The Gnuish New Year by Mel Rosenberg - מל רוזנברג - Illustrated by Rotem Omri -
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The Gnuish New Year


Artwork: Rotem Omri

After fruitful careers as a scientist and inventor I've gone back to what I love most - writing children's books Read More
  • Joined Oct 2013
  • Published Books 1558

The second Friday

Of November

For as long as I remember,

Is the Gnu Year

Of the Gnus



Every year,

The Gnus appear,

From here and there and

There and here

In rain or shine, in snow or sleet,

By plane, by train, on foot, on feet,

From all of seven continents,

For their Gnu Year Conference.


Gnus of the East, gnus of the West,

Gnus in pajamas, those better dressed,

Gnus on the go and gnus in the know,

City gnus, pretty gnus,

Witty gnus and gritty gnus,

Hippy gnus (without a penny),

Whiny gnus (like my Aunt Penny),

Gnus from Manhattan and gnus from Queens,

Older gnus and gnus in their teens,

Gnus that smell, but not so swell,

Gnus of color, green and bluish,

Even gnus that don’t look gnuish,


It’s such a jolly haimish crowd,

And it’s quite safe,

No cats allowed!


Candy hearts, apple tarts,

Teddy bears,

Balloons and darts,

Roller coasters,

Funny posters,

Zebras wearing leotards,

Fortune tellers,

Clowns with hats,

Tarot cards,

And acrobats,

Hippos dancing,

Rhinos prancing,

Gnus romancing

How ‘bout that?


The smaller gnus

Do as they choose

The grown up ones

Sit down and shmooze,

Which means they sit and chew the fat,

They talk ‘bout this, they talk ‘bout that.


At a quarter to three

They all gather to see

Is, the star of the Gnus,

On a giant tv.


(If you choose

to gnoogle,

Or search


You’ll discover that Is,

Is the darling of media,

The toppest name,

The gnu of fame,

The gnuish Wiz

Is Is,

He just is.)


With the setting sun,

The day is done,

The Gnus of the World all say goodbye

With a tearful eye

And a gnuish sigh,


After that they kiss and hug,

Wash with water from a jug,

And go back home on foot, on feet,

And wait a year, till again they meet.


Thank you for reading my book!

If you like it, you might also want to read other children’s books that I’ve written and Rotem Omri has illustrated. For example:

Gloomeris the Serious Laughing Hyena Meets Dr. Cluck

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