Keep on Smiling Jeff! by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג -
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Keep on Smiling Jeff!

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1552

Very skinny Jeff always smiles. 

Very skinny Jeff always smiles

Hagai wrote him a very sad story about two tadpoles who never became frogs. Very skinny Jeff still smiled. 

Hagai Choen working on a story

I showed him a bowl of delicious blueberries. Then I ate every single one of them. Right in front of him.  But very skinny Jeff kept smiling. 

A bowl of delicious blueberries

Very skinny Jeff spent two weeks in my office. He didn’t eat, he didn’t sleep. But he kept right on smiling.

Very skinny Jeff Pulver spent two weeks in my office

So I had an idea. I took Jeff out of my office. I put him in the elevator and pressed all the buttons. He went up and down all day. But even that didn’t stop him from smiling.

Very skinny Jeff Pulver in the elevator

In the end nothing seemed to help. So there was no alternative. I took Jeff to see Handless Hank.

a conversation between two mannequins, very skinny Jeff and Handless Hank

Handless Hank told Jeff his sad story. About how he cut himself offhandedly.

Handless Hank tells Very skinny Jeff Pulver how he cut himself offhandedly

Very skinny Jeff told Handless Hank that life involves overcoming challenges, making the best of every situtation. And smiling. Always smiling.

Very skinny Jeff smiled. Hank didn’t.

Very skinny Jeff meets Handless Hank

Jeff said goodbye to Handless Hank. 

I took him back to my office. He kept smiling. Finally I understood.

Very skinny Jeff smiling

So I smiled too.

The real Mel Rosenberg in a selfie with the cardboard cutout of Jeff Pulver

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