My FeeLinGs by IkRaMiTa-Zi -
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My FeeLinGs

  • Joined Nov 2017
  • Published Books 1

In My Pretty Life I … SomeTimes Feel Like I Need To Die Cause I Have NoThing To Do …!

When I Love SomeOne He Leave With No GoodBye I Feel Like I Hope To Not Born …!

That My FeelinGs When That Hapen In My Life I Still Cry But It’s Doesen’T Work With Me !!

But Why ?? Why Me ?? I Don’T UnderstanDe That It’s Look Like Easy For The PeopLe But For Me ….

It’s Very Hard PleaSe Don’T Let Me FeeL Like I’m A Sad PrisoNer In My Life

My HeaRt Is Very BleeDing So Don’T Try To Do More Cause I’m DoNe

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