The Summoner’s by serenacalandri -
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The Summoner’s

  • Joined Mar 2020
  • Published Books 1
The Summoner’s by serenacalandri -

A friar goes in search of contributions promising prayers and possibility of salvation in exchange for money .

The Summoner’s by serenacalandri -

One day , this friar goes to the home of old Thomas,a wealthy but uneducated old man who has long been ill.

The friar assures Thomas that he and his brother have prayed for him every day .

The Summoner’s by serenacalandri -

When the Thomas’s wife enters in the house,the friar kisses and caresses her.Than she asks him to preach to Thomas about anger because Thomas is so unpleasant and surly.

Before leaving the wife reminds the friar that her baby has recently died .The friar pretends to know it also saying that he and the other friars saw the child transported upwards and prayed and fasted.

He also gives a long sermon on the virtues of fasting and sins of gluttony .


The friar then turns to Thomas and undertakes a long sermon on the need to avoid excessive wealth . He assures Thomas that the convent prays for him every night and also says that Thomas should donate a portion of his gold to the convent because he will feel better .

The Summoner’s by serenacalandri -

In doing so ,he makes Thomas increasingly angry until Thomas finally says he has a gift for the friar swears to share the gift with other friars .

When the friar agrees;Thomas says to him :”lower your hand under my buttocks and there you will surely find something that i have hidden”.

The friar do it but in that moment the old man emits a huge fat.

Enraged and disgusted ,the friar leaves Thomas alone .


The moral of this story is that anything can be divided equally.

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