The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

by Itay Kurland

Artwork: Mark Twain

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


Artwork: Mark Twain

  • Joined Feb 2021
  • Published Books 1
  1. I chose this picture for the cover of the book because it shows two childhood friends, sitting on the grass barefoot like kids do in a rural area 

5. Tom is an orphan boy who lives with his aunt Polly. Tom’s dream is to be a pirate and he is always looking for adventures. During one of his adventures he witnessed a murder committed by Injun Joe. In order to forget about the murder he goes with his best friend Huck to find a treasure. At the end of the story Tom and Huck find 1000 gold coins, so they become rich. There is also a love story between Tom and Becky, the new girl at school.


6.Tom is a mischievous boy with an active imagination who spends most of the novel getting himself, and often his friends, into and out of trouble. Despite his mischief, Tom has a good heart and a strong moral conscience

Aunt Polly is a kindhearted, rather simple old woman who takes her responsibility for Tom and his half-brother Sid very seriously. Employing whacks on the head with her thimble, frequent scoldings, and the quoting of Scripture, Aunt Polly tries, unsuccessfully, to force Tom to abandon his high-spirited ways.


 My least favorite character is the son of the town’s drunk, Huck is a juvenile outcast who is shunned by respectable society and adored by the local boys, who envy his freedom. Like Tom, Huck is highly superstitious, and both boys are always ready for an adventure. Huck gradually replaces Tom’s friend Joe Harper as Tom’s sidekick in his escapades I dont love him because he stupid kid


7.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book to read for anyone who loves classic stories. It is about a naughty boy named Tom doing a lot of mischievous tricks and risky adventures. He has a brother named Sid and a sister named Mary. Aunt Polly, who takes care of Tom, loves him even though he is a firebrand.

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