have learnt after listening to the problems of thousands people that I’ve met in my life so far.

Simply click on the link below to watch my brand new 4 part video training: 

The Secret Wisdom Of The NEW Jewish People by Galorian  -
The Secret Wisdom Of The NEW Jewish People by Galorian  -
The Secret Wisdom Of The NEW Jewish People by Galorian  -
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