The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -
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The Udissey


Artwork: Shunit and Yuval

  • Joined Nov 2015
  • Published Books 40

Sing to me, O muse, of that man of many troubles, Udi the king, who’s full of talents. He wandered far after he helped save the magnificent city of Lhasa. Sing through me and tell the story of his suffering, his trails and adventures, and his bloody homecoming!!!

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

It has been 10 years since the war of independence. Udi, who fought bravely to free the city of Lhasa, longed to get home. However, he was imprisoned on the island of Lala by the evil queen Madonna.

Madonna fell madly in love with Udi and would not release him from her magical palace on the island of Lala.

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

While Udi was trapped on the island, many suitors tried to win his wife’s (Shoshana) heart. Shoshana was a beautiful queen who remained faithful to her husband, though she thought he was dead.

One of the suitors, Michael, who wanted to take Udi’s place, to gain power and wealth, plotted to assassinate Udi’s son, Yossi, and force Shoshana to marry him.

Udi was unaware of the situation in his kingdom, Holliwooda, but nonetheless, wanted to get back home to his lovely family.

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

After many attempts Udi finally managed to persuade Madonna to allow him to go on a vacation. Udi assured her that he too loved her, and promised to be back in 2 weeks time.

Udi knew full well that once he gets back to his kingdom, Holliwooda, Madonna’s magical powers would have no effect on him. Therefore, he didn’t fear her wrath, once she discovers he deceived her and is not coming back.

And so, after a kiss and a hug, he turned away and without looking back started the journey home.

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

It was a long hard journey, over icy mountains, rocky valleys and dry deserts, but Udi did not quit; he fought his way through the yetis’ territory, bravely crossed the sea of monsters, and defeated the notorious centaur of the dark woods of Cali.

As he reached the boarders of his kingdom he knew that salvation, in the arms of his loved ones, is near. However, little did he know of the drama that was about to occur in his own home.

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

The evil Michael, just before dawn, when the guards of the palace were sleeping, went to the chamber of Yossi and put 2 snakes under his blanket. Luckily for Yossi, he was a light sleeper; the movements on his bed woke him up.

He immediately jumped out of his bed and reached for his sword. The surprised Michael drew his sword as well and a bloody fight began. Yossi was not known for his fighting skills, but unexplained strength filled his body. After only a few short minutes, Michael found himself bleeding on the floor. His last thoughts before dying were on how his genius plot failed.

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

Shaken from the battle, Yossi rushed to his mother’s chamber and woke her up; stun by his appearance, she began crying. They both knew that such battles could occur again in the future, and agreed that actions must to be taken.


The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

As Yossi and Shoshana cried for their bitter fate, a servant brought them news of an old man standing at the palace gates.

Hoping it would be the long lost Udi, they rushed out and looked at the man; he was old and sad looking, with a long beard, in ragged clothes and old boots. They could not believe that he was Udi. They did not truly recognize him.

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

Noticing their puzzled looks and the other men that were gathering at the palace yard, the man suddenly pulled up his sleeve and reveled a mark on his arm.

It was the royal king’s mark. The man has given them a proof that he was Udi!

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -

To their astonished glances, Udi then talked: “There is nothing more admirable than when two people who see eye to eye keep house as man and wife, amazing their enemies and delighting their friends.”

Shoshana and Yossi knew right then and there that this man is in fact their Udi. Finally, peace has been restored to the land of Holliwooda.

The Udissey by tina - Illustrated by Shunit and Yuval  -
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