Mr.know All by majdy dabbah - Illustrated by majdy dabbah -
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Mr.know All


Artwork: majdy dabbah

  • Joined Nov 2016
  • Published Books 2

Author : majdy dabbah

the story : Mr.know All

by : majdy

(a post reading activity).




The story takes place in international waters on an ocean going liner sailing from San Fracisco, U.S.A to Yokohama, Japan  on the Pacific ocean after the first world war.


The story talks about the narrator that he was in the room with a man that his name is mr.know all (mr. kelada)on the ship.



Mr. Kelada was a person that seemed to know everything and was involved in everything, not sensing that he was disliked by everybody. He was very chatty and talked as if he had been superior to everybody else. The passengers

mocked him and called him Mr. Know – All even to his face.


There was another dogmatic person on the ship – Mr. Ramsay and his wife.

One evening, the conversation drifted to the subject of pearls. As Mrs. Ramsay was wearing a string of pearls, Mr. Kelada announced that it certainly was a genuine one which had probably cost many thousands of dollars.


He was ready to bet a hundred dollars on it. Mr. Ramsay, on the other hand, was sure that his wife had bought it for 18 dollars in a department store. When Mr. Know – All took out a magnifying glass from his pocket, he noticed a desperate appeal in Mrs. Ramsay’s eyes. He then realized that Mrs. Ramsay got the pearls from her lover.



after that mr.know all tells to mr.ramsay about his wife then mr.ramsay goes to his wife and killed him.

when mr.know all knows about this he feels that he is a bad man and decides to sail lonely in  the small boat after that he dies in the sea .

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