Walter the Water Droplet by Hrishi  - Illustrated by Brevyn Morrisey and Payton White -
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Walter the Water Droplet


Artwork: Brevyn Morrisey and Payton White

  • Joined Sep 2021
  • Published Books 1



This is Walter the Water Droplet.

I’m going on a trip with my family to the lake on top of a really tall mountain!

We’re gonna become Precipitation! I have never been there, I wonder how it will be!

Walter the Water Droplet by Hrishi  - Illustrated by Brevyn Morrisey and Payton White -

Whoah! That trip took a while, but we just landed in the Lake!


It’s pretty crowded, but I think we can get used to this!


It’s really hot though, I wonder if we will Condence soon.




Walter the Water Droplet by Hrishi  - Illustrated by Brevyn Morrisey and Payton White -

The sun came to heat us up with it’s Heat Energy, and we started to Evaporate, and we turned into Water Vapor!

Now we are in the sky, and we are part of a cloud!

There are so many cool Water Molecules up here, but we can’t stay here for long.

We are getting heavier and Gravity is going to pull us down!

Walter the Water Droplet by Hrishi  - Illustrated by Brevyn Morrisey and Payton White -

Woah, we now landed in a pond! We saw so many cool animals, like Frogs, Fish, and Turtles! We even saw a dog!


But it was getting a lot hotter as the days passed. I really hope we don’t Evaporate soon, because this is by far my favorite part of the trip!


But We started to evaporate really quickly, and I was sad we were leaving.

Walter the Water Droplet by Hrishi  - Illustrated by Brevyn Morrisey and Payton White -

Now we are up in the clouds at our house. We were sad that the trip wasn’t too long, but it was super fun while it lasted, and I hope we can do something like this again!

Walter the Water Droplet by Hrishi  - Illustrated by Brevyn Morrisey and Payton White -




Main Artist — Brevyn Morrisey

Secondary Artist — Payton White


Main Text:

Main Story Builder — Hrishi Kondiboyina

Assistant Story Builder — Payton White


Copyright 2021 Brevyn Foundation©

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