by shiraz maximov
Copyright © 2018
Amelia is Mr. Rogers’s servant and sometimes she does not decipher the things she hears.
One day Mr. Rogers and Mrs. Rogers left the house and left Amelia with many tasks and the first task was to bake bread.

She made the batter but instead of putting it in the oven she hung it on the lamp.

The second task was to clean the hostage. She took a cleaning broom and instead of throwing it in the trash she stored the dirt in the box and left it open.

The third task was to plant flowers in the garden. She bought flowers and instead of planting them in the ground she put them in pots and placed them in the garden.

The fourth task was to bake a cake. She prepared the whipped cream and instead of preparing the batter she put a sponge and spread the whipped cream on it. In addition she made a punch cake and instead of putting it in the refrigerator she left it on the shelf outside.

The fifth task was to design the door of the house she bought fabrics and sewed them on the door that was very strange.

She looked at the list and began to check. She did everything !!! She arranged a table and waited.

Mr. and Mrs. Rogers came home and were amazed and angry. They sat down to eat and Amalia offered them terrible food after the terrible meal. They went to Amalia and asked her why she did not make the list and saw that she was sitting on the floor covered with bread.

They laughed and said, “Next time you’ll read good and follow the instructions you do not have to invent.”
THE ENDֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֱֲ.

Published: Apr 29, 2018
Latest Revision: Apr 29, 2018
Ourboox Unique Identifier: OB-469293
Copyright © 2018