Once again🐚
So once again
You’ll leave
And again you’ll return
To sing to my shells
As you break apart
And curl up
Like the sea
You’ll bring unto me
All the treasures of your heart
You will whisper, you will cry
You will come like a storm
as you fill my body
with love

Tell me 🌹
My ears are soft
Listening to the melody
Of your beautiful lies
Tell me
whatever you want
About love

On that street 🌨️
Signs of love
that street
like lanterns in the evening
A cloudburst rained
Drops of happiness
Over our heads.
If only I could
Hold on to them
For one more

In a faraway city ☔
Along streets of Graffiti
In a faraway city
I picked raindrops
and winter smells
That were dripping
Onto your neck
Then I saw How
Your moist eyes
Stopped the time
That we had
I wanted us to stay
Across the sunrise of the Acropolis,
At night to drink
Mastic Tears
And dance Zeibekiko
As long as
Your eyes are
Still moist
Shall We Dance? 🔥
Shall we dance,
In the dark.
All our yes
And no,
The distance that dose
Tear us apart
And unite us
Shall we dance,
My love,
My stranger,
In the shallow water
To escape
Or in the deep ocean
To capture
A wild passion
Ripping up our clothes
Of Silence
Revealing the very
First seduction
The very first

My longings 🦋
My longings stretch across
The endless summer,
The sea shells that
I left behind,
The sands I never touched
And the waves that never
*Translated by Mel Rosenberg

To Write Words 🥀
To write words
That have a key
To get into his home,
Into his room
And there, under the blanket
To undress quietly
In the darkness of his

Orpheus, tell me more 🎶
God of the words and the music
This night
We will celebrate our reunion
As long as the moon blooms
I will wear nothing
But my heart
Spread around me
To your silky words
I will listen
Like a desert that is dying
To listen to the sea
Tell me more about love
This one that only you can have
And capture it for eternity
With the golden strings
Of your bouzouki
Tell me more about love
This one that has no skies
Or earth
To live
And let me now
Dance for you
All my existence

Give me sweet or bitter 🍷
Come on
It’s after midnight
Give me sweet, bitter, or dry
All the wine that you have
Play with me in the dark
Play with me fire
Do not worry
My head is not here
My heart is asleep
I am yours for good
And for bad
Put a mask on my face
Tie my eyes
Take my hands, my lips
My night
Let’s forget the loneliness
The pain
Let’s erase the tears
from the words
And play

It is soon August 🍹
It is soon August my love,
What could we do this summer?
Let it go.
After all,
It is soon August my love,
On its horizon, I once painted the stars
I had a sea
I had an island
And lost them both
Once I had a bottle of Mythos
And Bouzouki music
That made me dance
my soul
With tears

Teach me 🐚
God of the oceans and the seas
Teach me to read the sea
Teach me to read the sand
Teach me the storm
Teach me the
And let me be
A barefoot shell
Waiting for
Your waves

🌊When Poseidon talks
When Poseidon speaks to me
From his Aegean Sea
I listen.
His words are galloping
And turquoise
He knows
I will bend on my knees
Praying for his beauty
On his shores
And I will wait for him
To wet
My heart

In front of your sea, Poseidon ⚓
In front of your sea
Where you undressed
My soul
And showed me
Your divine power
Make me drunk with Mythological wine
And make me yours
For one day
As long as
I live

I Asked💧
I asked,
Don’t step on the rain
We’ll tread between the drops
Maybe in this field
Waiting for us
Is love
Still wild,
Which we haven’t yet

Kostas tells me🌷
Kostas tells me
About an Indonesian flower
That blooms and lives
Only one night
Doesn’t close its eyes
And gets drunk
Drop by drop
Second after second
From the honey jar of love
Until it doesn’t mind dying
At dawn
And I don’t know
If it’s something that
Kostas invented
Or a real thing
But I don’t care at all
As long as he believes in it
And I believe him
And there isn’t any
Google search
To erase the fantasies.
Kostas tells me
And I believe him
As we walk down
The streets of Athens
In December
And the lights above
Hang like shining stars
Around the city’s neck
And I know, this is how
True legends
Come true

You haven’t seen 💃
Three glasses of wine
Spinning in her head
And love
That passed
You haven’t seen her dancing
You haven’t seen
You went outside
Looking for distant stars
In hot July nights
And in your hands
A bottle of iced water
And an empty heart

In my suitcase 🌈
In my suitcase
Colorful scarves
Curl up
On the music pillow
Of Umm Kulthum
And when the heart
Translates the song
“Houbi eh”-what is this Love?
Bare feet I dance
Miles of

Don’t believe in words 🍂
Don’t believe in words
They wear make-up
Sophisticated masks
They are naked
Only in poems
Where they are
And have no mercy

The Sea of October 🐬
It’s okay to be quiet
And gray
To withdraw
Into the abyss
It’s okay
To close your spectacular shows
Even the big sea
Sometimes needs
To dive.

