Teenage Dinosaurs by Hilly - Ourboox.com
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Teenage Dinosaurs


  • Joined May 2023
  • Published Books 1

Chapter 1

It was just an ordinary day after school, when Emily, Jax and Cloe found a tree house on their way home. Jax said: “Umm, that’s weird! That tree house wasn’t there before, I wonder what’s inside?” So, like sheep in a herd, both Emily and Cloe followed Jax into the tree house. In the tree house they saw a big library with lots of old books. They started walking to the books, but they didn’t realize they were standing on a weird symbol. Suddenly, the symbol started glowing, the tree house started spinning, and the floor started to suck them in. Cloe shouted: “Jax! Save me!” But he didn’t reply, his whole body was sucked in already. Then, Cloe and Emily both got sucked in after him.

Teenage Dinosaurs by Hilly - Ourboox.com

Chapter 2

Emily woke up seeing both of her colleagues, her crush – Jax, and her foe – Cloe, still unconscious, but something was off order. She looked at them again speechless and was shocked to see her friends were dinosaurs! She looked down at her hands and saw two twisted clews and Emily understood she was a dinosaur too. She started screaming waking Cloe and Jax up. Jax open his new reptile eyes, but kept it calm. “Wow! I look so manly!”, he said. Cloe, on the other hand, was crying: “I’m so ugly!!!”. Emily tried to calm Cloe down, but through her dinosaur tears Cloe whispered to Jax: “Do you still love me? Looking so hideous?”. “I will ‘always’ love you…”. Jax replied, while his jagged tongue sticks out. Emily said in an annoyed tone: “Hi love birds! Can you stop acting so lovey-dovey and focus on the fact that we don’t know where we are, how to return home, and why we all look like pre-historic reptiles!?!”

Teenage Dinosaurs by Hilly - Ourboox.com

Chapter 3

Cloe was silent but looked ahead, watching a large red dinosaur with black eyes standing 30 feet in front of them. He walked slowly towards them and introduced himself as Drake. Cloe surprised herself, as the first thought that came to her mind was that Drake is hot. “His teeth are so sharp, and his tail is so scaley”, she thought, “Jax would have kill for a strong tail like that.” Ironically, Emily had the same thought about Jax. “Is my new dinosaur mind taking control over my feelings?” she thought. Emily, tried to avoid these thoughts, so she asked Drake if they can travel to his house. In response, Drake said: “Yes, of course, let’s all walk to my cave. It is nearby.”

Teenage Dinosaurs by Hilly - Ourboox.com

Chapter 4

Drake must have been guiding them in circles, because their trip through the jungle was longer than expected. Emily thought that he did it in purpose, because Drake and Cloe had a very long conversation. Finally, they made it to his cave. Cloe said: “After I talked a lot with Drake during the trip, we are now together, so you two, can have fun.” Jax and Emily stood perplexed, with their dino-jaws wide-open, but then Drake said: “Well, you don’t have all the time to have fun, because we’re going to eat you!” Jax whispered to Emily: “we must run and find the tree house!”

Teenage Dinosaurs by Hilly - Ourboox.com

Chapter 5

They run as the wind. After a long search, they finally spotted the tree house. Climbing rapidly, they encountered the weird symbol on the floor. They stood on the symbol and like before, the tree house started to spin and shake and they found themselves back home – humans again. They searched for a way to erase the symbol, to block the way to the dinosaur world. “Are we ok with leaving Cloe behind?” asked Emily. Jax mattered: “Cloe had a dinosaur heart when she was a human… We’re actually making her a favor” They used an eraser, and the symbol was quickly erased. Tired, they sat down under the tree, their backs leaning one on the other. “Emily,” Jax said, “when Cloe said you like me – was that true?” “Yes…”, Emily mumbled, “but I hoped to tell you that myself.” and then she kissed him, and his head span around just like the tree house did…

Teenage Dinosaurs by Hilly - Ourboox.com
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