Yatika’s Poetry Book by Yatika Bhardwaj - Illustrated by Yatika - Ourboox.com
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Yatika’s Poetry Book


Artwork: Yatika

  • Joined May 2017
  • Published Books 2

Table Of Contents:

Creature Alliteration Poem

All About Me Poem

Haiku Poem

Acrostic Poem

Limerick Poem

Color Poem

Yatika’s Poetry Book by Yatika Bhardwaj - Illustrated by Yatika - Ourboox.com

Creature Alliteration Poem

This is a parrotian.

A parrotian lives in pacey pasty Paris

A parrotian eats passionfruit,paprika and packham pear

The parrotian’s best friend is Paige the parakeet

A parrotian wants to be a party pademelon

I once had a parrotian and he made my house out of  peaceful paint 

Yatika’s Poetry Book by Yatika Bhardwaj - Illustrated by Yatika - Ourboox.com

All About Me Poem



Sibling of Yashita

Loves her family

Fears Spiders and wasps

Needs to be hyper everyday

Give encouragement

Would like to see Los Angeles

Resident of Hackensack,NJ


Yatika’s Poetry Book by Yatika Bhardwaj - Illustrated by Yatika - Ourboox.com

Haiku Poem

Kids go out to play

It was as hot as Venus

While adults relax

Yatika’s Poetry Book by Yatika Bhardwaj - Illustrated by Yatika - Ourboox.com

Acrstic Poem

My best teacher
She is beautiful

And pretty
New to BASCS

Yatika’s Poetry Book by Yatika Bhardwaj - Illustrated by Yatika - Ourboox.com

Limerick Poem

I had a good book

And the book wanted to cook

I said no

So he put on a bow

That is why he sits by the nook

Yatika’s Poetry Book by Yatika Bhardwaj - Illustrated by Yatika - Ourboox.com

Color Poem


Orange is my favorite color

Orange is a type of fruit

Orange is a color of cheetos

Orange is the color of California Poppies

Orange smells like fresh ocean breeze

Orange tastes like fresh orange juice

Orange sounds like birds singing their beautiful song in Hawaii

Orange looks like the beautiful sunset above the blue ocean

Orange feels like fresh cocktail sliding into my mouth

Orange makes want to dance,sing, and do a lot of other crazy things

Orange is the best color in the world

Yatika’s Poetry Book by Yatika Bhardwaj - Illustrated by Yatika - Ourboox.com
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