Another City🌜
I want
Another City
For a week
For a day
For an hour
This one that her winter scents
Are mixed up with cups of coffee and ouzo
This one that lights on
A stolen moon for me
In the middle of the day
And at night her bouzouki
Wakes up the sleeping

Spring 🌷
There will always be spring
Said the sparrow
To the naked tree
But first,
We must pass
The winter

I collect🍂
I collect the
The last golden days
Of October
In my hands
Before the rain
Before the storm
Will come
My love
The journeys that we did not make
This summer
Are folded
And with them
The silent summer moon
Sometime After the winter
We will sail to a small island
And we will relearn
The language of love
Jaffa plays 🥀
Jaffa casts
A fishnet over me
With its beautiful colors
Trying to calm down my longing
That is sailing
To another sea
Jaffa plays with us
Magical hide-and-seek
To continue dreaming
To keep smiling behind the masks
That stopped the beautiful circles
Of our planet
The year 2019 was a year of honey
Made by the queen bee
Now we are bees with broken wings
Licking the leftovers of Life
September is coming 🍁
September is coming
To close the summer
Do not rush to open the door
Maybe we still have time
To celebrate
Over a bottle of wine
To steal a warm night
At some beach
Maybe we’ll see the moon
Swimming in the sea
We will steal its clothes
And run away
Maybe we will forget
what we have become
And touch as before
Without any fear
That love
Will hurt
Memories from Rhodes 🩵
In some small island
Where my heart
long time ago

Descends from the top floor
Of the winter
His eyes are green
The last raindrops are dripping
On his coat
And a scent of citrus flowers
Blows on his neck
He Spreads the grey hair of the winter
He lights colors and aromas in the fields
He plays with the bees
Until they melt into
Honey at his

On the last day ⛈️
The sky turned gray
The storm is coming
So they said
And the sea and I
We were waiting silently.
It was on the last day
My heart sank
Into a small piece
Of wrinkled paper
With letters of love
That has been erased
Dark swallows circled above
And dotted the sky
With tears.

Talks with the sea 🐦⬛
Have you brought me
From the beautiful land
Of the gods?
Is Poseidon still painting Turquoise
In the Aegean Sea?
Is Dionysus still
Picking plum grapes and
Turning them
Into misty red wine
Is Eros still shooting his arrows
To capture gullible Hearts?
Are the bouzouki’s strings still
Crying for love
And a barefoot moon is
Dancing at night
To their melodies
Shedding a tear
When no one can see?
Tell me,
What should I do with my longings?
They wait like ships, ready
To cross the horizon
Have not known
The wind in their sails
For so long?

Two streets from here ⛈️
Two streets from here
It was winter
And you came in
You abandoned Yourself
In my arms
Like the pounding rain
Exploding your loneliness.
And you sought Shelter in me
In those moments
You would have been Prepared
To cry and to leave,
Knowing that this is
As close as it gets
And yet you cannot Stay

We Will Continue 🎼
You will continue to play your music
I will continue to write poems
At night we will share the moon
Half for you
And half for me
But never full.
You will drink your bitter whisky
I will have dry wine
We will listen to songs that we love
In deferent hours
And maybe we will miss
Each Other
And yet, we will never cross
The time
That separates
Between us
Don’t collect 🐚
Don’t collect any more Shells
They lose
The smell of the sea
When they wake up
At home

It has been ages since 🖊️
It has been ages since
There were stamps
For love letters
Once the hand would tremble
While writing them
Knowing that
It’s impossible
To delete
The sweet mistakes
Of the heart

I prefer ⏲️
I prefer
The old records
When you could see
The hand of the
Record player
From each word of

There is
Fresh paint
Of love
On the bench
If you sit down
With me
You will not be able
To leave

There are not enough letters 🖊️
Sometimes It looks to me
Like there are not enough letters
For the word love
This love that has so many faces
This one that is traveling away
Or getting closer, chasing, or hiding
This one that is crying, or cuddling
And living restless all the time
This one that is falling
Or flying
Blooming or stabbing
This one that you want from me
This one that I’m asking
From you.

The Crimson Bloom🥀
When the crimson bloom
Will come to an end
I will miss walking down the street
Whose road signs are
Small sunsets of red flowers
This tree is called Callistemon,
A name that doesn’t match
The burning ruby needles
That’s why I will call it
The crimson tree
This one who paints with passion
The falling rain
And my longings

Tell me Pythia 🍂
Tell me Pythia,
Where his eyes are sailing
Is another sea
Spreading a blue net
For him
Have I lost him
In some unknown season
Should I come
To your Oracle
Do you have another answer
As I know my spells
Are falling

We are ✨
We are
Two planets
In Space
Circling round each other
Now and then
And colliding
In the darkness.
* Translated by Mel Rosenberg

The world 💫
”The world doesn’t turn
Around us”,
He said.
And the star of love heard him
Then it folded its light
Shut its heart
And left the galaxy
After all,
What is a tiny star of love
In a universe
Of big stars?

While you are sleeping 🌔
While you are sleeping
When you are drunk
When you aren’t paying
Any attention
I will tell you
Words that don’t exist
In daylight
That are not afraid
To reveal themselves
That you’ll remember
When you
Wake up

I covet turquoise💙
I covet turquoise
From the Aegean Sea
That I am in love with.
Stolen waters are
And I paint with them
My dreams.
I have an immortal affair
With the Greek Gods
They whisper to me love words
That don’t exist in any other tongue,
Till I don’t want to wake up

Let’s pretend 🎭
I am pulling out
The golden strings
That the sun
Over the Aegean Sea
Before traveling
To another sea.
The wine of the night
Will come to delete
Whatever sanity
We have left
Let’s pretend that
You are Poseidon
And I got lost
Before you go🌊
Before you go
To another season
Before you sail
To another sea
You leave me some
Sands with your
Summer bare footsteps
And shells
Full of

Tell me a story
Don’t go.
Tell me a story
Before bedtime,
Once upon a time
We had a moon
And stars
And a blanket of feathers
To fly
Tell me,
And do not turn off
The lights

Published: Feb 3, 2024
Latest Revision: Feb 3, 2024
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-1545469
Copyright © 2024
Another beautiful book of yours! So touching and heartfelt. Congratulations!
A thousand thanks to you and Ran for inventing and building this wonderful site! I’m in love with OURBOOX!❤️🩷💜💙💚💛