Hurricanes are a powerful storm that last for days.

Hurricanes form in water near tropical areas, for an example, Florida.

Hurricanes happen about once a year, in between late spring and early fall.

Hurricanes last for days, have a ton of damage, and high wind speeds.

Hurricanes lose power immediately when they hit land.

Over 1/3 of cats and dog owners don’t have a disaster preparedness plan

The most powerful storm was Hurricane Patricia and reached up to 215 mile per hour.

The Great Miami Hurricane killed 373 people and more than 1,800 injuries.
The hurricane was in 1926, so the picture is black and white >>>>>

Tropical Hurricane John lasted a month

The first hurricane happened in 1943, causing people to fly in it, during world II

Hurricane Patricia had the most powerful wind speed and was the worst storm in history.

Published: Dec 16, 2016
Latest Revision: Dec 20, 2016
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-212045
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