Annabelle Zeus
3 p.- Text 6 p. - Questions 7 p. - Idioms 17 p. - Exercise
Annabelle Zeus and Phillip Jolie are a couple. They live in Oxford among old-fashioned surroundings. It is a place that make Annabelle feel afraid.
Annabelle and Phillip often quarrel because Annabelle is a big mouth and always tells friends secrets about their life together, for example that in the morning Phillip has dragon mouth and she can’t even speak to him face to face.
One day their lives changed because they decided to express their accumulated grievances to each other.
Annabelle started.
“Phillip, you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth and you never had to worry about money. You change cars in a moment, your hobby is playing at a casino, drinking alcohol and danicng with girls. And me, working days and nights to buy a dress I like.”
“My sugar Belle, don’t be so stuffy! You know I’ll become the future President. I’m building important connections. I’ll buy you thousands of pretty dresses.”
“You are all mouth and no trousers, Phillip. You never keep your promises!”
“You are so toxic, Annabelle! Why are you bad-mouthing me again and again? I don’t like it.”
They looked at each other with sad feelings Eventually, she took a deep breath.
“I’m sorry,” began Annabelle in an apologetic tone, “but I don’t feel the same way, and I never will. I just don’t love you Phillip.”
Annabelle could actually hear Phillip’s emotions shatter into 8688 pieces. Then the violent Bad-Mouth hurried away into the distance.
Not even a glass of wine would calm Annabelle’s nerves tonight.

1) What was the cause of their quarrel?
2) Do you consider the end of the story to be unexpected? Explain your opinion.
3) What does Phillip claim his future holds, and how does he respond to Annabelle’s accusation that he never keeps his promises?
4) How does Annabelle ultimately express her feelings towards Phillip, and what is his reaction to her statement?
5) What do you think will help Annabelle and Philip improve their relationship?
6) Do you know someone who born with a silver spoon in his/her mouth ? Is he/she a good person?
7) How did Annabel’s life turn out after breaking up with Philip?
Idioms from the text
A Big Mouth
a person who talks too much or a person who tells confidential information to others.
Use In A Sentence:
Jessica is such a big mouth. Did you know that she told everyone that Steve and I are a couple?

All Mouth And No Trousers
Meaning: (British English)
a boastful person. Usually, used to refer to someone who never lives up to their boastful claims.
Use In A Sentence: He said he was going to nail that account, but he never did. He is all mouth and no trousers in my mind.

to speak negatively about something or someone.
Use In A Sentence:
I wish she would stop bad-mouthing my boyfriend. She doesn’t even know him.

To Be Born With A Silver Spoon In One’s Mouth
to be born into a wealthy family.
Use In A Sentence:
I haven’t seen him work one day in his life. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and he has never had to worry about money.

Dragon Mouth
used to say that a person has bad-smelling breath.
Use In A Sentence:
No one wants to work with Scott because he always has dragon mouth.

Fill the gaps with right idioms:
A Big Mouth, To Be Born With A Silver Spoon In One’s Mouth, all mouth and no trousers, bad mouth
1.Jane loves to brag about her business plans, but when it comes to actually starting one, she’s _______.
2.Sarah is so used to privilege and luxury that she often forgets what it’s like to ___________ like the rest of us.
3.Susan: I don’t understand why people ___________ their colleagues. It’s better to focus on our own performance.
David: You’re right. Gossiping and ___________ others only creates a negative environment at work.
4.Sarah couldn’t keep the secret about the surprise party. She accidentally let it slip during lunch. She really has _________.
Published: Oct 19, 2023
Latest Revision: Oct 19, 2023
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