About Ourboox

What is Ourboox?

Ourboox is the world’s simplest free platform for creating and sharing flipbooks of any genre, in any language. Our page-flipping e-books are easy to create, edit and share. Books can include text, images, video, maps, games, puzzles and more.

Authors can create books from scratch or simply upload pdf files and turn them into books in seconds. Readers can access books on laptops, mobile phones and tablets. Check out our FAQs and resource catalog

Ourboox believes in helping writers, illustrators, teachers and students create and share content of interest. We believe in saving trees. Our books have been read over twenty million times without destroying a single tree! Read all our core values here.

Please sign up and join us now! Create your own free books! Give hearts and leave comments. There are also many benefits for premium authors. Check them out here.

Who are we?

Ourboox was founded by Prof. Mel Rosenberg, writer, scientist, inventor and musician and Ran Shternin, leading web developer. Shuli Sapir-Nevo, poet, author and administrator with over twenty years experience in management, serves as CEO.

Our advisory board includes highly successful industry leaders, writers and visionaries: Alon Cohen, Jeff Pulver, Avi Yaron, Asher Grinbaum, Avi Shechter, Tal Givoly, Uri Levanon, Stephen Pohlmann, Roi Shternin and Keren Dobkovsky.  Yoav Itamar is advising us on content.  Allon Sasson is advising us on business development. Amy Huesgen is our library consultant and contest coordinator.

How did it all start?

In March 2009, Mel Rosenberg attended the Bologna children’s book fair. He returned with the idea of a  simple and free web platform where authors of picture books could share their work with one another and the world. In mid-2013, Mel met Ran Shternin, a web developer guru who immediately connected with this  vision. Within months, Ran developed an ingeniously simple, proprietary platform.

Ourboox was introduced to the world at conferences in Munich (DLD) and London (BETT) in January, 2014. Since then our growing community has created over 300,000 beautiful page flipping e-books.




  • 292,188 Members
  • 313,141 Published Books
  • 130 Genres
  • 28 Languages
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